Worst answer idea...?!


Worst answer idea...?

I'm pretty livid at the moment that in reading tonite after work it seems vegetarians and vegans are the minority even in a section of their own..? I don't have the energy to express all my dissapointments, but this thought crossed my mind.

There is a best answer option, so why not a worst answer option?

For every thumbs down a worst answer received it could receive -1 points plus a -10 by default. I think a penalty hit could be issued too..if a certain person received 5 worst answers in a certain period of time, say a month.. they weren't allowed to answer questions for a period of time, or were reviewed by moderators.or.something.

I know this wouldn't keep away the trolls with so many accounts, but it would keep people who don't belong here, or in other sections from expressing there OPINIONS that don't belong in a question and answer atmosphere UNLESS the question instigated opinions being shared.

this is bout as infantile as white ppl bitchin bout BET. get over it.

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
sammieneko - I agree and I do ignore them..I don't respond. As far as not reading there replies or posts - its too exhausting to try and filter them out as I browse..and I shouldn't have too honestly. =\

But yes I agree, ignore them.. its what they claim they want from us anyways - even though we wouldn't know of them if they didn't bring themselves into our world here? What children they be..

2 weeks ago
Michael H - I understand how trolls work =p I'm so much talking bout the regulars..they're jackasses and I don't bother. I more mean at least people who come here from the main page..and just take pot shots at us or realize.."wow theres a vegan section..i always wanted to ask if veggies had feelings or if they could eat animal crackers!!.."

2 weeks ago
beertendernick - you're kind of ignorant aren't you? "as a forum for opinions while clearly stating yours. It seems hypocritical" ... did you read where I wrote "UNLESS the question instigated opinions being shared." I'm saying if someone asks give me some good tofu recipes.. no one has any right to answer 'haha tofu sucks..there are none' that isn't an answer, its an opinion.. if someone asked "what do you think of tofu?" then you would have permission from them to reply with opinion..but still in a respectable way.

We have our own qna forum for vegs..its here.

2 weeks ago
al_sparagus - Your a child. The fact that words in general speak volumes to you or that you can generalize tells me you're bad at actually deducting anything deeply and only go by generalizations. Probably why you spend your time in a virtual room filled with people who don't give a !@#$ about you..but I can see now you probably grew up like that so it probably feels like home..- but that doesn't change that you're not welcomed. I understand you'd love more excuses to justify your own idiocy, but I won't give you the privilege.

You are weak and likely self righteous - it's why you'd label people you don't know as such..and I have the right too now because you've proven it for us.

You have 218 answers and only 6 of those people found you the most helpful? thats a little under 3%. Which is probably more then you deserve.

2 weeks ago
Kevin - Your worthless..your words are empty and you have no theory behind your stupidity, it appears you're also pretty prone to feeling attacked emotionally.. I didn't say I wanted to control anyone? I said in other words that I want respect and integrity here.. not fools who want attention - the people of vnv post here too help each other grow by learning and developing or refining lifestyles. WE aren't here to humor your damaged ego.

2 weeks ago
sammieneko - I agree and I do ignore them..I don't respond. As far as not reading there replies or posts - its too exhausting to try and filter them out as I browse..and I shouldn't have too honestly. =\

But yes I agree, ignore them.. its what they claim they want from us anyways - even though we wouldn't know of them if they didn't bring themselves into our world here? What children they be..

2 weeks ago
Michael H - I understand how trolls work =p I'm so much talking bout the regulars..they're jackasses and I don't bother. I more mean at least people who come here from the main page..and just take pot shots at us or realize.."wow theres a vegan section..i always wanted to ask if veggies had feelings or if they could eat animal crackers!!.."

2 weeks ago
beertendernick - you're kind of ignorant aren't you? "as a forum for opinions while clearly stating yours. It seems hypocritical" ... did you read where I wrote "UNLESS the question instigated opinions being shared." I'm saying if someone asks give me some good tofu recipes.. no one has any right to answer 'haha tofu sucks..there are none' that isn't an answer, its an opinion.. if someone asked "what do you think of tofu?" then you would have permission from them to reply with opinion..but still in a respectable way.

