Can't we all love animals...why are we so cruel to them, why do we eat meat!!!?!


Can't we all love animals...why are we so cruel to them, why do we eat meat!!!?

Yes, one can. Many men and women, who were not vegetarian, started working towards improving the conditions of animals. They were born in non-vegetarian families and they were raised with animal flesh and dairy products as their main food. A stage came in their life when they realized what truly fair treatment toward animals would mean. They joined their hands with those who were saving and protecting animals. In the process, not only did they become kind to animals, but also to themselves. This way, many animal rights workers have become vegetarian at some time in their lives. If not, they are kind at heart, but still a slave to old habits of meat eating.
Those who are born and raised vegetarian are lucky. Their minds, speech, and actions are nourished for kindness to animals and all other non-human life. Most individuals who are raised with those values will not harm animals, nor will they support any harm to animals.
Here is a true life example My Transition to Vegetarian...
I was born into a Russian/American family and raised as a typical American meat eater. My evolution into the animal and environmental rights movement has been gradual. A turning point for me occurred when I was 15 years old. A friend and I had just eaten hot dogs for lunch, and walked next door to a leather shop. I whispered to her that she shouldn't buy anything in there because it is all dead animals. The clerk behind the counter heard my comment to my friend and asked me if I ate meat. I was shocked. I had never made the connection before that moment. I never realized that the meat on my plate was anything but 'food'. As I realized, while standing in that store, that meat is dead animal, I replied, "No, I don't eat meat" to the clerk. My friend thought I had just lied to the clerk. I explained to her that from this moment on I would not eat meat. That was 26 years ago. My personal evolution continued when I saw the pain of a dairy cow being separated from her calf and realized that the male calves on this farm were being shipped to veal facilities. I then quit using dairy products. I am now a strong advocate of strict vegetarianism for our own health and the well-being of animals and the environment.

i do love animals! especially roast chicken, lamb or beef.... mmmm, love them all.....

Even animals eat animals
why can't we?

Ahahahahahahaha! LMAO! B_R_K you are too funny!!! I totally agree! Roast Lamb!

Primarily health. Meat is a good source of protein, and we need it. We would develop a protein deficiency if we didn't eat it. I am not saying it's right, though.

I love all my animals. I have 3 ferrets and 2 cats. They come before me these animals are my gods. I no way am i cruel to my animals. But yes I eat meat cause it's tastey and a personal choice. My kitty cats get left over scraps for a treat!

Think of it this way, would you rather see a lion eat a beautiful antilope, or eat some nuts on the ground?

And love animals and all....... but I still gotta have my meat!!!!

I love animals and i think meat companies treat the animals rong that is why i am a vegetarian

I love animals too. Not everyone can be a veg though. Some people like plants. Are they different. Yes. One day the scientist will prove a head of lettuce has the same feelings as fluffier or fido.

Okay, there are several reasons, but i will mention one. Read this first and then decide.

I appreciate the fact that you are not eating meat but trust me, there has to be some way where you are hurting other animals. You wear clothes, use toilet paper, use wooden furniture and natural paper right? Many of these someway or the other come from trees. And chopping down trees affect the animals natural habitat, which is a life threatning issue for them. So, basically, my point is that eating meat is not reducing the # of cows, pigs, goat, chicken etc, but wearing clothes and using TP is most definitely attacking the beautiful animals that are about to extinct. So try to focus on the real issues and don't worry abt cruelty. Trust me, there are peoplein this world who would be happy to get a small piece of chicken but can not afford it. So consider yourself lucky and enjoy the gifts that life has given you.

Hope this helps.

I love animals, but my diet is my choice. It has to do with what I was raised to eat, but also what my palet finds tastey. I would never to presume to tell you that you are foolish for not eating it, even though you are an omnivore. I think that people just need to worry about what goes into there own mouth, and leave everyone else alone. I do not abuse animals by the way. Some people actually raise there own livestock for milk and eggs, and the ani,mals are treated quite well. Not all meat eaters believe in factory raised meats and dairy. I find it horrible that these animals are not able to get excersize, so I get my produce, and dairy, and eggs from a local couple whom are awesome and take great care of there animals.

That's what God put them here for. Don't you vegetarians know anything? It's not like "I'm going to eat a dog or cat or anything. A freakin cow man. You don't know what you are missing.

Well because the taste good and have lots of protein. I understand what you are saying about the sensitivity of killing animals, but everything we eat that is grown like vegetables, wheat for bread, rice, fruit, are all alive and living before they are harvested. The baby carrots you grow in a garden are alive and living until we eat them. Green beans are alive until they are picked. Apples are living on the tree until they are picked, so you have to understand just about everything we eat that is not synthetic or a processed food is living.

I do love animals, my cats and dogs, etc. No animal should be treated unfairly. I'm guessing you mostly mean the corporate farms. I'm lucky enough to get my meat from local farmers, and my venison from my own timber. I'd trust that before I'd trust grocery meat and produce for that matter.

well,a better question to all these non veggies would be...if dont love others then no need to love try eating ur fingers,legs,hands...etc.each day...try cooking ur loved ones flesh and then u wud feel hw much painful it is to see that a member of ur family is beeing cooked and is to be ate by some1 else....if u cant see ur loved1s being hurted for a petty reason then how can u eat animals flesh..just becoz they cannot talk and tell to u that how much painful it is to see their family members being killed and then cooked....try urself and u'll feel the difference.....all non veggies have short temper and high depressing effects..this shows how much u suffer from such food......besides this if u r looking for proteins!!! cereals and daals contain lot more protein than flesh of animals have...

Can you stop using the word "we" as if its all of us.

Please don't lump me in with those that are "so cruel" and "eat meat".


The real answer is people have different value systems. Many meat eaters cannot begin to comprehend our stance that animals deserve consideration.

nice to see the cliched "you need meat for protein", "a lettuce has feelings", "its why god put them here", "they taste good" and "i buy from a local farm" answers above. where would any question in this section be without those answers.

"protien". What ? you NEED meat for protein, are you sure ? What am i then. Perhaps i've been dead for 27 years then, or perhaps i'm a minor miracle that defies all that "you need meat for protein" progaganda.

"Lettuce", thats just bollo cks and we all know it. vegetables have no central nervous nor central processing system that are required in order to think and have pain.

"God" - whats that then ? why base your life values on a book that was written and edited by men in the middle ages ?

Taste -. maybe they do taste good, i don't know, but so do lots of things we don't eat.

If you buy from a local farm, is the animal any less dead ? Just curious, maybe it is, i don't know. Maybe if its "local" it doesn't hurt or have feelings, educate me please.

none of these arguements are logical reasons to eat meat.

you eat it because you don't care about the animals. Just be hoenst with yourselves and admit it. You can never claim you love or care for animals and then have one unnecessarily killed for you own gratification.

People usually says meat taste good.
But the fact is it doesn't.
If it really does taste good, it wouldn't need to be disguised in the flavour of herbs and spices. The "tasty" flavour of meat comes from these plant foods, not from the meat itself.

i love animals and i really hate people who are cruel and hurt them. but lets face it people will never stop eating meat and theres very little we can do about it

Some of these answers are good.
The simplest answer is that , we all do love animals in one way or another, and we are not cruel to them,

As far as "why do we eat them", because they are a source of B-12, Protein, and they taste real good...

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