Is there anyway to prevent apple slices from turning brown?!


Is there anyway to prevent apple slices from turning brown?

I love apples but a problem with my jaw makes it uncomfortable for me to bite into whole apples. So, I slice them. But if I want to take slices with me to work for lunch or a snack, they are brown by the time I want to eat them. I've heard pineapple juice can slow this process. Any other methods?

Use an apple slicer but do not completely separate the apple at the bottom. By leaving a bit of outer skin intact, you can then cover the entire apple in plastic wrap and it will not turn brown in your lunch box.

Keep apples from turning brown by dipping them into a mixture of lemon juice and water, or cover the slices with cold water

lemon juice

mix salt with water and dip the apple slices in the mixture for a few minutes. it will prevent the apples from turning brown.

To keep apples from turning brown rub Lemon Juice on them. Never heard of using pineapple juice to slow down the process.

Get yourself a juice jug that you aren't using for juice and fill it 3/4 full of cold water. Now add to this about 1/4 cup of lemon juice. Keep this in the frige and replace the water and lemon juice once a week or so.
Now you can slice up apples, even core and peel whole apples and just add them into the jug and they will not turn brown. The acid in the lemon juice keeps the apple fro oxidizing(reacting with air) and turning brown.
In your lunch bag you could always just slice up what you want to take and then put them in a sealer with a bit of lemon juice to keep them going but the storage idea may make it un-necessary to do so as long as they are wrapped in plastic wrap to keep the air off them.

lemon or lime

before u pack them to work, take a few cups of water, and 1/4 cup of lemon juice ( bottle or fresh ), and dip , and keep the apples like that until ur ready to pack them for work. easy as that. sometimes that idea works for other types of fruits and some vegies too.

Lemon Juice works great too keep the apples from turing brown.. Also they have a fruit salad perserve out that you can use to keep fruits from turning brown..

Hope that Helps!!

Soak them in lemon juice. It works.

Dip them in a citrus juice like lemon or orange, this should help.

Actually any type of citrus juice will work as well as any friut juice that ha sa high acid content. Experiment you may find a new taste sensation that you like. The most important thing is to use something that tastes good.

I think you should soak them in water i wouldn't use lime or lemon juice cause it changes the taste of the apples.

If you put just a little bit of lemon juice over the apple slices, that should prevent them from turning brown.
Also try covering them with ceran wrap or put them in a zip lock bag if you don't eat them all at once.

Everyone says to use lemon juice, and I used to until a friend told me to try pineapple juice. It keeps them from going brown without being so tart and sour. Keeps them nice and sweet.

Its acually very simple. All you can do is spinkle some lemon juice on them. Dont cover them with lemon juice cause then it will taste all lemony. Unless you want it to taste lemony.

I sliced so many apples for a party, and while i was doing that I was puting them in ice totally helps

Put some salt water in the ziploc bag with them.It will prevent the browning and keep the apple fresh...

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