Nigiri-zushi, raw fish. People eat that. What next, earthworms?!


Nigiri-zushi, raw fish. People eat that. What next, earthworms?

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1 day ago
Delicacy? I don't think so.

Answers: 1 day ago
Delicacy? I don't think so. What's wrong with it? Who cares what other people eat! By the way if you think raw fish is bad, try raw fish that has been left in a hole to rot and then served. People eat that. And that's OK. people do eat Earthworms.

And have you ever tried raw Fish?

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Dont Judge Before you tried it. I think that if someone told me 20 years ago - before my first nigiri sushi experience - that I would enjoy eating raw fish, I probably would have told them that they were out of there mind.
NOW? I could live on the stuff!
Can't say that I've ever tried earthworms, but people DO eat them...never say never! Sushi is excellent... I especially enjoy the tuna and salmon kind...

Several european countries have different recipes for snails (and they are delicious).

There is a south american tribe that roast a type of large spider similar in size to a big tarantula (afraid I couldn't handle that!).

I think one of the pigmy tribes in Africa eat live termites (I couldn't do that one either!)

The eskimos (inuits) eat raw meat and fish...

The italians invented "Carpaccio" a raw beef dish cut paper thin, served with parmesan flakes and lemon wedges...

In Spain we have "boquerones en vinagre" fresh anchovies (not salted like the italian ones) we clean and bone them, marinate them in salt and vinegar for a few hours, then we rinse 'em to wash away the excess salt, and serve them with parsley, chopped garlic and a drizzle of olive oil and vinegar... Delicious on toast and garnished with hard boiled egg slices..

There are lots of things all over the world that are eaten and enjoyed...You'd be surprised.... And if you tasted some things you might find that you'd like them!
I pass on the earthworms, and fried grasshoppers too, but you never know!!!
:-) What rock are you hiding under, Fred? People have been enjoying "raw fish" for centuries, and they've also been eating earthworms!

You must be one of those odd folk that think it is strange to eat raw tuna, or sea urchin (yum!), but perfectly "normal" to eat slices of a cow's bum!

Here's an earthworm recipe you probably wouldn't enjoy, but it's very, very good!

Earthworm Patties

1 1/2 lbs. ground earthworms (Place live worms in flour for 24 hours to purify, boil for 10 minutes, then grind.)
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 teaspoon lemon rind, grated
11/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
2 tablespoons soda water
1 egg, beaten 1 cup dry bread crumbs
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup sour cream

Combine earthworms, melted butter, lemon rind, salt, and pepper. Stir in soda water. Shape into patties and dip in beaten egg, then in bread crumbs. Place in heated butter and cook for 10 minutes, turning once. Place patties on hot serving dish. Serve with heated sour cream on top.

Bon appetit! Is this supposed to be a legitimate question? Like the two miners in china who were trapped, ate what they could to survive.
But in my opinion, with products being tampered with this day and age, maybe eating like "Gollum" is somebody's was of life, but not mine.

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