What happens if i drink coffee everyday??!


What happens if i drink coffee everyday??

Your body begins to build up a definite tolerance. I'm sure that your teeth will also turn a shade of yellow if you're not taking extra measures to keep them pearly white. :) Also, I noticed that if I drink it everyday and stop, I start experiencing withdrawal effects. Sleepiness, crankiness, and headaches.

But man oh man, is coffee delicious.

You be like 50% of the population!

you stay awake at work

What would you expect to happen???
I have coffee every day and I'm still standing.

I drink coffee everyday too...I'm alright...knock on wood

It depends how much coffee you drink, and when you drink it. If I have coffee too late in the day I wake up and can't get back to sleep. But I love a cup or two in the morning to start the day.

If you think you're drinking too much coffee -- you have the jitters or are having trouble sleeping -- back off slowly, as you will go through withdrawls such as severe headaches if you go cold turkey.

1. You'll be bouncing off the walls.
2. Your teeth will turn yellow.
3. You'll become addicted to caffeine.
4. You may be adversely affecting your health in other ways.

u can form a caffiene addiction like me
or jus stain ur teeth

In moderation - good things:
"The latest research has not only confirmed that moderate coffee consumption doesn't cause harm, it's also uncovered possible benefits. Coffee may reduce the risk of developing gallstones, discourage the development of colon cancer, improve cognitive function, reduce the risk of liver damage in people at high risk for liver disease, and reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease. Coffee has also been shown to improve endurance performance in long-duration physical activities.

Source: Harvard Health Publications, Harvard Medical School, 2006. "

you will get addicted to the caffeine and have a massive headache for a day after you quit. but you will be better off to quit. you will have to keep drinking more and more to get the buzz you first got. and while it's not the most expensive addiction I'm sure it's that much money you could spend somewhere else. I used to drink caffeinated pop a lot and that's kinda what happened to me. but it is easier on your body to eat healthy and have a more sustained flow of energy. Unless of course you drink it because you meet with your friends then of course you are there to meet with your friends and if they probably like you for you not the coffee you drink.

it will make you poop a lot.

you will probably get addicted to it

Everything about coffee is good!! Cuban Espresso By far the best. Have you heard coffee is now good for your heart. So drink up

You pee more then you would if you didn't drink coffee.

your teeth get stained

you'll get headaches when you try to get by w/out it.

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