We have our own qna forum for vegs..its here.

2 weeks ago
al_sparagus - Your a child. The fact that words in general speak volumes to you or that you can generalize tells me you're bad at actually deducting anything deeply and only go by generalizations. Probably why you spend your time in a virtual room filled with people who don't give a !@#$ about you..but I can see now you probably grew up like that so it probably feels like home..- but that doesn't change that you're not welcomed. I understand you'd love more excuses to justify your own idiocy, but I won't give you the privilege.

You are weak and likely self righteous - it's why you'd label people you don't know as such..and I have the right too now because you've proven it for us.

You have 218 answers and only 6 of those people found you the most helpful? thats a little under 3%. Which is probably more then you deserve.

2 weeks ago
Kevin - Your worthless..your words are empty and you have no theory behind your stupidity, it appears you're also pretty prone to feeling attacked emotionally.. I didn't say I wanted to control anyone? I said in other words that I want respect and integrity here.. not fools who want attention - the people of vnv post here too help each other grow by learning and developing or refining lifestyles. WE aren't here to humor your damaged ego.

Having a worst answer would probably help people from answering trolls' questions as well because you know those trolls would be handing them out like candy. And as we all know, if trolls had no one to answer their unoriginal questions, they wouldn't be having any fun.

In the same respect, I wish they would bring back Thumbs Down for a question, and I wish thumbs down meant something.... so many TDs and your question/answer gets kicked off or something.

Of course any tool for good there is, trolls and their 10 personalities each will abuse, so it will always be tough knowing what would work. Essentially, trolls' parents should have raised them better and loved them more... maybe they were humiliated at the prom; I don't know... but we are just a Q&A forum and can't change that part.

It could also be dificult because those with opinions outside the norm (we used to have an adament abolishionist on here with a low percentage because not everyone could get with his ideas) could potentionaly get punished along with the hateful. I'm sure your brain could figure it out.

If you want to take your answer to Y!A, go here.

I'm less nice before I drink my morning coffee.

ya they should

That is an excellent idea. Good luck getting it to happen.

I think you're on to something! I get a bit irritated with the jackholes who write out a bunch of garbage unrelated to a question. Even worse, the people who deliberately try to hurt people who ask a question. There should be a "worst answer" option, I agree.

I like the worst answer idea, but why not simply ignore the trolls (a.k.a. stupid people with no lives)? If NO ONE responded to them, they would probably get bored. They obviously thrive on any attention they can get.

You can ignore them,but the trolls always pick whoever agrees with them as best answer.Just look at al_asparugus' picks or sister m's picks,they always pick other trolls.


You are about 6 months late if you've just spotted this V&V sectino is being destroyed by meaty trolls !

The forum was ok for the first few months, thats all.

having a worst answer option would just encourage the trolls and give them a target. When we had the thumbs down for questions they used to go after the highest they could get.

Even whn they get thier accounts removed, they are back within a day. it doesn't worrry them.

Its just a game to them, they will play no matter what rules are thrown at them.

the real V&V forums are the private ones, this is now a joke.

I just wanted to say how I loved the name veganconscript, I mean you throw the militancy of your veganism right out there with your handle.

How about you go on a rant about how nobody should not have an opinion different than yours and that all meat eaters should be killed.

Or better yet, don't the name you picked speaks volumes. It is like me using the name meat_nazi to post around here, I am sure you all would love that.

And lets be honest occasionally I rib you vegans for your wacky beliefs, but deep deep down inside, from the bottom of my heart, I think vegans are hateful, self righteous people who want to destroy people like me and our way of life, and I can find examples of that every day of the board. So please don't call me a troll, I genuinely hate you all.

