I lost weight and now my family tells me I look bad?!


I lost weight and now my family tells me I look bad?

I was never overweight by much but lost some weight over the winter and recently a little more since I went on a vegan diet (health reasons) I used to be more built (muscle) and now I am just thinner.

I don't know why my wife is telling me that I look bad but I hear it from my mom and her mom as well. I hear that I look thinner from my co-workers too.

I am 5ft 8in and weigh 155 - my doc told me I am healthy after I got tests done.

Do I listen closely to them or not? What do they hope to gain from their comments? Should I go on a SAD diet and get some cheeks?

Try adding more leafy greens to your diet. Recent research suggests that we should consume 1-2 bunches per day! Greens get 30-50% of their calories from protein and are very high in calcium and iron. They can be blended with fruit into yummy smoothies for easier assimilation. Blending pulverizes the cell walls for us making all nutrients available. This is cutting edge info so try this before going on the SAD. I pretty much guarentee you'll feel great and look better.

Veggie mom for over 9 years.
Greens for Life by Victoria Boutenko

If you like your weight then that is all that matters you should not care what other people think!!!!

Okay, don't be on a diet. People who wants to lose a little bit of weight should try working out and eat healthy. I think you look bad because you lost muscles. Start going to the gym and do some weight training.

Nah your fine. Women just like muscular meaty men in bed. Thats all. Your like a piece of jewelry that walks with them. Your like a 14 carat gold plated watch now. You were a diamond ring before.

youre fine

It's not up to your family. I know that we all appreciate their input. However, how do you feel about your body? Granted, no one is ever 100% happy with their body, but does it bother you personally? I think if you're healthy, and fit, be happy. And be thankful, most people can't lose weight like you.

if you think you look fine and your comfortable with yourself then your fine!!!
be confident bout yourself!!!

well good for you for loosing the weight and getting healthy.They are just not used to the way you look yet.When you loose some weight in the face it does take a while for people to get used to the way your face looks.Please stay at a healthy weight and just be patient with them they will get used to the new you.

If you're vegan and you have made the switch for health reasons, and your doc tells you that you are healthy, you're doing good things for yourself. If you are concerned about your image because you're not as muscular as you used to be, exercise! Eat more vegan food and exercise. Then you'll be healthy, and your wife will still have her muscled-up man.

Without a picture this is not a for sure thing but at 5' 8" 155 you should be so lucky. This could be the key. Are the people that have a "concern" overweight? If so there in lies the problem. A lot of people that over eat [taking in more calories than they burn] don't like it when someone close to them stops the grazing way of eating. You know, just eat to eat. Instead of eating to live they live to eat. Even our television shows are putting overweight people in the spot light more and more. Which mimmicks our world but still doesn't make over eating right. I say stick to your guns. I am 51 years old and have all ways paid attention to my weight.
Be objective. There are those that freak out on fat. They feel fat even when they have none. Are your hip bones showing? If you are 12 that is normal but not once you reach adult hood.
The goal should be, I think, is to have some fat, no ribs showing and no flab or rolls either. If a person is 30 or 50 or 70 pounds over, well look at it this way. Would a non overweight person carry a back pack weighing that much everywhere, even to bed and the shower? Then go to the fridge and put even more in it when it is all ready full? No. But overweight people do that all day long. Even get up at night and eat.
You should look thinner, thin to win. You will live a better life. You will save money on food bills. Your furniture will last longer. Your cars springs will last longer. Your shoes will last longer. You will use less soap.
One last thought. If your fecal material floats then you are eating to much fat. Fat floats. It should sink. This is a fact my friends. Sh*t floats if it is full of fat...............ok then carry on

I have always been too thin for my mother so let the mom thing alone.
As for your wife - this is frig-gen weird that she should make "observations". Jeez, doesn't she understand what is happening to you?
OK - deep breath. Keep the weight and pump up some muscle. Have you had to drop a bundle in a new wardrobe? I hope not.
As for the colleagues - it's normal that the mention
you've lost weight if you truly have. They see you every day don't they? That will soon pass as soon as the "new" thing in you has passed and gone old.
Wife, thin = healthy. Maybe she should drop some unneeded weight? Are you sharing your vegan trip with her? I hope so.
Love her and and hold her tight and she'll not miss the extra pounds you once carried. She'll dig the bones that are closer, much closer to her than before!

If the doctor says you are healthy you shouldn't have an issues. I believe this height and weight is not uncommon for that weight class of wrestlers.

You could work out if you want more weight.

They're probably just used to seeing fat people. That does seem a little thin to me, but you'll balance out. I'd read the book BECOMING VEGAN - it has a section on how to put on a bit of healthy weight (plus the whole rest of the book is just escellent). Losing fat is one thing, but you should try not to lose muscle for your own health. A lot of vegans who aren't monitoring their intake can lose too much weight because they simply aren't eating enough calories. Get the book - trust me!

Please, I beg you! Do not go back on the SAD diet. It will kill you.
155 is kinda thin for someone who is 5'8", but I'd listen to my doc and not the peanut gallery. Same thing happened to me...my Mum thinks I've lost too much weight, but I went to my doctor for a checkup. He ran all kinds of tests when I told him that I'm a veggie and they all checked out swell. He said that I'm one of the healthiest people he's seen in a while (which may not be saying much since he sees sick people all day!). I believe he was referring to his check-up patients....so keep on keeping on if it's working for you!

I wouldn't take what the say to heart... families have a way of saying that kind of stuff.
Whenever someone in my family drops some weight, all the women in my family gather round and talk about how they are too thin and need to eat more. Mind you, this is even when the person who lost some weight is still overweight.

If you feel you might be getting skinny, check out the vegan food pyramid http://www.vegsource.com/food_groups.htm... and make sure you are getting all you need. Sometimes when people go veg they think they can only eat a bunch of vegetables.

Edit- By the way, I checked you BMI on a few sites. Yours is a 23.6, which is on the high end of a normal weight.

i've been hearing that from people lately too.

don't listen to them, if you are happy with your size then that's all that matters, especially since your doctor thinks you are fine. don't gain weight just to please them. =]

Eat more steak and you should be fine in no time at all.

At 5'8 and 155 lbs doesn't sound all that thin. My boyfriend is about 6'3 and weighs only 165 lbs, and while he is thin, he is muscular. Lean is a good word. I think you sound just fine, and if your doctor says your healthy, whoohoo :) You could only benefit by doing some strength training if you want to gain back the muscle.

Grab a big rare juicy steak and a beer . .. be a man.

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