What's the best type of sushi roll?!
What's the best type of sushi roll?
I'm not a big fish person but I am going to Japan next year and in lieu of eating McDonalds for the entire time, I want to enjoy the food but I want to get an idea of what I'm going to eat first. Can someone recommend sushi rolls that are milder on the palate?
Japanese food is more than just sushi.
You have brothy dishes like sukiyaki...
Fried foods like tempura, tonkatsu...
Noodle dishes... udon, yakisoba, soba...
Grilled foods... terriyaki.
You really won't need to go to McD's even if you avoid sushi...
In terms of sushi, just look at the displays and pictures to decide. I like Unagi which is broiled and has a light glaze on it.