I am a 11 year old vegetarian. Can you help me?!


I am a 11 year old vegetarian. Can you help me?

I need suggestions for candy I can still eat. I do not like the SoyJoy. I cannot believe how many store items have gelatin and red 40 in them.

Make your own candy. You can make taffee and hard candies by boiling sugar and flavoring to the right point. :) Check out this site. Not all are vegetarian, but lots of stuff to try.


Here is a list :


Sure, Snickers really satisfies you.

I dont know of candy for vegetarians other than those in a health food store for diabetics maybe but..... try this


You don't need any help. An 11 year old who eats their vegetables! That's astonishing in itself.

are you a vegan or a vegetarian???

if you're just a vegetarian then you just don't eat meat or fish. if you are a vegan then you eliminate all kinds of animal ingredients..

you gotta read ingredients on everything if you're shifting over to veganism.

check these site... it will tell you which are vegan and which are animal ingredients....


ALSO, THIS IS IMPORTANT! the peta's accidentally vegan list IS NOT VEGAN! not entirely they don't know what they're talking about! some of that stuff has animal ingredients in them. believe me, I am a vegan.

search for the vegan gummy bears, found in health stores. Also, licorice too. You just gotta go to the right places and you will find a ton of candy options!

Hi, sweetie. Thats a tough one-its really hard to find candy that doesnt have animal or bugs in it. I buy organic sweets for my 12 year old veggie daughter from the health food store-they are expensive, but worth it for her. Ask your mom to treat you to some-I am sure she will. Good luck!

I would not worry about any of that nonsense. Just eat a steak and get over it. Veal is really tasty too.

Congradualation on being a vegetarian. Healthy eating practices learned early in life are shown to carrry through to adult hood.

Some candies include:
Airheads taffy
Atkins peanut butter bars
Blow Pops
Brach’s Cinnamon Hard Candy
Charms lollipops
Cracker Jack
Cry Babies
Dem Bones
Good 'n' Plenty
Goldenberg's Peanut Chews
Hubba Bubba bubblegum
Jolly Ranchers (lollipops and hard candy)
Mary Janes (regular and peanut butter kisses)
Now and Later
Ring Pop lollipops
Smarties (U.S. Brand)
Sour Patch Kids
Starburst (jelly beans and hard candy)
Super Bubble
Swedish Fish
Sweet Tarts
Tropical Source mini chocolate bags

I'm a vegatarian, too.


Newman's Own brand created by actor Paul Newman created yummy peanut butter cups! Site for it here:http://www.newmansownorganics.com/food_p...
There'a also Panda brand red and black licorice:http://www.drugstore.com/qxp84488_333181...
carob candy:http://www.bulkfoods.com/carob.asp...
Pretty much any kind of candy you find in a natural foods store is ideal for a vegetarian diet.

Chelsi was searching for alternatives on her own.

For the man that thinks PeTA is full of terrorists, you're entitled to your opinion.

For the person that claims you can be a vegetarian and eat Twistlers, you are incorrect. They contain Red 40. Fortunately, she knows she cannot have them.

She became a vegetarian on her own. This is a decision she and her sister came to a year ago. No one pressured them or tried to manipulate them.

In fact, school and church officials have tried to manipulate or trick them into eating meat products. One school official went as far as to hid ham in her salad. I have found that most adult are threatened by her spirit and determination to product animals and the environment. I can only guess they are insecure with what they considered her will power.

When she uses this site, her brothers, who are 22 and 18 monitor her use. If, they are not available, then I do. So, I would appreciate it if the meat eaters would respect her and her choice and leave her alone.

hey, thanks for going healthy! um, i shop for candy at organic food stores-they have wide varieties of vegetarian candies there--yum!!!!

Red 40 is vegan. Its a synthetic dye. Not really good for you, but its not cochineal.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/allura_red_...

for the candies see above. Get to know your ingredients list. :)

There is a chocolate bar called green and blacks which is so great, though its quite expensive..at least here its about 3-4 dollars a bar!!

I wish I could offer you more on sweets. My sweets are usually just soy ice cream which I am hooked on. If you enjoy baking there are plenty of sweet things you can make, and of course you always have fruit as an option which could be a quick fix to a sweet tooth. Apples seem to cure it for me. But I wont lie, its mostly soy ice cream..lol.

good luck!

We don't eat candy all that often in our household, so I can't help you there. However, My local health food store (Henry's) sells some awesome vegan dark chocolate by Black&Greene's (I believe is the name). In a couple different flavors!! Mmmm! And since you are still growing you really should watch out for HYDROGENATED OILS (read all ingredient listings, because even though something says Trans Fats Free, that just means there are less than than .5 grams hydrogenated oils per serving for the company to say they are trans fats free, but they are still in there). They are hurendous, man made fats that essentially become plastic in your digestive system, just sitting there. They also cause your bad cholestorol levels to rise while making your good ones decrease. With you still being young, this is a good thing to get out of your diet as soon as possible!!

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