Veggies that wear leather explain yourself!!!?!


Veggies that wear leather explain yourself!!!?

Also do you use products tested on animals, (im sure you do) pain killers/hairspray/makeup, the list is endless

All those veggies that don't wear leather or use products tested on animals, DONT reply.

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2 weeks ago
lol ashley im sure u do wear leather!!!

2 weeks ago
lol ashley im sure u do wear leather!!!

vegetarian - old Indian word, meaning 'can't hunt'

I've never seen a vegetable in a leather coat.

Some people didn't become vegetarians due to animal issues - some people chose the lifestyle to live healthier.

I don't wear leather or use products tested on animals. That is what a vegan is. I strongly suggest you do some research before you post questions like these. I have also reported this question to Yahoo! for deletion.

Agree @Boo

vegetarians don't eat meat. it's vegans that don't use any animal products.

Because not everyone is a vegetarian for "moral" reasons. Some just don't like meat and there's nothing wrong with that.
Live and let live.

I am vegetarian, no doubt there is something I am unaware of which I do which adversely affects animals.

But how dare you, ask me to 'explain' myself to you, I wouldn't dream about questioning you over what you eat, or wear. But as you claim to eat meat (in another question), what can there be to 'explain' to you, you probably don't care about the animal cruelty which goes on, to put meat on your table.

Why should I explain myself to you?

I don't understand how a vegetable can wear anything. Its a vegetable not a person.
And as far as products being tested. Who cares what they test it on. It doesn't make any difference to me as long as it does what its supposed to do.

Vegetarians dont eat meat its vegans that dont eat or use any products that come from animals. Vegetarians do buy and wear things that come from animals you wouldnt get a vegan doing so.

Wearing is not the same thing as eating. Veggies do not believe in waste as well. Leather is a by-product and not the main reason for killing cows. Rather than let it rot, it is more respectful to the cow to use the skin. As for animal testing, as long as it does not cause pain and distress.

Why should we explain ourselves. Maybe you should research it.

As other people have said, vegetarians don't eat meat. Vegans don't use any animal products.

Sometimes its hard to avoid. But I'd always choose the non leather alternative, and the products that weren't tested on animals against the ones that are. I know leather and animal tested products can be hard to avoid at times, but I do what I can.

And anyone can reply. People will have an opinion on it whether they do it or not.

shame you are not allowing me to answer your question. I could provide some really insightful information about why they do it.

oh well, never mind eh.

IT so funny how the YA veggies say "Oh we are a peaceful live and let live people, we don't hate anyone"......and then the next post says: EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!!!

Thanks for once again proving veggies are self righteous, preachy, intolerant, hate mongers.

Being a vegetarian is just a diet choice.

Some people will care enough about animal welfare to go veggie, but draw the line at avoiding leather and products tested on animals. They figure they're doign what they are willing to do, and that's more than people who do nothing.

Most of us do this to some extent- we all have out ethical standards, but the general population only takes them so far.

I avoid animal tested products and leather, but you could probably find some inconsistancies in my life too- my hairdresser might wash my hair with shampoo tested on animals, I haven't actually asked. You probably could find little things like this in everyone's life, if you really looked. It's just a case of how far people will go, and where they find it easiest to make changes. None of us are saints.

I can't really judge these leather wearing veggies- they're still not eating meat, and that's helping. I'm not sure why people are so desperate to call everyone who makes some sort of ethical lifestyle choice a hypocrite.

What's there to explain. The definition of vegetarian has to do with what people eat. What they do aside from that is their own choice.

Definitely not something they would have to explain to you or anyone else.

I still have some leather products. Just because I have made some changes so that my own actions have less impact on animal discomfort doesn't mean I'm going to be wasteful and throw old things out unless I feel they are harming me or m family (like with all the chemical household cleaners and beauty products that have gone bye-bye). My lifestyle is not ALL about the animals. It's about being a gentler, more responsible, and healthier human who lives more in line with what I believe Nature intended for us. As my old things wear out I will replace them with more Earth/animal/health-friendly products.

You should lose the attitude. It's doing nothing positive.

It depends on your reason for being a veggie in the first place, surely? I believe in compassionate farming, if a cow was treated with respect from birth to death, I would rather see the whole cow be used including bone, which often used in fertilizing of veggie crops. Unless you have grown the fruit and veg yourself, or know the farmer(s) personally, you'll never know what animal product was used in the food on your plate.

I wear leather shoes I bought before I was a vegetarian. I will wear them until they can no longer be worn. It would be a waste of that animal to just throw them out. Next purchase will be animal friendly shoes. When it comes to products and medicines I try and avoid tested on animal products whenever possible. But doing this and by being a vegetarian is a start in avoiding this sick and cruel industry. As Tesco say, "every little bit helps"!

I'm not one of these you are inquiring about-but why do you care anyways?
How does what anyone else does impact YOUR life?
Why is everyone so da** nosey??

For those who mention animal cruelty, have you ever tuned in to Animal Planet and watched Killer Whales bat around a sea lion until it has beaten it to death? That can't be pleasant. Or maybe you've never seen a cat toy with a mouse before killing it. Again, I would think that would be a horrific death. However, it happens every day in nature. Yet, instantly killing a cow with a bolt to the head is cruel?

