Anyone ever eaten cows tongue,and what is it like to eat it?!


Anyone ever eaten cows tongue,and what is it like to eat it?

for me, I just don't think that I could truthfully eat cow's tongue and or snails! No thank you!
But, also what do the snails or "escargot" taste like?
Sorry, but I am wincing when I even think this! LOL!

Chewy is the first thing that comes to mind...tongue being also a tad "gamey" in a way, but not necessarily distasteful.

I think the texture of tongue is the hardest part to get used to...the taste buds have a rough texture to them.

Escargot is actually quite good in an herb butter sauce, I didn't care too much for a cheese based sauce thing to keep in mind is that they are fed corn meal to clear out their insides, prior to being prepared. you are eating something that has been prepped for consumption and at least has had it's innards filled with something most human beings would deem as edible. LOL

My main issue with Escargot or any small creature being consumed would be that it takes several of them to actually fill a human belly, which seems a shame...why consume a species that does not provide you with enough meat unless you eat several of it's kind?

Just seems to be unnecessary and a waste of life, at least the cow can be used to feed several...not that any one animal takes precedence and importance over any other, I am just speaking in terms of practicality and such.

Shrimp, Lobster, Frog's legs, Escargot...takes so many just to make one full meal?

Pointless to me...I try not to go any smaller than a fish or chicken and as I type this.

...soybeans are starting to seem more appealing. LOL ^_^.

My intestines & beyond. LOL

cows tounge doesnt taste bad at all.....its actually very soft!! taste like beef

I know a lady who used to take the tongue and peel off the tough outer skin, then she would slice up the more tender inside meat and cook it and her family loved it. I have not eaten it, if cooked properly, I would try it. I don't know that I could touch it and cook it.

Why are you even asking if you don't plan to try them? They are both delcious. Sliced tongue makes a great sandwhich, tastes good with a little salsa and onion. Escargots simmered in butter with garlic are just divine. But you are missing a lot of the beauty of life by being overly timid.

If you don't watch it being cleaned or clean the tongue yourself, you'd think it was and is tender beef. snails mainly taste like what you cook them with and are a bit rubbery. Not bad but not most people's first choice.

yes its very good . in Argentina they peel the outer skin and pickle the soft inside . they eat it cold . it is great!!

Tongue is quite common in Ireland, my grandmother cooked it frequently. Its like offal in that it's extremely lean with a smooth texture and very tender but with a milder taste.

Escargot tastes of garlic as the snails are always cooked in garlic with a texture similar to mussels. You can actually cook the snails from your garden but you need to cleanse the intestines - stick them in a jar with cabbage until they poo green!

And in case you're tempted, frogs' legs taste like chicken.

You're missing a lot! But then again that's how you feel about these foods and you have that right to choose what to eat.

I've always held the view that I'd be willing to try anything once and twice if I like it. How about you? Scared?

What do you do when you're on a trip in another part of the world and there are lots of foods to eat...are you going to get stuck on hambirgers and fries? Silly....


Yes, I have eaten it, but I don't tell many people that I have lol.

My mother came from Canada out in the country and they ate just about everythig. Money was short but they were farmers and had all the animals. They didn't waste.
It is a delicacy and it isn't bad at all (if you can loose the picture of what it is). Sliced thin it's a dense meat and kind of like a lunch meat. It's not strong tasting and my mother used to eat it cold on home made bread, sliced thin and topped with thick sliced, home grown onions.

She boiled it on top of the stove to cook it.

P. S. I don't do snails etc. !

Yes, my husband is from Mexico and his mother makes cow tongue all the time. It is especially good in tacos, the meat is so tender and delicious. It taste just like steak to me. It is good, once you get pass the whole tongue thing. Some people eat their intestines, and even the heart, but I have yet to try those.

I used to eat tongue and it taste like HAM, not beef as others said but maybe it was just my taste. Looks like ham too. But of course when I saw a whole tongue uncooked I stopped eating it......

