Too many cooks spoil the broth, but how many is too many and why?!


Too many cooks spoil the broth, but how many is too many and why?

2 is company but three is better, I meant a crowd

It's because no two cooks cook the dish the same way

more than one or 2 people,just trip over each other,each adding their own ingredients,arguing over how to cook the broth. if one person is left to get on with it,and do it their own way,all the better!

too many is two because one is enough to make a broth. if you were making soup it would be different.

I've had several women ( and a man or two) in the kitchen with me. one will taste something and add salt or whatever and someone else,who just tasted and decided to add salt, turns around and does the same.
what ends up happening ? you order take-out.

2 is too many. Every cook has their own idea about how to make a dish.

you can never have too many cooks, so long as its not you or i doing the cooking :-)

2 is too many..... people have different tastes...

Every chef/cook can contribute but one must take charge or all is confusion, randomness and repetition because no-one chef/cook has provided specifications for the broth which will then attempt to be every broth that ever was and end up being none of them and just a horrible, foul-tasting mess that the customer will just throw on the floor in disgust before flouncing out of the restaurant...

More than one! It can get quite ugly otherwise! No two cooks do things in exactly the same way and you can get some cheating - by adding a bit here and there - like my Mum does when I am cooking - or throwing things away before they have been added - like my Mum does - or totally doing a Gordon Ramsey and intimidating the original cook!!


I remember doing some big dinner party when I was younger with my mother and aunt for a charity do. We had peeled the potatoes for 100+ people and someone was trying to drain them prior to cooking. They fell out and my fastidious aunt wanted to throw them all away and start again. We neither had that much time or that many more potatoes so Mum and I won through this time and we rinsed them off and cooked them.

When the dinner had been eaten the Lord and Lady who were the guests of honour at this dinner said what a lovely meal it was. Did we all cook it together? I answered "Yes, we have all had a hand in it." To which my aunt huffed -"Yes, and some of us have had our feet in it as well!!" We never cook with her now - and I avoid cooking with my mother like the plague!

its stupid look at this,it just contradicts it
"the more the merrier"
dumb or what?

Too many ideas such that the food gets over-spiced,over-seasoned and over-cooked.While they were arguing of course!Any number over one is one too many.

usually if their is more then 2 .

Two is too much, any ways I love cooking by myself. It is more inspiring.

For me I think 2 is too many!

Too many people in the kitchen, falling over one another, is a pain in the B - - - !!

i agree with all the answers

Not my discovery but my parents, poach an egg in good meat stock and eat with thinly sliced bread spread with butter, It dosen't look pretty but the taste is out of this world. Probably very high in naughties but I'm seventy two and have it on a regular basis...... Not ready for the knackers men yet.
(Don't uinderstand what went wrong but I answered a different question... Sorry)

I think it was just a spelling mistake.

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