I wonder if some vegans believe we are all just animals. If so, then why are they carrying on about how we shouldn't act like animals?

We are part of what is called the "food chain." In nature, herbivores fall into the category of "prey."

In response to the question: "How does what anyone else does impact your life?" Wow ... are you really convinced that no one impacts your life? Let's see here ... your parents had sex to conceive you ... that impacted your life. What people taught you throughout your life has impacted you. Whether a person gets into a car drunk and runs into you on the road can impact your life. Someone walking into an establishment where you are at and starts shooting can impact your life. Be careful about your repsonses.

I'm sure the person who gave me a thumbs down doesn't like being told the truth.

some people are vegetarian because they just feel squeamish at the idea of eating any animals - they don't really care about animal welfare.

When we were 16, my friend Pete did the generic teenage thing of becoming a vegetarian. A couple of months or so later, he turned up to college in a rather swanky pair of suede trainers. "Do you like my new trainers?" He preened. "Yes, very nice" I said. "Isn't it a little bit hypocritical of you to wear suede trainers tho?" "Is it, why?" "Um... don't you know where suede comes from Pete...?" "Uuhhh....??"

I'm not a vegetarian and i wear leather and use hairspray, painkillers and makeup. And this isn't an answer to your question really. But i thought you might like my story.

Leather is a bi product of the meat industry. If the animals weren't killed for their flesh there would be no leather. Wearing a nice leather coat does not make you a killer of cows my friend.
As to painkillers are we expected to abstain from taking medicines just because they are unnecessarily tested on animals, i think not. Now go and take your head out of your backside and see the world for what it is.

I don't eat meat cos I don;t like the taste. Hence why I wear leather shoes. I don't like the taste of coriander either. Doesn't mean I'm not allowed to wear a coriander skirt if I so wish.

There are other reasons for people being vegetarian you know...

I completely agree with doctresswho and others, why should we explain ourselves to you?

Im a vegetarian but I don't wear/use anything that is from an animal/has been tested on animals. It's not only vegans that dont use animal products. The only major mistake I have made which wasnt even a mistake and I dont see why Im explaining myself to you, but whatever, is medication that I had to take for a serious condition that contained an animal product. I know this will probably generate from you words liek "hypocrite" but I couldnt care less really...

something which does really amuse me is when people try and argue with others who evidently know more about the subject...meat eaters are always telling me Im wrong and unhealthy for being vegetarian no using their minds to think about the fact that Ive actually researched it and have been one for years so I should know a bit more...

I dont understand why people cant just leave well alone...I couldnt care less who eats meat and who doesnt, who smokes and who doesnt or what religion anyone is yet someone always has to make a hoohaa and attack others for what they are...I know Im naive but I treat others with respect and I understand that people have different views...but theres no need for others to launch attacks on people because of their lifestyle choice! this applies to veggies and non veggies alike just so you know!

thats my opinion, Im not having a go at anyone I just thought Id say

There are many reasons people may lead vegetarian lifestyles. I know many vegetarians, and a few of them have very restricted diets due to health concerns-- this includes not eating meat, dairy, eggs, etc. So that's another reason someone could be a vegetarian but still wear animal products or use items tested on animals.

I don't really mind if things are tested on animals, they should be pretty sure that the product won't harm the animal testing it though. Animal testing is better than human testing.
I wear leather, I have one jacket given to me which I have worn 3 times, and a couple of leather shoes. Leather is durable and hard wearing, it doesn't cost a fortune and is easily waterproofed. It is a good material for walking boots. I don't mind wearing leather, as long as I don't start ingesting it i'll be fine.
I am vegetarian, but I don't mind animals being killed, that is natural, predators kill all of the time. But, Humans do farm animals very unpleasantly, and people eat far too much meat. It is very wasteful feeding farm animals food that humans could be eating such as grain.
I don't like meat mainly for its physical properties, and I just find the thought of eating it truly repulsive, it makes me think of eating people sometimes as animals and humans are made of flesh. It isn't very appealing raw anyway.
When you look at someones deep knifewound do you think yummy look at all that meat there. no. Infact most people are squeemish when someone internal organs are exposed. Do you wan't to eat this body? no. Well why would you want to eat a pigs or cows then? THERE isn't much difference is there? Eating animals isn't much different from eating people really....

I'm vegetarian, though I will take medication in gelatin capsules if need be. I also have leather boots for the reason I am HARD on my shoes and nothing else will stand up to the wear I put them through. I use scrap leather that would generally be discarded in art. Why? Because I try do the least harm, but no one is perfect.

First of all, vegetarians, by rule, aren't adverse to using animal products like leather. Most don't, however.

A lot of people are trying to make a difference more than they are trying to be ridiculous about making sure no animal ever looked at the products they use. I try to buy stuff that wasn't tested on animals, but you can't always. If I'm dying and I need some medicine that was tested on an animal, I'd probably take it. But if there are two different makeups I like equally, I'll obviously take the one that wasn't tested on an animal. It's about communicating to the industries that use animal products, saying to them that we want other options and there's a lot of money to be had by catering to our needs. And for the record, I own a leather coat and a suede coat-both of which I bought before I was a vegetarian. I'm not going to get rid of them because I'm a veg. now, because the animal is already dead. But I won't be buying any more, ever.

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