Vegetarian anyone?!


Vegetarian anyone?

Hey, i want to know peoples reasons for being a vegetarian and what they do to stay one.

I do it because I have no interest in eating creatures with a brain and heart or supporing the slaughterhouse industry.
I know I alone dont make for less slaughtering but if all the vegatarians and vegans ate meat, there would be a much higher demand for animal flesh. It just isnt right. And "If God put them here for our use" dont you think a merciful God wouldnt give our "food" a heart and brain and feelings? Why not just create another plant with a meatier substance. Oh I know, Like SOY!

I have been for about 14 years. I think meat in general is looks unappealing. I can't put food down my throat that was flesh at one point. A couple years ago I have started to each chicken....white the bone in a lot of breading. I still don't like eating chicken but I need the protein so I eat it in small doses.

Hi Yes I am a vegetarian and I've been one for about 18 years. I became one because I had a serious illness and after that I could not bear the thought of looking at meat or the idea of anything dying just to be eaten. I grew up loving and riding horses and couldn't think of anyone eating them and then that spread to other animals.
By the way, I am not a hippie freak - I am a conservative.
My fiance is also veggie in the same way as me. He became a veggie the day his mom died of cancer, he couldn't stand the thought of things dying., and he is a conservative libertarian.
I have been raising my kids veggie too.

Eating animals is wrong, it is unnecessary, bad for the environment, unhealthy and decreases the amount of food available to every one else. A diet based on grains, seeds, nuts and pulses will make you and the world much healthier.

I'm vegan for ethical reasons,mostly because of factory farming.It isn't really that hard for me to be vegan,the hardest part about it would be eating out,other than that you'll get prettty used to being vegan.

If all of become vegetarians, whole world will be benefited in several ways. Environmentally & ethically there will be lot of improvement. Why should we go after "secondary' food , that too killing some 'creatures'.! All food is "grass' let us eat 'grass' -not grass eating poor animals. Let them enjoy the 'joy of life' like us!
Love humanity.. Love nature ...............

Most people assume that all vegetarians are crazy animal rights activists. I'm glad you stopped to ask.

I am a vegetarian to preserve MY OWN health. Eating something that's already partially decayed, and will only decay more once inside you body, just doesn't make sense to me.

How can you eat something dead and expect it to give you life?

Also, it's positively creepy to think that you're chewing something that once walked around, had thoughts and feelings.

And, have you noticed? That pinkness it has to it before it's cooked? That's THE ANIMAL'S BLOOD! EEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!!

And how do I stay veg? Well, to be honest I'm just not that tempted to eat my fellow earthlings.

its all about self controll. im a a great animal lover and i hate the thought of kill a liveing thing and eating it when theres no need to. thats what makes me stay a full vegetarian

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