LAST DAY OF junk food!!! nomore after today!!!!!!!!!?!


LAST DAY OF junk food!!! nomore after today!!!!!!!!!?

ok i have been a vegetarian for about 2 days so far and today is the last day im eating unhealthy .. and im cutting out junkfood all together .. im going to an organic food store tomorrow so for today im stuffing my face with all the cake and cookies and junk i want cause from tomorrow until the rest of my life im gonna be healthy !!!

do you have any suggestions on anything else i can or should do and things that seem healthy to eat but really arent .. also have any of you guys tried this ?

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2 weeks ago
... i dontthink :denying" sweets will make me unhappy because if im healthy im happy and well junk food isnt healthy so im not happy .. make scence .. good .. and i will ocasionally eat pizza its not like im eating dry salads for the rest of my life .. and i dont need cake and cookird to make me happy

2 weeks ago
ok Jimithy..... meat has no nutritional value exept for protein which i can eaily get from nuts and soy and meats really hard to digest and can cause breast and colon cancer so shut it bumhead

2 weeks ago
... i dontthink :denying" sweets will make me unhappy because if im healthy im happy and well junk food isnt healthy so im not happy .. make scence .. good .. and i will ocasionally eat pizza its not like im eating dry salads for the rest of my life .. and i dont need cake and cookird to make me happy

2 weeks ago
ok Jimithy..... meat has no nutritional value exept for protein which i can eaily get from nuts and soy and meats really hard to digest and can cause breast and colon cancer so shut it bumhead

you go!!! l have cut junk food out from my diet for 2 years now but occionally l have some pie or cake! You are going to see a lot changes happen to yourself you are going to be more energetic and more happy lol !!!!

I couldn't hear you over the crackly noises my Snickers wrapper was making as I opened it.

RRR, I kid! I kid!

I too gave up junk food a while back. I love to snack on fruit for a sweet fix. The one thing you'll find is that when you do have something with sugar in it, you will feel it and it won't be good.

But congrats! You're going to feel soooo much better!!!

Nah. I tried going 3 days without going to Burger King one time. Does that count. Gotta go quad stacker with bacon is calling my name.

Lol, we'll see how long this lasts. I don't think you should deny yourself the occasional treat. As long as you eat healthy for the rest of the day, go ahead and have some dessert. Being happy is part of being healthy.

Go for it! enjoy your organic foods coz i'm still enjoying pizza. yummmm! <*-*>

eat some junk food but not a lot because it will be easier to not be that temped to eat the junk food.

My sister in law is vegetarian and she does eat junk food. It's a personal choice, but I wouldn't cut out sweets alltogether. If you deprive yourself of having something, then you're going to start craving it and then you'll cave in and then pig out. I'm not a vegetarian, but am losing weight. I allow myself to have one bad thing per week so I don't have this happen. Eat in moderation and you'll do fine. And don't stuff your face today because you're going to regret it when you're done.

famous last

really bad idea altogether your going over board and will likely fail just look for slightly healthier options no need to get dramatic I have done that before by the way and I got really skinny and really sick and I thought I was doing all the right things was veggetarian ect but when I went to the doc all my vitals, vitamin levels were horrible and I had lost mainly muscle not fat

You want to eat healthy but you're not eating meat...real smart. Yeah, that's sarcasm. If God didn't want me to eat animals he wouldn't make them so tasty.

Good luck! I have to admit I tried this once and it didn't work well for me. I had cut out a lot of sugar, but my body craved it so much I ended up going back to eating junk in about a day. If this does happen to you I found that allowing yourself one "junk" food on a certain day helps(like a reward). I allow myself one sugary type food once a week and that has kept me eating healthy on all the other days.

I suggest getting rid of all junk in the house, and replacing it with a variety of healthy alternatives. Taking all junk food in the house was a big help, no temptation. If you are living with others that still eat junk then get your own area to store your food so you don't have to open the cabinet and see all the junk food and be tempted. I have a small kitchen so I bought a storage container and put all the food in there. I also have my own space in the fridge.

This is a major change in your dietary habits, so the change is going to be difficult(but rewarding in the end). If your are really dedicated to doing this then do not let anyone else say you can't. I would suggest allowing yourself the occational slip up at first. When I did this, the first few weeks I craved the junk a lot. There were times I felt as if I had to have it, when I felt this I ate the junk. As time passed these intense needs for the junk began to go away and become more managable. Try replacing the really sugary, unhealthy cakes, cookies, etc with the 100 cal cookies, 90 cal granola bars, etc. These are still better than a 250 cal cupcake, etc, and will help you transition a little easier. Now when I eat junk I choose food the ones that have no more than 100 calories in a serving.

Remember that not all things that seem healthy are. Look at salt and sugar content. If you are getting juices, be sure there is no sugar added, etc. Choose foods that have no trans or saturated fat.

I think you might find that going to this much of an extreme is going to be far too much for you to handle for long, let alone a lifetime. It's best, easiest and longest-lasting if you take smaller steps. For the first month, give up fastfood and pop or sugary drinks. The next month, increase your fruit and veggie intake by an additional two servings per day. The next month restrict sweets to once per week, not including fruit. It generally takes one month to make a firm habit. Going overboard like this will likely make you feel SO deprived after a few weeks that you will snap and rubberband back and eat an entire package of double chocolate chip cookies and 10 packages of McDonald's fries ;) Try going a little slower and more gradual :)

Junk food iz okay only if it's once in a while, so why cut it out altogether? That will make you want it more!

It IS possible to eat sweets and chips that are healthy.
Health food stores have delicious sweets and snacks that are actually good for you.
Even some grocery stores now have a natural foods section.
Those would be alright, even on occasion.

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