How come English strawberries taste so much better?!


How come English strawberries taste so much better?

I've just bought my 2nd punnet of strawberries this week. English ones are now in the shops; I can't believe the incredible difference between English strawberries and the ones I've been eating all winter from Egypt and Spain. They seem to be far superior in taste and aroma. Why is that?

I think its because they are a lot fresher when they come into our stores from our own country because there is not as much shipping and pesticides etc so as well as them tasting nicer its also better to eat fruit in season as you are currently because if you eat fruit out of season then sometimes it can contribute to odd stoumach pains etc. You are also calming your seething eco conscience by doing this as eating fruit in season can help reduce your carbon footprint!

random stuff i know

Because they are English.

Haven't been in storage as long. Try Scottish strawberries, much better than English ones.

they are just devine arnt they :) i cant stop gobbling them either.
strawberrys and clotted cream now ya talking

engllish strawberries don't have chemical in them such as pesticides but in america we use them

you have answere your own question!! they are english tahts why, english produce is a lot better as it does not have to travel as far and the conditions (sun and care) is different to those aboroad.

Tiptree ....30mins away best you can get,!!!!

yes they are miles better than spanish ones which have no flavour. Must be a different species of strawberry! Scottish strawberrys are very nice too.

fresher, straight from picking and not frozen in transport
chains use cheap foreign crap to make profits
no chemical fertilisers or pesticides
plus theyre less bruised

Even better,have you tried growing your own? It's super easy,the plants reproduce themselves once they are established and they taste even better! Or to really show off,grow them in pots near your front door.Visitors love it!

It's the quality of the manure used. Animal dung degrades at a particular rate nourishing the soil, our level of rainfall helps this process. Strawberries from many other places are grown 'artificially' in special green houses and chemically manufactured nutrients are used.
This also happens in the UK.
But right now as this is the correct season you can go to many farms that have 'pick your own strawberry' fields.

Great with whipped cream and a scone!

Well, I guess your are rediscovering the the superiority of the English. Just kidding, my bet the season is better for the development of flavinoids during the longer growing season when produced locally. No doubt the other strawberries were grown hot house and are missing some special element, plus the duration of the shipment reduces the flavors. Like corn always tastes better when picked fresh. Strawberries are always better tasting with only a short duration from picking to eating.

Green thumb gardener-Paul


Scottish strawberries are so much better! Please try them and see what you think.

try the italians one are very tasty...i agree with you the spanish and egypt one got no taste but you have to know that most of the time they are lot cheaper thats why dont taste good.....italians one are expensive as the english ones so taste better....same for clementines.... from spain are like bitter water...!

British grown strawberries are best. they're not always cheap, but its worth paying that bit extra for some real fresh ones.
any fruit that comes from another country loses its taste within days of it being picked. having said that, I've been at the mango's and they taste yummy, but i know that by he time they get picked, boxed and packed then fly over here, they've losts that freshness.

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