Why does a person's choice to be vegetarian seem to enrage some people?!


Why does a person's choice to be vegetarian seem to enrage some people?

I'm not a vegetarian myself by the way (not even close), but I have noticed that some people seem to take offence to those that choose to be vegetarian or vegan.

Why is that?

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2 weeks ago
Ok, so it's the "militant" vego's that get everyone worked up...well, that makes sense, noone likes being preached to

2 weeks ago
Yanksfan - that's a good point about the leather

2 weeks ago
KatieG - a very good point from you too

2 weeks ago
Ok, so it's the "militant" vego's that get everyone worked up...well, that makes sense, noone likes being preached to

2 weeks ago
Yanksfan - that's a good point about the leather

2 weeks ago
KatieG - a very good point from you too

I've been a vegetarian for more than ten years, and I never say a word to anyone about their or my eating habits unless I am asked to do so directly. The only time I even tell people is if I absolutely must - like if we're at a restaurant and they stab a meatball with their fork and hold it up for me to taste, THEN I tell them I don't eat meat and leave it at that.

I do tend to see, though, that people sometimes seem almost offended when I tell them I'm a vegetarian. My theory is that this so called perception of a "holier than thou" attitude is a MIS-perception. Even if I am as matter-of-fact as humanly possible when I tell someone I'm a veg, some people will still interpret what I say as having an arrogant attitude about it. This is just THEM projecting their own sense of "less holy than thou" onto ME. It's not me acting better, it's them feeling lesser. I can't help if people feel that way. I do my best not to preach. It's their problem if they feel lesser.

On what I think is a funny note - I came out of the closet as gay about 20 years ago, and I came out of the closet as a vegetarian about 10 years ago, and, by far, people, especially members of my family, were more shocked and ticked off about my being a vegetarian than my being gay.

I admit to getting worked up when someone who is a veggie PREACHES!! Ugh. Like they've found the secret of the universe and the rest of us are just idiots.

Not sure. Probably becuase meat is soo tasty. why not enjoy it? The animal is going to be killed whether that person likes it or not, so why not eat it and stop whining about 'saving the animals' our planet will over populate!!! Also, because not a group of little vegetarians will ever stop me or others from eating meat!
But I really could care less if someone is, as long as I dont have to give up meat, or cook for them :)

I'm not offended by it, I just don't understand it. Unless you take a lot of vitamins to make up for what you don't get from red meat and poultry or dairy products if you are vegan, then you miss out on essential nutrients. and I am a cook, so it would drive me nuts to be with a vegetarian or vegan because I wouldn't be able to cook for her.

I guess someone that gets enraged would have to answer that one. I am not a veggie (Nothing could be further) But I only get ticked when the high and mighty preaching starts. Especially when V's start spreading misinformation.

its not the choice to b vegetarian that angers peoples, its the attitude from some vegetarians that people get mad at. nobody wants anyone else telling them (without being asked )what to do and what to eat. some people get mad bcuz the new vegetarian might b in a hypocritical situation where they wear leather and preach about how u r causing senseless deaths by eating that cheeseburger. its not the vegetarianism that offends.

It's stupid I know, but some of them are so sensitive they go to pieces when you crack a joke.

Some people who are vegeterian tend to feel the need to announce it and make issue of it...that's annoying. Nobody wants to hear it-it sounds pretentious.

Because meat is a religion in this country. Nobody likes to be told, directly or implicitly, that their religion is wrong, dangerous or violent.

I'm not enraged by veggies... its when they take their holier that thow attitude and try to force their views on me that i get offended. Three quarters of these veggies are wearing leather also.

I know people will tell you its because us crazy vegans or vegetarians are preachy etc...but I really dont believe that. Aside from the younger newer ones I dont hear that from the ones I know, and I dont do it unless asked or debated for the sake of debate..as it seems to rarely be an honest curiousity. An example would be a party at my sisters house a few days ago, in which someone told me they just didnt get it. I didnt go into animal rights, the only thing I said is meat isnt really that great for you..and before saying another word I got my head bitten off by someone who eats meat. I just assume either she wanted to argue or she took offense and assumed I was saying she was unhealthy. Mind you she wasnt the picture of health, but I didnt touch on it. All I said was I dont think you are a bad person etc etc (this was my bro in laws sis i never met in my life!)...she just went nutty. In her defense I think she was the spawn of Satan, and there isnt much you can do about that! lol! No but really, I just think they get offended, and to me thats their own issue and I dont feel any need to justify my reasoning to them.

I get what people are saying but I also do not believe any of you know a ton of vegetarians, and I wish you would just be honest in that. Most cases, the person who initially starts the convo is the "meat eater" not the "vegetarian" (as if we are so segregated anyhow~) Do you really think we wake up everyday and hope to god we can go out to eat and start harrassing everyone in sight who is eating meat!?!? Please, if anything we hope to be left alone while we eat, on the subject of food, so we can just enjoy our meal in peace!

Vegetarians think they invented food,it's irritating to hear them talk about food

It is the attitude that vegetarians have: that they are so much better than anyone who eats meat. You don't see many meat eaters preaching at vegetarians.

People always say they hat vegetarians who are prechy,but I dount they eevn know any vegetarians.We get alot more flak here,I don't know any vegetarian and vegan section regulars who go posting questions preaching to meat eaters,but trolls come here all of the time to preach to us.

I think a lot of V's aren't good at conveying what they've learned

" Like they've found the secret of the universe and the rest of us are just idiots"

I don't want to sound holy, but we HAVE found the secret of the universe. :)) or so it seems, because the knowledge isn't common. We don't really think everyone else is an idiot; we didn't figure it out ourselves. It couldv'e been you that found out this info. But you're hearing about it in a way that offends: through overly inthusiastic newbee V's.

"I just don't understand it. Unless you take a lot of vitamins to make up for what you don't get from red meat"

Right. You don't understand. There's no making up...just eating different foods.

If you check out sites like these below, you'll be amazed to discover the hidden truth about food.

http://www.emediawire.com/releases/2005/... - Brendan Brazier showed fellow athletes that a vegan diet is "optimal"!
http://www.veganmusclepower.com/... - more living testimants
Muscling Out the Meat Myth - by Colin Campbell, Ph.Dhttp://www.vsdc.org/meatmyth.html... .

I think some people don't like others that are different. Maybe because the ones complaining would rather be the different one. I don't know.

Well, I heard a quote about taking offense that got me to thinking. Those who are looking to be offended will find ample opportunity, those who aren't looking to be offended very seldom will be.

A lot of people get up in arms about something when they don't fully understand it, when they're concerned that it will be forced upon them, or when they feel threatened by it.

I think it works this way on both sides of the vegetarian/vegan/omnivore issue. I know mostly omnivores, and none of the ones I know are disrespectful towards vegetarians and vegans like some of people who post online. I know quite a few vegetarians and vegans, too. None of them are preachy like some of the people who post online. I don't find it pleasant to listen to the angry omnivores rant and rave or to listen to preachy vegetarians or vegans.

The folks around me are much more likely to argue about religion or politics than they are about eating choices.

No matter what the issue, religion, politics, food, etc., I'm not swayed in the least by people who are preachy or militant or by people who scream, yell, or speak disrespectfully.

I don't know. I personally don't care what folks want to eat. I don't appreciate those that seem to have a problem with what I eat. It really shouldn't be any different than me not eating shellfish because I'm allergic.

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