Recipe for Rice Pudding?!


Recipe for Rice Pudding?

I was invited to a potluck and I decided to make some rice pudding.I'm not the best cook so of course,it didn't turn out how I planned.
Does anyone have a better recipe?
Please include the instructions.
Don't copy && paste unless you're providing me with a link.

I like mine a custard is a recipe for that

Custard Rice Pudding Recipe 1

From LoveToKnow Recipes

Ingredients for Custard Rice Pudding
? cup of rice
1 egg and 1 yolk
1 cup of milk
1/3 cup of milk
1/3 cup of sugar
? teaspoon of mace or nutmeg
? cup of raisins or currants
Blanche the rice, then cook till tender in the cup of milk; add the fruit, the egg, beaten and mixed with the sugar, the spice and half-cup of milk, mix thoroughly and turn into buttered-and-sugared molds. or a glass pan
Bake as all custards. in a water bath
Serve, turned from the molds, with wine, orange or currant jelly sauce.

here is one with for creamy

Ingredients for Creamy Rice Pudding
1 quart rich milk
? cup rice, scant
1/3 cup sugar
Grated yellow rind of? lemon
A pinch of salt
Wash the rice thoroughly by putting it into a dish, pouring hot water over it, and whipping it with a batter whip, then pouring off the water, repeating the process till the water remains clear.
Be careful to grate off only the yellow part of the lemon rind.
Put all the ingredients into a pudding dish.
Cover the dish, set in the oven, and bake very slowly till the rice is tender.
The pudding should be stirred occasionally during the cooking.
When the pudding is nearly done, the cover may be removed to allow the top of the pudding to brown.
Success in making this pudding depends entirely on the baking.
It should be bake slowly, until the rice is thoroughly tender, but not too long; for if baked too long, the pudding will be too dry.
It is best served the day after it is made, and should be of a rich, creamy consistency when cold; some might enjoy it served hot.
One-eighth package of raisins may be added to the pudding, if desired


these came from in the recipes section
but they are the same as I use....just easier to copy and paste


All you have to do is add milk to your cooked white rice. Then add egg yokes for thickener and sugar and a pinch of salt. Stir til thick and bubbly. Serve HOT :) A little salted butter is good for depth of flavor, but not essential.

My preferred recipe is from the Pillsbury Cookbook. However, it is not available online. I use the Betty Crocker one frequently and it's yummy also. Short grained rice will typically give you creamier pudding, but I don't often have that, so use regular long grain (Uncle Bens).

My Mom and I do try other recipes, but we always come back to these two since we like their flavor and they are uncomplicated.

This is not as hard as it seems. I use white long grain rice, but you can use any type of white rice you like. I get i cup of it boil it until its cooked, while it is still hot and all teh water is out of it i add some bordens sweetened condensed milk. Stir it until it well mixed, then add some raisins or whatever else you like most people add cinn. sticks to add flavor. It will really depend on your tastes. I personally do not add raisins, just the cinn. sticks.

My mom makes the best rice pudding.You need 3 cups of milk 1.5 cups of rice .5 sugar (more or less to taste) 1 tsp. of vailla 1tbls. of cinnamon. These can be altered but u should try it like this first.Good Luck!

recipe one: baked rice pudding
preheat oven to 325 degrees. in medium bowl combine 3 eggs, 1 1\2 cups milk, 1\3 cup sugar, 1 teas. vanilla. beat until well combined. stir in one cup cooked rice and 1\2 cup raisins. pour into casserole dish. place the dish into a 2 quart baking dish on oven rack. pour boiling water into baking dish around casserole to 1"
bake for 44-55 Min's.stirring after 30 Min's. serve warm or cold serves 6.

recipe two: saucepan rice pudding
bring 3 cups milk just to boiling. add 1\3 cup uncooked rice and 1\3 cup rasins. cover and cook over low heat 30-40 min's, stirring occasionally. remove from heat and add 1\3 cup sugar and 1 teas. vanilla. serve warm or chilled.
(for a more puddingey variation: incease rice to 1\2 cup. after cooking for 30 min's- boil 1 cup milk in seperate pan or microwave. slowly add to 2 beaten eggs. add egg mixture to rice pudding and cook for 3-5 min's more.)

1/2 cup arborio rice
3 cups whole milk 1 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla

combine everything except vanilla in a pot. Bring to a boil. Turn down to a simmer. Cook for about half an hour or until thick. add vanilla. Enjoy!!!!!

Mexican Rice Pudding:

1? hours 10 min prep
8-10 servings

2 inches cinnamon sticks
lime zest (green only, 2 inch wide strip by 3 inches long-so it's quite a chunk)
1 cup rice
1 quart milk
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 large egg yolks
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup golden raisins
1 teaspoon unsalted butter, chopped
ground cinnamon

1. Bring 2 cups water to a boil, add cinnamon stick and lime zest, cover and simmer for 5 min.
2. Add the rice and return to a boil, stir once, cover and cook for 20 min.
3. Stir in the milk, sugar and salt and simmer over medium low heat, stirring frequently until the liquid shows the first signs of thickening, around 20 min or so.
4. Take from the heat and remove the cinnamon and zest.
5. Beat the egg yolks until runny, stir in the vanilla and a few T. of the hot rice mix (temper it), then add to pot. Stir well.
6. Mix in half the raisins, then spoon the rice pudding into a 8 inch square baking dish.
7. Preheat the broiler and dot the top of the pudding with the butter.
8. Broil 3-4 min, sprinkle with cinnamon and remaining raisins and serve warm.

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