Would you dare try the following dishes?!


Would you dare try the following dishes?

1) Pig innards stew with herbs - Kway Chap

2)Braised Sea cucumber with brocoli in oyster sauce
(sea cucumber is a slug which you can find in the sea)

3)Fermented (rotten) shrimps and squid mix with chilli and lime juice - chinchalok, usually eaten with barbecue fish, squids or shellfish

All the above can be found in Singapore and Malaysia :)

Tell me which country you are from.

Note. No. 1 is my favorite.

Additional Details

1 day ago
Sea cucumber is said to contain alot of collagen, which is good for women!!!

1 day ago
Sea cucumber is said to contain lots of collagen, which is good for women!!!

Answers: 1 day ago
Sea cucumber is said to contain alot of collagen, which is good for women!!!1 day ago
Sea cucumber is said to contain lots of collagen, which is good for women!!! It all sounds quite yummy!

I am of the opinion that; if a dish has survived long enough to become 'a dish', enough people have eaten it and not passed away for it to become part of the local custom...

Hence, it is probably ok to eat.

In the south (Texas, New Mexico, etc.,) 'pig innard stew with herbs is called 'menudo' and is wonderful!

I don't know sea cucumber, but have eaten sea urchin (the spiny pincushion thing), and THAT is outstanding!

As for the fermented shrimps... Most people know that the ancestor of Worcestershire sauce was the Roman 'garum' and that's a pile of little minnows, fermented in the sun, squeezed and salted... and bottled. Adding some chili and lime juice sound just fine!

Bring it on!

Best wishes Yes, yes, and yes. I'm from the USA. heck no. Why eat that stuff when there are so many other great foods to eat here in the US. Yeah why not?! I'll try anything once (within reason!) - from England x Tried all those - in Thailand.

I am an Australian but born in Thailand. Sorry but no!

There's too many other nice foods around to want to try that.

If I was starving then I guess I'd eat almost anything.
From the UK Puertorican in the house !!!
I would try them of course, and see if I like them. by description I think that the one I will like the best, just like you, is # 1 They all sound very tasty to me. I'm from the US I like No 2 most it is good for health too, I have tried No. 3, I don't eat this one as often as No. 2, I don't know much about No. 1 and am not sure whether I have tried it before or not and certainly if it is on the table, I would eat it.

I'm from Hong Kong, a Chinese. They must taste good because of the seasonings. But I don't eat pork (pig) and don't really like squids. So I'll eat only number 2. United States. I am a former chef from Canada and worked in Singapore and have had all of them and some you would faint to hear.

When I worked in Singapore I had fish head curry at the Apollo and in Thailand I had a dip made with fermented anchovies and chilis served with a cracker like thing made from deep fried frog skin.

And when I was employed witha hotel in Northern Canada, on Baffin Island in Iqaluit, we served a dish for an appetizer called "Muktuk" a salted meat and fat from the narwal, a whale like creature with a single horn, they are also known as sea unicorns, but nothing can beat the "Flipper Pie" from Newfoundland, a meat pie like dish made with the salted and dried flipper of the Harp seal. You make it sound so good! Ha ha I don't know. (USA) Yes to 1, just the lean pork, the tau pok, the egg and kway would do.

Yes to 2 without the sea cucumber.

Many yes to 3, it goes well with many many things...... especially beef soup...

ok... am going out to eat now!!!! yum! Can I have seconds, please???

I'm sure most people will not even try those dishes since you described them in the worst possible way.

Fermented does mean rotten, but most would assume rotten as terrible or nasty. Beer is a result of fermentation, but you will never see or hear anyone referring to it as "rotten".

Lobster are often dubbed "cockroach of the sea" because like the cockroach, it scavenges the sea for food, eating whatever it finds on the ocean floor. However, you will never see "Sea Cockroach" on any restaurant menu. Nop. Im from Peru. I also will go with # I , (Thai Mu) deep fried innards is also good, I am allergic to sea foods. and watch out for the fermented shrimp and squid. Here in Thailand they have the fermented shrimp and squid and Pal-la a fermented fish. Thais can eat it because they have grow used to eating them all there lives. a falang is not used to it and it can cause quite a bad case of Montezumas revenge.(runs). Thai food is one of the best in the world ,make sure it is hot when you get it.
I live in a jungle village in northern Thailand ,The fermentation is done in a large jar in the back yard.Once they take the top off the jar,you can smell it 3 houses away. Thai people love it. Ugh. No thanks.
I'm from the USA.

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