Here in South Africa, we pickle and boil it in the same way that you do salt beef. It is then peeled, thinly sliced, and served either hot or cold. When serving hot, it is traditional to serve it with a mustard sauce. When it is going to be served cold, we press it under a heavy weight, and then slice. We also buy it already cooked and sliced in the deli section, and it is very nice on sandwiches. I don't like to cook it myself, it looks too gross, but have done it once or twice. Snails on the other hand, I think taste worse than rubber. I tried them once, and nearly got sick, so never again. My husband enjoys them, and often has them when we go out.

Hey ladyk,
snails - I am a man of nothern Germany, when I am very brave I do eat them, but I don't like them.
"Zunge in Madeira im Reisrand" (tongue in madeira in a circle of rice) is a heaven. If you are interested in the receipt, send me a pn. You should have a pressure pot for the tongue needs about three hours without. If you have problems with your love some candles, "Zunge in Madeira" and a german Riesling will solve all
Greetings from Hamburg, Germany

I used to order tongue and corned beef on rye from a great deli around the corner where I worked. It tastes a little like roast beef, but with a smooth consistency. I've only had snails with a ton of garlic and butter and besides being a bit rubbery, they taste like garlic and In other words, I didn't find them to have a strong flavor themselves.

Cow tongues are great, so is escargot, pig ears, pig feet, ox tail, barnacles, tripe, eel and the such.
As long as whatever is cooked properly, it should be safe to eat. Try it you'll be surprised. Do down to a Spanish area and all these things are simply amazing. I LOVE food, so I'll try almost everything. (The only things I wouldn't try are things served alive. )

Wash these great dishes down with some good alcohol. Sangria, wine, beer.... you're making me hungry!

Eaten Cow Tongue never snails. Cow tongue taste like beef to me, especially a cow tongue sandwich.

it's mootiful! ahem...

no anything that sounds and looks nasty i dont eat

Never tried cows tongue but lambs tongue very common in the UK- available in any supermarket. Very soft-textured, bit of mustard, sandwich...yum. The tongue is just a muscle after all, but much more tender than say steak. Snails are just molluscs like most shellfish so go for it- they come highly recommended by the hedgehog in my garden !

As my husband says on tongue "I would never eat something that can lick me" and personally on snails..YUUKKKKKK

Tongue tastes kind of "wild" like deer meat compared to beef. But it is okay if you can get past it being tongue.

Yes, and it is very tasty.

very creamy and mild, sliced thin it makes an excellent sandwich.

Snails are really good when prepared well. Tongue grossed me out because of the BUMPS! EW!

I've eaten both. I don't see what's the big deal. A cow is a herbivore so it eats mainly plants and plant material. Besides, the tongue has a lining that you can literally peel off by scalding it in boiling water prior to cooking or preparation. If prepared right, it can be pretty tender, otherwise it has a consistency of a tough hotdog. It has a somewhat gamey taste, not unlike some hotdogs or sausages.
Funny you should ask also about snails...they have just about the same consistency as a cow's tongue!! As for taste, well, they pretty much take on whatever spices you add to them. I've almost always had them in a buttery garlic sauce.
Are you still wincing? Well you're gonna cringe when you hear this last fact...
If you've eaten hotdogs, you've eaten cow tongue! What did you think they were made of... 100% beef? Well, cow tongue is 100% beef!!!

My mother made tongue fairly often in the summer. It was good and make great sandwiches when cold. I don't eat it now. I love snails ( escargot ). It tastes like butter, garlic, and the seasonings it is prepared with. Escargot is farm raised, not picked up out of your yard.

My brother, long lost then re-appeared, came to stay a while and he promised me that I ate tongue as a kid, so we fixed was have to not think about it and drink some wine with it....

I liked snails but also i had it at very high class restaurant cooked just the right way. It has to be cooked the right way.

I have eaten cows tongue and escargot. Both were delicious

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