Why do the VEGETARIANS eat plants alive?!


Why do the VEGETARIANS eat plants alive?

They may not have a central nervous system like ours, but everyone knows they are living things that don't deserve this sort of death.

Seriously! Plants and animals are both equally living things and contribute equally to the ecosystems. It's ridiculous.

Vegetarians are sap-thirsty killers!

because they r savage plant haters

Vegetarians are evil blood sucking beasts from the bowels of the earth and care for nothing but their selfish ignorant selves....

Hey, the fresher the veggies - the healthier they are.

Personally, I perfer to wash them off. I can't stand the taste of dirt, and pesticides can make you sick.

So what do you eat?

Humans were meant to eat plants, that's why. Duh.

I have been a vegetarian for three weeks, and besides becoming Christian, it's the best choice I've ever made. Do you realize how much animals must suffer to quench our blood-thirsty cravings? That we eat flesh because it's GOOD and don't realize how unfairly these animals are treated? That many never see the light of day, their natural home? I am so proud to say that I would never touch an animal to put it in my mouth. Consider just giving up meat, that would be much better as plants do not experience fear and pain (that we know of). Though it may be mean to eat plants, we're not sure, it's good to give up at least animal. (Though I couldn't become a vegan--ice cream's way too good, don't you think?)

Vegetarians eat them alive because some plants can be healthy and nutritous for you than the ones that aren't alive.

I'm guessing that since you clearly care so much about a living thing that does not have a central nervous system, you must be at least a vegetarian, if not a vegan. If you are not and you are trying to pick some fun at vegetarians, then I first would like you to know that you are not even close to the first person to come up with something like this. Second of all, say plants do feel pain and we just don't know, there's not much we can do about it. We do know that animals definately feel pain and so by eating plants in MODERATION, vegetarians are trying to save animals from this pain while also eating what is necessary for them to stay alive. Carnists actually cause the death of many more plants since "growing" animals for food is a very inefficient way to use plants' energy.

Why did you bother reposting this?


what was the point of posting this at all you are only trying to screw around with vegetarians/vegans. you have no life at all and as you can see everyone that answered this question hates you and thinks you are sooo stupid for asking such an ignorant question. why do you care, unless you are trying to develope an oppinion for being a vegetarian/vegan than maybe you should never come near this site again.


Traditionally vegetarianism is practiced by most cultures for reasons of compassion and reverence for life and non-violence, and the Jains are no exception to this. However, the definition and understanding of non-violence by Jains goes much deeper than others that this author has come across. The medical reasons for being a vegetarian are relatively a modern phenomenon mostly during the past half a century or so, during which period developments in the modern medicine have established links between certain ailments and the non-vegetarian diet. The very fundamental question that is often asked of a vegetarians is, "If non-violence is the basis of vegetarianism, why eat plant based foods?

Don't plants have life?" In this respects Jains perhaps were the very first ones to acknowledge that plants are a life form, long before it was established by the modern day biological sciences. Jains recognize five physical senses namely touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing as the principal attributes of living beings. All life forms in the universe are then classified in terms of the senses found in various creatures. Here as a word of caution, the senses should not be confused with other attributes of life, such as breathing, circulatory and nervous systems, heart and brain etc. that are dealt with as a separate topic in Jainism. The lowest life forms are those with only one sense, the sense of touch, such as the plant life, the highest life forms have all the fives senses such as human beings, mammals and most of the animal kingdom. The other intermediary life forms are the living beings with: two senses - touch and taste such as an earth worm, three senses - touch, taste and smell such as lice, and four senses- touch, taste, smell and sight for example mosquitoes. Senses appear in various living beings strictly in the order specified, i.e., touch is the most primitive of all senses, and hearing is the last sense found at the most advanced stage of development. No other combinations of these senses are known to exist. This in itself may be the most remarkable contribution of ancient Jains to the modern life sciences on the evolution of living beings.

Having classified all life forms in this manner, and realizing that human beings must eat to derive their nutrition and to survive, life with only one sense, that is basically plant life, is the only permitted food for human consumption. To reconcile the principle of non-violence with the consumption of plant based diet, and to preserve plant-life as best as possible, there are strict dietary codes of practice recommended for day to day living. These include prohibition on the consumption of some vegetables and fruits, restrictions on procurement of produce, restrictions of times and timings, fasting, recommended occupations etc. Such codes, with their feasible interpretations follow.

L ? B --...hahaha, plants contribute so much more then animals do, are you kidding me? Plants are the only first hand source of energy and nutrients? Where do you think animals get there fats, proteins and other nutrients like vitamins and minerals from? Granted plants don't 'make' minerals..but they still serve as a catalyst to pass them on. Animals of all kinds are just leeches. They feed off of plants and some of the lazy or carnivorous ones feed off of other animals.

The reason you get any nutrients from eating animals is because they are a carbon based life form just like you and they work in similiar ways and they have absorbed those. It should be a pretty obvious fact to anyone that a cow who naturally eats nothing but grasses...(with little to no source of plant fat or protein) does just fine this way.

As far as the original poster..you're a tool, I have nothing beneficial to say to you other then you already know your answer - and if you don't you need more attention and care then I could ever provide over the internet in a few or great amount of words. So your arguement is that living things don't deserve this sort of death? Yet you eat animals that are killed to feed your lust - that were once alive? Hypocrite is all you are good as.

Maybe next week we can explain to you how post-it notes work.

we eat them alive because they taste better fresh than all rotten. dumbass. of course I have choked down canned.....and frozen veggies aren't all that bad.....but unashamedly I will admit...fresh and alive is how I like my plants...the fresher the plant..the more nutritious enzymes we receive that sort of tell our body where to store fats....The more our body can utilize the energy of the plant. Instead of taking in excess cholesterol...you see I learned in Biology that our bodies create all the cholesterol it will ever need from the moment we are born, and when we intake outside cholesterol it clogs the arteries to our heart... Im not sure if you know this, but cholesterol is found in animals and animal by products. So.... if you think about it a bit abstractly, its sort of like nature is telling us that if we aren't compassionate and dine upon the flesh of another sentient being, we slowly stop being able to use our hearts....because if your cholesterol gets too high you get a heart attack....doesn't sound like fun to me.

Look it up sucka, and think about whats in your chest next time you stuff your face.

In that case perhaps you should quit eating meat as well since they are flavoured with veggies such as onions and garlics etc. which died for our taste buds.

We are chlorophyll vampires!

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