Meateater contemplating vegetarianism after eating Gardenburgers?!


Meateater contemplating vegetarianism after eating Gardenburgers?

I don't know what possessed me to buy the Gardenburger Veggie Medley, but I cooked it up in sesame oil and had it with a honey dijon mustard laced salad and loved it. Having eaten hamburgers before, I can't quite catch onto eating a veggie burger on a bun -- trust me, it just isn't the same thing. But, I think I could go vegetarian. I was raised in a meat-eating family, so meat is a hard thing to let go of (no offense). I'm contemplating it, though. Seriously. What other tasty vegetarian foods are out there that you'd recommend?


Amy's Texas burgers, Gardenburger meatless ribs, Nathan's veggie meatballs, Veat, Field Roast slices, Tofurkey sausages, Anything from Quorn (especially the gruyere topped cutlet). BKVeggies are not bad either.

When trying a new veggie item, never over expect, just enjoy it for what it is : )

I like BK veg burgers!

a lot of places sell meatless meat balls, meatless buffalo wings ( i know, its a funny idea lol), meatless anything it seems nowadays. morningstar farms make the best meatless buffalo wings, and they also make this meatless bbq ribs in sauce that u would swear is meat. there r so mant good frozen items u can pair up with a salad, its mind boggling. also making ur own vegetarian pizzas can b fun. experiment with different cheeses, herbs, veggies, yum!

I like Veat brand foods. Has a consistency of chicken and tend to be moister than a lot of the "fake meats" (That's what we call 'em).

As for you, perhaps try cutting down on red meat at first, maybe supplement your diet with fish or shrimp. You'll find in no time that red meat is less and less desirable while reducing your blood pressure, your risk of certain cancers and you'll actually be fighting global warming in the process!

Oh man. There are so many options.
There are quorn nuggets that are made to
taste like chicken, boca burgers, boca sausage,
I've's veggie chicken slices, there is veggie barbecue,
veggie chile, veggie ham slices.

You would like a morningstar or boca burger on a bun.
Trust me.

You can eat any number of grainaceous or bean derived concoctions but so far as vegetarianism is concerned you haven't gone anywhere unless you come to terms with the dark green leafy vegetable. I think this is the one everyone is running away from but it is also the one that can do some good. Figure out how to get yourself likeing them. A chinese restuarant is a great place to start even if every dish may not be strictly vegetarian.

Morningstar meat is great, I swear you can't tell the difference. There are a bunch of good veggie recipies out there, just google it or something and you'll find a wealth of information.

There are a lot of veggie foods. You just have to look.

there are tons of vegetarian meats out there that are so tasty. i love veggie chicken nuggets. so they are so good. i don't suggest going vegetarian all at once. it can make you very sick. you have to slowly wean yourself off of meat and onto veggie meats.

Whether or not you want to go vegetarian, there are tons of foods and dishes out there to try. Many vegetarian dishes are quite good. Chinese and Indian ones are fairly common due to the vegetarians that are found in these cultures.

This statement sounds like one I may have written 18 years ago, back when being a vegetarian wasn't as easy as it is today (although props go out to those of you who have been since the 60's, and 70's).

Yes, I was raised on meat for every meal.
My whole family (2 parents, 7 siblings w/ spouses, 13 of 15 nieces and nephews) all eat meat. It has been very difficult to share a meal with them at the family gatherings. 2 of my nieces have recently become vegetarians, so we share food today.

The week before I cut out red meat I ate 16 meals with some form of red meat. I began to survive on chicken, ridiculous, so I cut that out next. Seafood was never something I enjoyed, until I had no other options (or so I thought). When I cut out seafood, I realized I just was not opening my eyes to the many possibilities.

Meat substitutes weren't as popular back then, so i started making my own seitan. But, the meat substitutes today are fabulous. I give myself a treat every few months with gardenburgers bbq'd "riblets." Franklin Farms make the best veggie burgers out there, their portebello burgers rock. I always keep some around for the quick meal of substance that I often need.

I invite students (I work and study at a university) for vegan meals. I make a lasagne that they swear has cheese and meat in it. I make it all from scratch and it is vegan ("High Road to Health" cookbook by Lindsay Wagner).

Indian food is a definite must try, if you haven't already. The blends of spices they use were developed around vegetables, being a vegetarian culture. They have added meats to menus for American and English cultures - but the best dishes are veg.

If you consider going further, do some research, do it right. Prepared meat substitutes are not the answer to a healthy diet. But, I have not knowingly eaten meat in over 18 years, it can be done even with the most physically active people out there.

Good luck to you, and make the right choice for yourself.

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