Do any vegetarians / vegans here have any actual knowledge of farming?!


Do any vegetarians / vegans here have any actual knowledge of farming?

I asked the following question here:;...

I find it really quite stunning that a lot of vegetarians and vegans have absolutely no idea about normal farming practices and animal behaviour. For something that you rally against so hard, why do most seemingly have no knowledge of the "enemy"?

In particular, I find it strange that people see eating eggs as "stealing". It's not. The chickens simply lay them and then get on with the rest of their lives. Many never even go broody (a hormonal change which causes a hen to want to raise chicks). If I didn't remove the eggs, then they would pile up, preventing the hens from laying in their favourite spot. Whilst we're at it, the eggs would go rotten and eventually explode, which wouldn't be nice for the hens.

PS I'm a vegetarian, and I don't support factory farming in any way shape or form, I am simply talking about farm animal behaviour.

I’m sorry, but it sounds to me like you got exactly what you wanted out of that question. You listed off all your justifications for what you are doing. You asked if vegans could “find any form of cruelty” and told them they had to “justify” it, which sounds like you wanted everyone to agree with you or you wanted a battle.

Most people thought what you were doing is fine, but you didn’t seem to care about that. Instead you felt the need to battle and argue with everyone who disagreed with you. Honestly, people who are at peace with their actions do not act that way every time someone disagrees with them, and they do not seek out people to confirm their beliefs and justify their stance when they disagree.

The first person who answered was a meat eater who spouted of his stereotypes of how people would answer.
The second person agreed that your actions were fine. Third is a well-known troll. I have no idea what the forth said. Etc..
Overall, 8 people thought you were fine (one of whom stating that as long as your pets are fine with it)
So that is 8 yes, 2 trolls, 1 presumptuous meat eater, and 2 people who disagreed. So what is the problem?

In spite of this, you still felt the need to argue with most people. You also made sure you selected the answer that agreed with your stance as well as insulted the other answerers because agreement wasn’t good enough. And then when you responded to your Best Answer, you still felt the need to throw in one more jab at those who answered your question. And when that still wasn’t enough, you felt the need to post a second question making sure everyone had a chance to confirm your belief that those who disagree with you are clueless.

I don’t usually answer those who only hear what they want to, and I am sure I will regret making an exception now just as I have regretted other exceptions… But perhaps you need to rethink your views and how you handle those who disagree with you. Perhaps if you felt more confident in your decisions you would not feel the need to act this way.

And yes, most vegans do know about farming. Just because they take a different moral stance then you based off the information does not make them clueless; it makes them different.


It wasn't alot,it was only two people,one of them "Justin Sane" I doubt he is even vegan if you look at his last question."Deegarry" posted something about it,but she never said don't eat them.This is what texasspice wrote "It sounds like there is no cruelty involved in what you are doing (in fact, it sound like you deeply care for these animals) but I just have an ethical problem with taking something that doesn't belong to you and continuing the tradition of using animals for human benefit."

She probably sees it as stealing because sometimes hens sit on the eggs actually thinkng they are fertilized.Even in kosher laws the animal must be taken away or shewed before you take its egg because they don't want to stress the animal out by making it think its baby egg is being stolen. The majority of people who answered had no problem with it.

The sheer fact you own animals makes you a terrorist in the eyes of other vegetarians, I asked a nice question here a few weeks ago about raising my own beef, curious as to if they found this better than buying slaughterhouse beef.

I was emailed death threats.

Vegetarians are closet terrorists with no clue about the world around them, period.

*raises hand* I'm a vegan in the middle of the (what I believe is) one of the top farming counties in Ohio. I can't go a mile in either direction from my house without going past a farm or a field. There is one factory farm in my 'village', however, I actually have never driven past it, but I have heard plenty about THEIR ethics. But, most of the farms I go past, the cows are leisurely hanging out outside or the chickens are running around. But then I realize, this is only a small portion of food, and even my boyfriend's family that raises cattle and pigs ... only THEY eat the food from them. So it's not all livestock that goes out to say, McDonalds. I appreciate the 'good' farms around here; at least they are treating their animals well as far as I know, but I don't think most farms are like those.

I am a vegetarian and I also eat eggs. I do not believe that is "stealing" sense the eggs were never ferilized and would never hatched. I do have a good ammount of knowledge of farming. I have been on a dairy farm in the past and the way that they treat the cows is just terrible. Yet of course not all vegetarians have knowledge of the treatment of animals at farms and of course not all farms mistreat their animals. also not every becomes a vegetarian because of the treatment of animals many do it to lose weight or be healthier.

I'm A Vegetarian As You Know & Keep Chickens, Ducks, Quail, Rabbits & Other Small Farm Critters & Help With Some Friends Cows, Pig , Goats Ect. So I Think I Do Know Alot About Farm Animals.

But I Don't Eat Eggs That Have Been Fertilized, Due To That Fact I See Life Starting At Conception (IMHO) So I Can't Eat A Young Chicken Life, But Unfertilized Eggs Are Yummy!

& Most Hens Don't Mind You Takeing Them.

I Agree It Would Be Nice To Se More Vegetarian That Know More About Farm Animals & How Their Kept.

I completely agree. Although I'm no vegetarian I do my best to avoid products where animals are involved...I do not believe taking a chickens egg you raised and feed everyday is not anymore stealing than taking a berry off a tree. Vegans should be proud of people with farms. Most of these animals lean more to the said of productive pets than inhumanly treated slaves that we steal from. I find most vegans are so extreme that ignore pertained facts continually to further blast their point. This only makes them look more ignorant. As I said before there has to be a happy medium and I think raising your own animals and letting them provide you as you provide them is that medium.

I'm vegetarian for health and environmental reasons only. I do support hunters and ethical farm practices.

Why does anyone need to justify their beliefs to you?I dont really give a dam what you do with your chickens, that doesnt mean that I want to raise them and eat their eggs , which I feel arent healthy for you. I can get really raunchy on the matter if you want me to explain how female humans work, but Im quite sure you already know. Needless to say I wouldnt eat that either. Its a personal choice. I dont think anyone is knocking down your door telling you to release your chickens, dont think so highly of yourself. Are you looking for some justification for your own actions? If not than why do you care what anyone else thinks so long as you feel you are doing what you believe in?

whatever, i know animals gets their *** kicked in the farm, going into a farm for a animal means it'll come out the farm dead, so no thanks, and thanks

Yup, I know tons about farming, both organic and factory and I'm vegetarian. I have birds and remove the eggs all the time.

And how do they milk a cow for so long? Take the calf away from the mother and feed it something else and just milk the cow for as long as they can.

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