My friend eats?!


My friend eats?

well the other day my friend was eatting dog wit his family and i came over and well they where like try it....
do u guys think thats wrong to eat a dog??
and they told me eatting dog is liek eatting cow....but a dog is good to fitch a beer and stuff but all a cow is good for is cow tipping.....

so do u guys thing its wrong ot eat a dog?? and how do u think i can make my friend family from eatting dog??

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3 days ago
to rephase my last question how do u think i can get them to stop eatting dog??

3 days ago
to rephrase my last question how do u think i can get them to stop eatting dog??


i wonder if there are any dogs missing in his neighborhood...If You have one, keep him away from your house!!! Thats disgusting.

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