What is the sickest food delicacy You have ever heard of?!


What is the sickest food delicacy You have ever heard of?

monkey brain sandwiches are YUMMO!

Answers: US junk food! DOG MEAT? I could never understand why the green stomach contents of a lobster`s stomach could be considered edible let alone a delicacy! This question makes me think of that old Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom movie... They were somewhere in India at a palace... they were presented with monkey brains chilled and served right out of the monkey head... Huge anaconda.. and when they cut into it all these live baby snakes and eels crawled out... bugs... some other crazy stuff... I know it was only a movie but people do eat that stuff!! Believe it or not In Korea And Other parts of Asia, People eat Still born babys. Sad and sick. Mountain oysters (testicles).
Fried grasshoppers (Mexican treat) Mealworms, blackflies on pizza, nacho cheese covered crickets, chocolate covered spiders and scorpions in suckers. I have lists and more lists if you'd like....lol Sweetbreads, eyes, worms and pets None since different cultures have other opions about food! Anything is eatable especially when one is hungry... Bush meat. ok the eating of still born babies in some Asian countries is a misconception. the rumor was generated when a Chinese artist circulated images on kids being eaten on the web. it was only part of his art exhibits and not real) anyway its all hogwash.

also i think a sick delicacy would be whale (specially coz they are endangered) and also goats eyes. While we are debunking myths, I have to state that they absolutely DO NOT eat monkey brains in India. The Indiana Jones movie has unfortunately created a huge misconception about this.

Okay, now for sick delicacies. This one is true, because I actually tried a microscopic piece. When I was in Iceland I sampled one of their many delicacies called hakarl, which is basically putrified shark meat. They bury shark meat in the sand for six months, then dig it up, wash it off, and eat it. It tasted pretty much the way you would expect. snails, caviar? Rat Feces.

Oh? Don't believe me? Watch this: human female placenta (ewwww) and frog legs yuck! Bugs and earthworms to pair up beers!

That is disgusting! Baloot! Those are wrong! (eggs that are cooked with the maturing live animal inside! I mean BIG fetuses with the feathers and beak developed)
They're a philipino delicacy...I just don't get it! It would have to be monkey brains, and yes, they do eat monkey brains in India. I saw it on a "Faces of Death" movie. They put a small spider monkey in the center of a table that has a hole in it just big enough to keep the monkeys head sticking out of the top of the table, and a cage underneath to prevent him from escaping. They give the guests around the table small hammers and everyone takes turns hammering the screaming monkey on the head until he is dead. Then, they crack his scull open and scoop out the brains and eat it raw. According to tradition, it is supposed to give the diners some kind of special powers or make them really smart or something.

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