Do you need to add salt when eating people?!


Do you need to add salt when eating people?

Don't eat humans. Not because it is immoral... but because they're unhealthy. I mean, it depends on the human, but for most people, all the trans-whatevers and the poly-glyco-whatever chemcials build up and render the human unsafe for consupmtion. The ones that eat at places like McDonalds frequently are especially unsafe (but you can spot those just by looking!).

This is all based on conjecture, but good conjecture... and I really think so. I wouldn't eat someone mainly because it would probably kill me, even if I cooked it really, really well. But if you, like most of America, are determined not to eat right, then yes you probably should add salt... I cannot imamgine how a human can possibly taste good after eating so much junk. Aside from which, humans are not usually terribly muscular, which means less meat and you get stuck eating organs. Go for a large herbivore instead. They are likely to be more appetizing, and there will be more to eat that way.

But long story short... you don't need salt, but it is highly recommended.

This reminded me of that play Sweeney Todd! Man eating man and all that.

Not personal experience... never had human before.

Nah...people eat a lot of salt. They're very high in sodium.

if it's devoid of flavor, salt can help.


Depends on where they're from. I hear Americans are very salty.

You can add salt, but I highly recommend a spicy sauce like jalapeno.

If it is a bland person. Example: they listen to only classical and wear a lot of beige, then yes, salt might be a good flavor enhancer.

That's creepy.

That said, you should always taste your food before adding salt, no matter what you're eating.

Shee, what the freak are you talking about? It seems that you are looking for thr top contributers. Well us ordinary answerers are no good salty, but the Top Contributers are very salty. No wonder they became Top Contributers! Don't worry-you won't be disappointed!

Yes, and pepper too.

I believe so it makes the skin less vapid; however, cannablism can be quite insidious.

If she needs salt, then taste is not the main problem here.

Perhaps some sugar would be more appropriate.

no. People are already salty. But if you need more flavor. try an obese person with high blood pressure.

nope! people are born with salt in them and they eat way to much! enjoy the salty deliciousness olf salty people!

Are you unstable?


it depends on your own taste...... so it depends on who's eating who... ;)

DON'T BE SO WEIRD!!! Of COURSE you need to add salt! It helps bring out the flavor in everything you cook! Especially meat dishes! GEEZ!!! Don't you remember ANYTHING your mother taught you about cooking?!!!

Ask Jeffery Damer oh sorry he's now a corpse

not really. there is enough sodium in humans as it is. i choose to add paprika for a little kick.

depends when the last time they had shower.
i heard dirty poeple are already salty ;)

Are you mental. You need to get some help. That is the craziest thing I ever heard.

no, you go right ahead, hell it it raw if you is all good

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