Al kinda took my point ... but you have stated your distaste for the use of Yahoo answers as a forum for opinions while clearly stating yours. It seems hypocritical, and I know that when the vegan people pull together and read my response, I won't be getting an extra 10 points, but I had to state that. You can't be part of the problem when posing radical solutions.

That being said, should there be deductions? Absolutely something to be considered. But if you have all those great ideas, why not make your own question and answer forum for Vegetarians and Vegans? Some of the fun, which is being helpful while increasing your score, would have to be scrapped based on the QandA ability to view all of a users QandA history.

I may be ignorant, but at least I have some basic understanding of punctuation and grammar ... and I'll take that any day over your insults.

And hey, if all else fails, always remember ...

There must be some answer to this. Certainly people who have been kicked off by YA should not be allowed to start back up again with voting for themselves under multiple accounts.

I am not on VnV as much anymore, as I hate to see the trolls on here asking dumb questions over and over. But there are trolls in about all of the sections on YA. Do they have such weak egos that they cannot allow others to live their own lifestyle in peace? Or do they just enjoy starting arguments because their own life is so troubled and they have anger issues that they take out on other people?

I have seen a canning message board online where they had to move the whole message board due to trolls, so it is not just VnV and not even just YA as a whole. The only way to fight them is to report them for what they do..name calling, insults, adult content, objectionable language, not answering the question, other..rant, not a question, chatting, etc and can include ID names with adult content, etc. There are more good people than trolls. It is too bad that YA allows them to start back up after being kicked off, but we all have to fight back.

The negative points for TDs is something to consider, but the trolls could use that too in retaliation with one person voting several times under their multiple accounts and alter-egos.

That's right! You are in the minority! Even in your own section! Ha!

How about some animal crackers?

FWIW, the Yamster is about to give us the option to block users!

I'll reserve judgment until they've got it implemented but this could be interesting.

I'm not Bill Clinton, but I feel your pain. I used to love the V&V section, but I don't anymore. There are so many stupid questions and people just trying to be clever that it's not worth it to me anymore. I've been visiting other sections more than here. The number of lame people posting in this section is appalling. They just want to bash veggies or vegans or try to get a rise out of us. I ignore the posts too, but, as you said! I shouldn't have to. I should be able to peruse the questions without having to roll my eyes at every other one because of its absurdity.
You should write Y!A with your idea. They might implement it and that might make people think twice about being smart aleks.
Thanks for posting that!

Unfortunately it wouldn't work quite right. Although thumbs for questions which use to exist might be similar.

The reality is that you can easily understand why the world has so many problems. The way people act comes out especially when people can get away with it.

Even in schools today people are scared to go since many "younger" people are brought up not showing respect to teachers, parents, and other people.

The majority tends to insult the minority, while ego and ignorance, along with other issues, tend to continue the trend of disrespect.

Lots of people seem to think everyone else has a problem except themselves.

i think this is an absolute excellent idea! i too get very pissed off from jackasses and smartasses that are trying to be funny. so yes, i think they should make it a feature!

nice idea...not only rewards put penalties too...peachy


When you give someone a thumbs down, you don't have to see that answer anymore. So whats the problem?

I would like to point out to you that this is a free service. You get what you pay for. I feel that it is a waste of time to complain about the trolls on this service, and that is actually a form of trolling, too. You are doing nothing more then showing them that they are getting to you, and giving them more reason to be here. Yahoo! has now added an "ignore user" function for this service. I suggest you use it, and just ignore what you might deem to be trolls. If it bothers you too much, just quit this service, and either make your own, or join one that has moderating that is up to your standards.

What I want to know is how does this "JACKASS" get away with using words like "JACKASSES , TROLLS , IGNORANT, BITCHIN", etc..???

Everyone else that uses words like these gets reported and kicked off !!!

Is YAHOO playing favorites to all the V+V's out there, I think so !!!

SO please report this mother F****** @$$HOLE ,

and lets try to get rid of his kind once and for all,..

THATS MY 2 CENTS, have a nice day :o)

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