Can one bowl of Capn Cruch be different than another one?!


Can one bowl of Capn Cruch be different than another one?

This is a question that I KNOW alot of you have been wondering, but just haven't had the time to ask.
Answer is: YES!!!

The best bowl of Capn Cruch is when the box is almost empty and there just enough for one bowl,
This is when you get alot of the ground-up crunch at the bottem

It makes me want to donate all my crunch to the poor except for that last bowl.


Same here with Cocoa puffs.

It all depends on the amount of milk you add - the best proportion is 3/4 glass of milk (or whatever liquid you want to use) to activate the Crunchialicious superpower flavor and toastiness

Cap'n Crunch's Ocean Odyssey is a brand new videogame just launched. Check it out using this weblink:

Cap'n Crunch's OCEAN ODYSSEY

I think you need a life. LOL

the poor appreciate your thoughts and concern.

The bottom of any boxed cereal or snack is great- more concentrated sugar or salt "debris". Good for topping anything.

I find that the Crunchberries tend to migrate to the top of the box. You're missing the Crunchberries! Perhaps you should just buy a bag of sugar to pour milk on...

Sometimes late at night, I'll wake up from a sound sleep and in the quiet of the night, my mind becomes clear and I'll wonder:
Why didn't I remember to buy the crunchy Cheetoh's -- I hate the puffy ones!

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