What is the most SICKENING and DISGUSTING thing you've ever ate?!


What is the most SICKENING and DISGUSTING thing you've ever ate?

I am talking that it was so bad, you had nightmares about it. You ran outside and scremed in fear. You sat and told yourself you don't know if you want to live much longer. And if you even think about it you get the shivers.

Okay, not really - but you get the idea.

I'd have to say the worst thing I ever ate is an onion. Yes, they are DISGUSTING and if I even taste them i'll gag..or WORSE.

Sea urchin sushi. It was like chewing on an old tire. I couldn't break it down, and I couldn't swallow it... and I couldn't spit it out either. I just had to keep on chewing and chewing... and I was gagging, and there were three Japanese people sitting there, just watching me.


Some barium stuff that I had to drink at the hospital, before a CAT Scan. I seriously had nightmares, no joke. Lol.


A Fly and seaweed

Chitterlings, or "chitlins" as they say, are for sure the grossest thing I've eaten. They are pork intestines, and my husband and family love them. The worst part, I think, is the smell, which is like the worst body odor you've ever smelled. One time when I was pregnant my husband made some. They have to simmer all day, and I literally threw up all day. The smell lingered in the house for days. No offense to chitlin lovers, but for me, GAG!

liver..any animal liver..yuck!

CHEESECAKE. the first time (and the last time) i ate it, i didnt even eat it on purpose and i still got deathly ill for a week. some friends and i were at a party and we decided to have a cheesecake war and some of that nasty stuff was shoved up my nose and down my throat (not to mention some unspeakable places as well).

word to the wise: dont mess around with cheesecake.

Pig Brains

oyster! i had one a japanese place and as soon as i swollowed it i ran to the bathroom and threw it back up!!!!

Oyster dressing, I didn't know there were oysters in it till I was told. Then I started rinsing out my mouth, and spitting things out in napkins, and using my fingers to get the rest.

Fish that'd been cooked but still looked like a whole fish. I was in Northern Sweden, where this was considered great 'company' food. Eeeeewwww, ick!! And, being the guest, I got first cut. Double eeeewww, ick!!! Being a good guest, I managed somehow, but did not like the idea one ittle bit.

I was in northern Sweden for awhile with a traveling Christian theatre company. Whole cooked cold shrimp is another thing that I couldn't deal with. (My face wrinkles even as I just think about it to write it for you, by the way. Eeeeeeewww!) A whole big bowl of the disgusting things was placed on the table and everyone was expected to dig in. I reached for the bowl but could NOT make myself actually TOUCH them. Fortunately, oneof my fellow unit members realized that I was in trouble before it became obvious to the hosts, and grabbed a handful and shelled them lightning-quick and tossed them on my plate for me. He was Swedish, so he made an excuse for me: he said I was from the desert (it's true, I am a desert rat, born and raised) and we aren't used to getting whole shrimp in the desert. The northern Swedes found my origins exotic enough to explain any of my quirks, like being squeamish about normal food. Everyone nodded and smiled and I tried not to turn quite so bright red. Peeled, they were just fishy-tasting (I don't like fish or seafood of any sort) but I could get them down. There's no way I could have actaully touched one with all its skin and feelers and eyes and everything still on it, even if it was cooked dead. Eeeeeewww!!!!

lol what a lovely question...
like there's almost nothing that like freakes me out in terms of food...but have you guys ever tried 'bondegi'?
If you ever go to Korea you just HAVE to try it. You can buy it like everywhere on the street at the stands. It's silk work larvae and you get like a cup of it. It's really tasty but I think most western people wouldn't eat it...be brave! ^ ^

a worm some boys said i couldn't eat it , but i did and then i threw up worm and my lunch on them, they don't dare me anymore

Dixie Diners Club soy yogurt or vegan pizza kit
Undercooked hibachi chicken at Sizzler when I was 18

v8 juice.

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