Do Vegetarians/Vegans have more diarrhea than people who consume meat?!


Do Vegetarians/Vegans have more diarrhea than people who consume meat?

Their poop must be all soft and stuff because of no solid items in their diet besides nuts.

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2 weeks ago
Ayu did I hit a nerve? If I did then you have to learn to deal with it. And Mike I did not read this before. Sorry never saw this posted here. And yes if you read the responses somebody else said poop also so I'm not alone.

2 weeks ago
Ayu did I hit a nerve? If I did then you have to learn to deal with it. And Mike I did not read this before. Sorry never saw this posted here. And yes if you read the responses somebody else said poop also so I'm not alone.

I'm not sure but all of these veg-heads bragging about their BM's makes me sick.

Catch me 12 hours after eating a 3# T-Bone blood rare, and I'd stack one of my humungous dumps along side any of them . . .stack it proud, high, and just the right color of brown like the Creator made it. HOOO HAH!


Well since vegetables, fruit, lentils and beans contain lots of roughage...i would say the opposite...vegetarians have no problems with either diarrhoea or constipation. When someone is constipated he is told to add more vegetables in his diet not because they can cause diarrhoea, but because they add more "bulk" so faeces pass along more easily.

now, now kevin, have you been reading foxhunters questions ?

We've had all this stuff before, its boring.

Actually, I have never been more regular or had healthier poops than I have been since I went veggie, except for when I finally cut out dairy products. In fact, now that I think about it, I haven't been sick at all since then. And before you ask, my poops are perfectly formed, come out in one fell SWOOP, and are a medium caramel color which I remember reading years ago was the ultimate healthy color for your poops to be (not dark like they get from eating meat that rots in your colon). Since humans were not designed to eat meat our poops are pretty much PERFECT, thanks.

It's actually the opposite. Regularity is more common for a vegetarian diet (non-junk food) due to the fiber. Meat doesn't have fiber.

you are an idiot... also, at least our bodies are much healthier than yours. your guts are rotting from feeding on dead animals.

No. Actually meat eaters do. Rotting flesh in the intestines will do that to a person. By the way, veggies, grains, beans etc are all solids.

I have to tell you, I was a meat eater and went a 100% Vegan 2 months ago. I have noticed a great deal of how easy and often it is to go. I used to be constipated when I ate meats, sometimes I wouldn't go for almost 2 days. (I can't believe I used to be the graveyard for decomposing, rotting animal flesh).

But I must admit that when I started, the first week was runny because it was getting rid of all the bad gunk in my body that needed to be eliminated, but I don't have that problem anymore!

....You are stupid, seriously.

I'm pretty sure that you are only bold enough to ask such idiotic questions because you're hiding behind a computer.
Not only b/c you're ovbiously a wimp, but a person in their "right mind" wouldn't willingly want to look that stupid up front towards others in the physical sense.
Remember, I said a person in their "right mind," so there's a slight possibility that I could be wrong on this one.
But my instincts tell me otherwise.

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