Savoury breakfast recipes?!


Savoury breakfast recipes?

I am diabetic and need to eat breakfast - whether I like it or not - but I would prefer to like it and I would like it better if it was savoury and easy to prepare, preferably the night before, and quick to cook. Am I asking too much? Why are there so few breakfast recipes available in books or on line? And alot of what is available seems to be sweet or high fat? Suggestions please. Thanks in advance! Needs to be slow release carbohydrate in it like rice, potatoes, bread (probably better for breakfast!).

try this: spray a flexi muffin pan with olive oil pan spray or, alternately line a muffin pan with paper muffin liners (those things one would make fairy cakes in), set aside...
beat 2 eggs with half a cup (4oz) skim milk, add pepper to taste, a scant handfull of grated Parmesan cheese, 1oz finely chopped onion, bell pepper and tomato or mushrooms, add 1 oz diced ham or chicken. squeeze, the juice out of a 16oz defrosted, frozen spinach packet, mix it all well together and divide between the cups. bake at 350 f for about 15 - 20 mins or until set. pop out when cool, into a plastic freezer bag or bowl. freeze.
each day you can pop two flans in the microwave for less than a minute and have a very yummy savory breakfast that is low in fat and calories, yet high in flavor and nutrition. have a slice of wheat toast with it and it will carry you through to your mid-morning snack...experiment with the ingredients you have on hand. total prep time is about 20 minutes. hope this helps?

not sure of your dietary needs, but a simple one I make when short on time but need a decent breakfast is i microwave poach an egg and some shortcut bacon, whilst cooking my 9 grain bread in the toaster. use a ramekin, spray with spray oil, crack in the egg and pierce the yolk with a fork, then cook in 20 second spurts in the microwave until done to your liking, the bacon can be placed between sheets of paper towel and go in the microwave with the egg and cooked longer once the egg is ready if it doesn't look great yet... go for bacon with as little visible fat as possible to ensure best result. top with some nice hot salsa or sauce.

Spanish omelette, pre-cook new potatoes and keep them in the fridge then just slice and cook with eggs like a normal omelette adding in anything else you fancy. It takes no time to cook and is lovely!

Google is your best friend. Just type in "savoury" or "savory" and "breakfast" and see what millions of interesting ideas there are. Add "lo-carb" to that search list and you'll find more than plenty. For me, if it's a prepare the night before thing, a Frittata is the ideal way to go. They are excellent cold, with a little chili paste (rooster sauce!) or tonkatsu sauce. Experiment with ingredients. Nabayake udon is my favourite breakfast, but easier is to have grilled some salmon in low sodium soy sauce eaten cold the next morning, make the rice- brown for you, my diabetic friend!- and nuke it in a plastic bag the next morning, shredded toasted seaweed over those, and some oriental sauce of your choice over all that. Also look up variations on breakfast burritos, there are millions, they are delicious, you can scramble the eggs the night before, and use wholemeal or wholewheat tortillas.



pre heat sauce pan melt butter and fry spring onions add curry powder add rice and stock and bring rice to boil.just before taking rice off add cream and haddock
chop egg in half and serve hot.

Grilled bacon sandwich (or you could use turkey rashers). Scrambled/poached eggs or roasted tomatoes on wholemeal toast. Yogurt with fruit (fresh, tinned or stewed). Muesli or cereal. Sauteed potatoes with scrambled eggs and roasted tomatoes. Omelet and sauteed potatoes (with any filling for the omelet).

Eggy bread - so quick n tasty! Just dip triangles of bread into beaten egg (both sides) and fry in butter/margerine until lightly golden. Eat plain or spread with tomato ketchup - yum yums!

Easy Breakfast Bake
* 1/2 pound pork sausage
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 2 1/4 cups water
* 3/4 cup quick grits
* 2 tablespoons butter or margarine
* 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
* 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
* 1 cup milk
* 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
* 4 large eggs

In a heavy skillet, brown sausage, breaking up with spatula. Drain off excess fat; set aside. In a saucepan, bring salted water to a boil and stir in grits. Cover, reduce heat to low, and continue cooking for 5 minutes longer, stirring occasionally.In a medium saucepan, melt butter; stir in flour, pepper and milk. Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add cheese, stirring until blended. Add sausage and half of the cheese sauce to cooked grits. Pour mixture into lightly greased casserole. With back of a large serving spoon, ake 4 indentations in grits. Break an egg into each indentation. Bake at 325° for 15 to 18 minutes, or until eggs are done as desired. Reheat remaining cheese sauce to serve with grits and eggs.
Serves 4.

Have you thought about porridge? My mum's diabetic and finds that it helps. You can also start it off the night before, then finish the cooking in the morning. Good with jam, banana, or some people eat it with salt, spice, or even cheese. If you can't stand porridge, how about rice pudding - it doesn't have to be sweet! NB: Just remember to rinse your bowl and the pan before leaving or it'll dry and set like concrete!

Oatcakes are a good slow-release food, and you can top them with just about anything. I like mine with butter and black pepper - weird I know, but good.

Boiled egg and soldiers? Egg in the pan, bread in the toaster, while brushing your hair or knotting your tie. Ta-daa: Multi-tasking!

Mashed banana sandwich. Make it with wholemeal toast for texture, and you've got the sugar to get you out of the door and off to work, then the starch for the rest of the morning.

If you tend to eat on the go, grab some wholemeal tortilla wrap type things, and spread with Marmite and butter, or another filling of choice, roll up and just grab and munch on your way out..

You could look into making your own muesli. A trip to your local supermarket or health food store should yield oats, unsweetened wheat flakes, and various nuts and seeds as well as dried fuit if you want it. Then get a big bowl and mix the various ingredients until it looks good to you. Store in a big airtight jar or box and serve with a splash of milk or plain yoghurt.

Tip: Mum finds that eating nuts and seeds helps her regulate her sugar levels. Why not keep some handy in case you need a snack?

What about Bubble and Squeak? If you have mash and other veg the night before, mix up the leftovers and fry in a nonstick pan until golden. Makes a change!

Hope this helps... Best of luck!

Try a Huntsmans Bfast

Devilled Kidneys (pan fried kidneys rapped in flour and paprika,
cold york ham,
grilled half plum tomatos topped with Stilton,
Scrambled egg made with double cream,
pan fried mushrooms in clarrified butter.
washed down with a cognac.

Bon apetit!!!

Breakfast burrito is the best way to start the day. You can add bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, chili's, anything you like that goes with egg really.

What about porridge (oatmeal) its slow release, or boiled eggs and wholewheat bread. Remember you should have a snack in between breakfast and lunch to help keep your blood sugar at a normal level. You should eat 3 normal meals and have 2 snacks throughout the day.

warm bagels with marmite is nice (either toast or warm in the microwave)

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