Do you love coffee? Why?!


Do you love coffee? Why?

Apart from it waking me up, I love the aroma, it is so comforting, like a hug for your tummy! I LOVE YOU COFFEEEEE!

Yes, it perks me up :)

it gives me a huge warm cuddle

Yes I do love coffee very dearly. I love the taste, smell, and how it makes me feel. I cant get up in the morning without a fresh cup of coffee.

The aroma is the best thing about it.
I like the warmth and I like the taste of GOOD coffee.

i'm 13 and i LIKE coffee.. I DONT DRINK. JUST SIPS. ?

i love Coffee Mate :] it's like to make it sweet i think and creamy and stuff

bwahah ? I eat it alone [powder] yummers xD

I only reason I drink coffee is to put Kahlua in it on the way to work so nobody notices,

Actually NO i don't love coffee, I don't even like coffee* I don't drink the stuff*~ I do tho, like the smell of a freshly brewed pot of coffee...but have tried it several times and YUCK* lol...not my cup of tea*~ (which I also don't drink either lol)

i do love it..the taste the aroma, the hot liquid..the caffine that helps give you a kick.....such a rich full flavor

I LOVE IT!!!! It wakes me up and comes in so many flavors and tastes sooooo good!!!


I never acquired the habit. Don't care much for it, really. I'd rather have a cup of tea.

It tastes great. It's aromatic and I luv drinking them. It sorta give me a boost.

yes, I sure gives me energy, it gives me strength...I enjoy the coffee ritual, whether it be making it at home or going to Starbuck's! All things about coffee are great...

Yes and I can honestly admit that I am addicted to the caffeine

because coffee contains stimulate yourslef to become more energitic by boosting your power. but it will lead to addiction sometimes.

I do love coffee. It helps my mood in the morning and without it I get migraines. I love the taste, the smell. I love to hold my warm mug and hug it like it hugs me from the inside. When it's hot out I love it iced.

Coffee in the morning, coffee in the evening, coffee all through the day. Coffee black or with milk, with splenda or without. Cafe Bailey's, Cafe Moka, French Vanilla, instant or drip, it does not matter. I LOVE COFFEE.

I quit smoking. I need coffee.

No. I drink Tea...

I learnt to love coffee working in cafes. Its quite an experience when you have a good coffee - the smell, the taste, the texture and probably best of all the fact that it gives you an excuse to stop and sit and think about stuff - or think about nothing.

I love coffee.

I don't drink it in the morning as it keeps me awake all day and I hate my job.

I am a brain surgeon and I can't stand the sight of blood. The only way I can get through the day is if I am half asleep.

I loose a lot of patients but they still keep coming.

The first thing I do after work is have a large industrial strength coffee. Black, nothing but coffee, I need the caffeine rush. I want to be awake for the night life --- parties !
I am definitely a night person.

Hurray for coffee.

No, it's bitter tasting to me.

i love coffee it gets me ready for the day

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