· What is your opinion of Chinese food? American food? British food?!


·What is your opinion of Chinese food? American food? British food?

Answers: Chinese Yumm, American yumm but not too often thanks, British Yummy more please Indian!!
OOps didn't read the question properly! No opinion!! yes i like them all. i like british and chinese...not american it's too fatty I love Chinese, especially the sauces. I like the fact that "American cuisine" is an amalgamation of many different types. Most British food is pretty bad, if you ask me, except Shepard's Pie. I LOVE Shepard's Pie. I'm not into the beans on toast thing, or the blood pudding thing, or the kidney pie thing. Of course, I'm always up for a little bangers and mash too. Chinese food then
American food then
British food Lurve Chinese, Love American and Hate British food it's very bland, yuck! Now we can talk about Jamaican food for hours, mmm what can I say? Its very spicy, and very deeeeeeeelicious and attractive and so many other things.... British food - Beautiful
Chinese food - too greasy
American food - too sloppy i love chinese food british food but never had american food but ive heard they do massive burgers and sandwiches so i would probably like that too.x I am a huge fan of anything that is Szechwuan, but my favorite is Crispy Orange Chicken. When it comes to American food, it depends on where you are out, down south, Jumbalaya is amazingly good and up north, you have to go with the sweet corn. As far as British food is conserened, I heard a Brit himself say "the best thing about British food is that on almost every corner there is an Indian food place." Chinese, American, British?
All good, but Russian is better! I love Chinese food,American food I'm not quite sure what that is I'm Canadian so if you mean steak and potatoes, fried chicken..... I love that too!! I don't know much about British food you have strange names for your food like bangers why are they called that it sounds like they would explode !! A friend told me the best place to eat is in a pub because the food in the restaurants are very bland unless you have a lot of money to spend!!What are kippers I've heard of that but have no idea what that is? I think it depends who is cooking it. I never tryed british food but i know that ecuadorian food is the best but the cheapest food is chinese.It is also more healther for you. the in one hour you will be hungery. chinese food is really good (at most places) take out a little messy but i have to say once you have thai, it's hard to go back to regular chinese, american food well that's kinda everything from everywhere, that's afterall what america is a big bowl of everyone and everything they bring to eat, that's why we love it right? but american classics what like peanut butter and jelly, grilled cheese, and the almighty baseball hotdog come on who does'nt love those, and british food thanks for the education seriously, i did'nt even know they had there own food, my bad lol Chinese is awesome! I love it cos it feels so light. British...some of it is good...american im not so familiar with apart from junk food so i have a bad impression but im sure is not like taht generally...just my ignorance I live in Los Angeles, it's easy to get good ethnic food here.
What's hard to find is good American food.
So, I'd say American is my favorite; biskets and gravy, chicken fried steak, corn pudding. It's hard to find that stuff, unless you live in the south.
British is rather bland to me, however, I like ground beef, and those little pastries they make with it.
Chinese is good, If it's made well. Being American, I am more in favor of American food. It's so honest. Not hidden in spices and it depends on the goodness of the ingredients. Take steaks for example. Steaks are cooked simply with just a little salt, maybe some pepper. The goodness comes from the quality of the meat. Chinese food is something different, but mostly avoids real extremes in flavor (some regional cooking can be spicey). But as an American, it would be difficult to eat Chinese food every meal. One weakness of Chinese cooking is the lack of really good desserts. The dessert bar in some Chinese buffets is actually full of American and European desserts. British cooking-- if you look closely, you'll see that much of American cooking is actually British cooking. Fried eggs, baked beans (pork and beans in the US), steak and potatoes, sandwiches (named after the Earl of Sandwich), apple pie, etc. I enjoy British cooking very much. Chinese - ???
American - Portions are big, tastes are little. Have no cooking methods or good flavors.
British - What is British food really? love chinese food, love american food.. dont know what british food is? I like them all but I always try and eat the low fat varieties of each one. Real Chinese food is classic. American food, while not bad at all, is generally uninspired. Of course, "American" mean someone else's cuisine that has morphed somewhat, usually. British food, on the other hand, is very under rated. There ARE some bland and strange foods, for sure, but lamb is done best there. Some sea food is quite good, and what they put together with pastry -- steak and kidney pie, et all -- is sometimes quite good and unique. i love chinese food but only certain things (like sweet and sour). british food can be nice but i'm never really too sure what british food is. i guess sheperd's pie counts and i love that. american food? not really but soul food (southern american food is gorgeous). so in a way i like bits and pieces of all 3! Few cuisines have no blemishes - well conceived with good ingredients and well cooked will bring results that please. As to does one like the result - thats down to palate surely not country of origin. american just seems to be portrayed as junk food but i suppose if you dug into real america more things would cop up. chinese is great but takeaways make things too fatty and ruin the natural flavours. i can only really speak of british food because i am from the uk and i only cook british in my restaurant. modern british food is amalgamations of all the different cultures living in the uk but real uk food is to be found in pubs to the north and is very good. chinese food is very tastey but sometimes wishy washy so i am limited to what i dare to try lol, amereican food can go back to america for all i care, and british food hits the heart everytime. yum yum

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