Is Dr. Pepper harmful for human body?!


Is Dr. Pepper harmful for human body?

My best friend loves Dr. Pepper, but I dont want her to drink it that much. She cares for life, she lives healthy, except she cant resist Dr. Pepper. Is this drink harmful for body? Livers?

Personally, I don't give a damn. Dr. Pepper is the best damn soft drink in existence.

Its fruit flavoured so it must be good

well theres only been bad news about coke &how its bad for us. i dont think dr. pepper would be bad unless you drink it like everyday constantly. but yea i dont drink coke anymore, but i drink dr. pepper once in a while cause its bomb!

It does contain caffeine and sugar,or--in the diet version--artificial sweeteners. If you overdo it you could wind up with the jitters from the caffeine or with weight gains from the sugar.

If your friend lives a healthy life she should be all right drinking Dr. Pepper, as long as she doesn't overdo it.

It shouldn't hurt the liver and it shouldn't harm her body if she is sensible about drinking it.

My sons love Dr. Pepper and drink a lot of it and it hasn't bothered them.

I kind of like it too, but usually take the diet version if it's available.

everything in moderation. no excessiveness. if she is usually a health conscious person, she should already know too many sugars and such is not good. good luck to you helping her.

i don't think it is harmful as long as she does'nt drink excessive amounts, and even then, it wouldn't really harm the liver, she would just put weight on and be high in sugar.

I sure hope not. Especially since I love to drink it.

i dont know specificaly about dr pepper. i know soft drinks are considered bad because of the sugar and stuff. i learned that if you put a steak into a container with coke, the steak will be gone in about a week. if coke can eat the steak, it cant be good for your body

its good for you if you don't drink more than 1 or 2 a day.

Surely not, after all it was invented by a pharmacist in Waco, Texas.

sometimes because of the caffeine

All soft drinks are harmful up to point. Pick your choice. That includes coke, pepsi, sprite; etc.

only drink 1 a day and you will be ok.

it has a chemical in it so that is why you should drink water

I couldn't find a list of ingredients in Dr Pepper, but I know
that it is the oldest soft drink in the US, and originally made
in Waco Texas. In fact when the man who invented it, he
called it Waco. Then later after a friend of his, Dr Pepper.
So it's been around since 1885, when natural ingredients
were used in products because there weren't preservatives in those days.
I know when they first invented Coca Cola, it had Cocaine
from the Cocaine plant.
My mother told me that during WWII, there was a period of
time, where kids couldn't get cola. There was a shortage for
some reason. Back then, I guess Coca Cola was the only
national brand. But the soda fountains only carried Dr Pepper
during this shortage. So you either drank it or you didn't. I'd
have to Google to see when 7 UP came around. It is also an
old brand that I grew up with, since the 40's.
My husband spent a few years in Texas in his teens, and
he loved, Cherry Lime Phosphates. And I was lucky to taste
one once. And it really was good. There was a company
that bottled it, but I don't know for how long. It had both
a cherry and lime taste and it was surprisingly good to the
last drop. I often wonder if it's still made down there.
Anyway, i would think that since Coke can be used as a
degreaser for engine parts, that it would have the most
harmful ingredients. I had an uncle by marriage who drank
Cokes all day and night instead of water or something else.
And he died of stomach cancer. His doctor felt there may
have been a connection to his heavy intake of Coke. But
naturally there was no proof. So I'd feel safe drinking Dr
Pepper instead of colas. Tho Pepsi is my favorite soft drink.

because of the sugars and all the unnatural products that make up a soda, it is considered bad for you if you consume large amounts at a time. my dentist told me to drink only one soda a day, if at all, and to use a straw because the ingredients in your average soda are causing tooth decay and wearing away the enamel of teeth!

If water rots your shoes, think what it does to your stomach!

Actually, moderation is best with all foods .

any soda is bad for you because of the sugar and caffine! Caffine is a minor body stimulant and can make you very hyper and over work your body.

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