How much is a regular cup of coffee at starbucks?!


How much is a regular cup of coffee at starbucks?

please be honest. i want to do a compare and contrast between philippe's french dip sandwich 10 cents coffee and starbucks price. but, i don't know how much a cup of coffee is at starbucks.


Too damn much. I think it's like at least two bucks for straight coffee, not capuccino or expresso, which cost more like 4 bucks.


good luck with that... i paid about 3 when i went to starbuks for a large coffee... last time i went there... and besides they are penny pinching communists anyway

On 09/11/2001 at ground zero they charged fire fighters 130 for 3 cases of water.... not only overcharging they fire fighters but just the fact making them pay money out of their own pocket in a time of emergency.... it's unamerican

It's not worth it.... I'd take a ten cent cup of coffee anyday... alot of times it's better than what SB has to offer anyway

a tall is about 1.84 ( that's for regular coffee)here in south jersey

and they wont send any coffie to any us troops because star bucsk does not beileve in war. Why cant they support the troops and not war. Starbucks hates america but what can we drink when we want coffee and star bucks is the only coffee that can be drunk.

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