Whole Semi-Frozen Chicken in CrockPot...?!


Whole Semi-Frozen Chicken in CrockPot...?

Got a one pound chicken that needs to be served for dinner tonite, and I'm supposed to be making it in the crockpot. It was in the fridge thawing for over 24 hours (I thought that would be enough), but I realized it was still frozen. Decided to throw it in a sink of water and my hubby told me it was thawed, so I told him to unwrap it for me.

Guess what?

Not thawed. Nope, still frozen on the inside. So frozen I can't even get the giblets out!

No choice about it this bird *HAS* to be dinner tonite (don't ask), so the question is...what do I do?!?

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2 weeks ago
So far I have - cook it as is & whatever you do, *don't* cook it as is. LoL

What about cooking it partway in the crockpot (at least until it thaws) and then removing the giblets? Would that even be possible? I've *SO* never cooked a chicken before!

2 weeks ago
Okay, I just took another look (&poke) at it, and it's not like REALLY REALLY frozen, but it's still going to be a little while...don't know if this makes a difference to anyone...

2 weeks ago
In case you haven't caught on yet...the store is NOT an option.

2 weeks ago
Okay, the giblets are out!

(A little time & a touch of warm water did the trick)

From the sounds of it this means I can cook it now, I've just got to have the time to do it...that's okay, I can stall dinner!

Thanks guys, very helpful!

(Oh and for the record, the inside of a chicken is **GROSS!!!!!**)

2 weeks ago
So far I have - cook it as is & whatever you do, *don't* cook it as is. LoL

What about cooking it partway in the crockpot (at least until it thaws) and then removing the giblets? Would that even be possible? I've *SO* never cooked a chicken before!

2 weeks ago
Okay, I just took another look (&poke) at it, and it's not like REALLY REALLY frozen, but it's still going to be a little while...don't know if this makes a difference to anyone...

2 weeks ago
In case you haven't caught on yet...the store is NOT an option.

2 weeks ago
Okay, the giblets are out!

(A little time & a touch of warm water did the trick)

From the sounds of it this means I can cook it now, I've just got to have the time to do it...that's okay, I can stall dinner!

Thanks guys, very helpful!

(Oh and for the record, the inside of a chicken is **GROSS!!!!!**)

Put it in the crookpot and when its alittle soft try to get the giblets out.

I cook frozen meat in the crookpot all the time its fine.

Order up Boston Market, hide the bag, and pass it off as your own.

what i'd do...is crock it frozen... itll be a lil dryer than usual but you'll at least have it for dinner

whatever you do...don't cook it with the giblets. Maybe thaw it out some more in water, and cook a different way. ie. faster in the oven than in a crock pot!

That's not a good idea. Chicken in a crock pot takes hours if it's at room temp. If you try to slow cook a frozen bird, it won't be safe to eat for several hours more than normal, and you won't know exactly how long. I would go buy another chicken and cook that. Since it's only 1 lb, you can leave it in cold water in the fridge to thaw and see if that does the trick . If not, you won't be eating anything until late night, and you'll either get food poisoning or the outside will be overcooked. I'd stop at the store and grab another chicken, or thaw it completely in cold water and roast it in the oven.

Throw that one back in the fridge, run to the store and buy a fresh one.

I am really suprised that it is still frozen after beeing in thr fridge for 24 hrs and in a sink of cold water. you got one hell of a freezer i guess. I think your best bet is to go to the store and buy another chicken (one that is not frozen).

good luck!

You've GOT to get those giblets out. Run water over it until you get them out...throw in the oven for 350 for an hour with your seasonings and what-not...and then if you really need to crock it...do it after you get it out the oven

Pour some hot water down into where the giblets are frozen. Wait a minute or two, then you should be able to fish them out. YOu can bake or crockpot a partially frozen bird, but if you bake it, it will take longer and might end up a little tougher. If you have all day (you'll need at least 6 hours in a crockpot) then I would toss it in the crockpot, squirt some lemon juice on it, drizzle on some olive oil, salt, pepper and chopped garlic and leave it too cook for the day! Make some potatoes to go with it and a nice salad :) If you don't have the 6 hours, then I would put it in a pan in the oven, prepare it the same way with the olive oil, lemon, garlic, etc.... and bake it at 350. It will probably take 90 minutes or so and I would suggest cutting open a part of the thigh meat when you think it is done. If the juices aren't clear or you see anything bloody still flowing, it isn't done yet.

run the water through the giblets section and gently pull the stuff as it thaws then crock pot it and season put on high and sit back and wait itll take a while longer but its still good.

ok try this, put the chicken in a bowl in the sink. run slow trickle of cold water over it. Change the water every 10-20 minutes for about 2 hrs. Don't try to thaw it in the crock pot. it will only cook it. I tried it once. Huge issue...don't advise it! Anyways if you gte really confused skip asking people online and call the people at betty crocker a call. Its FREE 1-888-275-2388 Monday - Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM CST


Don't panic! You just have to turn it openside up under the tap and run cold water into it until the gibblets come free, after that you are home free.
As you are going to cook it immediatly it won't matter if you start cooking it while the inside is still a bit frozen, just add a 15 minute cooking time to the total cooking time to compensate for the forzen bits and use the recipe you were going to use in the first place. If you don't have one-use this one:

Place into the pot with the chicken:
two small peeled potatoes
two small onions
two sliced carrots
two chopped stalks of celery
two garlic cloves, crushed
4 cups of water or chicken broth
salt and pepper to taste

Cook all ingredients together on high in the crockpot for 2 hours - lift out the chicken carefully and remove meat from the bones and serve soup style in deep bowls

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