Not a pork eater?!


Not a pork eater?

i'm reading the bible and cant get to grips with the thing about not eating pig. am getting confused. its an old version of the bible and the language is hard.

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1 day ago
whats the thing in the bible about the guy fighting and cutting his thigh and saying pork wont be eaten?

1 day ago
its this leg been hurt and him saying to this day pig will not be eaten thing thts got me confused. why just because he hurt his thigh is pig not to be eaten
someone please help me solve this

Answers: 1 day ago
whats the thing in the bible about the guy fighting and cutting his thigh and saying pork wont be eaten?1 day ago
its this leg been hurt and him saying to this day pig will not be eaten thing thts got me confused. why just because he hurt his thigh is pig not to be eaten
someone please help me solve this You've got two entirely different things mixed up together. At one point, Abraham was confronted by an Angel, who insisted that he fight with him - I forget the exact story... probably one of those "god"instigated tests. Well, they got it on, and Abraham prevailed, but evidently he hurt his thigh in the process and it says "the muscles of his thigh did shrink". In memory of the event, the Jews from that time would shun hindquarter meat. To this day, orthodox Jews have only ever cooked and eaten meat from the front end of the cow. Of course, this presents challenges because all the juicier cuts of steak are from the back half of the animal. But the enterprising Jews, over the centuries, have devised some very nifty cooking techniques that have resulted in some very succulent dishes using only the usually less tender and tasty cuts from the fore-parts of the cow. That is where the ruling about hindquarter meat comes from.

Other dietary rules and regulations allegedly given the Jews by "God" decreed that they could eat of the fowls of the air all except scavenger birds. And of the fish of the seas, only those with fins and scales. And of the beasts of the land, only those that chewed the cud, and had the cloven hoof. Well, that made it OK to eat Cow and Sheep. But, while the pig has cloven feet, this animal does not chew the cud, so it was therefore forbidden to eat.

But I, and many people who think as I do, believe simply that the ancient elders, while they didn't have a clue about medical matters, were able to make a connection between people tending to get more health problems from eating pork than from eating other meats. If you want to get the attention and the co-operation of a whole lot of people -especially if it is for their own good - you are a lot less likely to get it if you say to them...."Do this, do that, because we think you should", than if you tell them "God has made it known to us (the Elders) that he requires you to do this, do that, and has instructed us to so order it. Ahhh, now the intensely god-believing jews are told that God demands it, they are surely going to comply.

It's worth noting that in ages past, before anybody knew anything much about hygiene, bacterial infections, viruses etc. etc. the pig did tend to harbor some dangerous elements that could make people very sick... more so than eating other kinds of meat. But these days it's a very different story, and Pork is every bit as safe, hygienic and wholesome as any other types of meat that we are in the habit of eating. Nevertheless, of course, once again, the more extreme, orthodox denominations of the Jewish Faith continue to reject pork meat altogether. Isn't that mostly old testament? The idea is that pigs are filthy animals and consume filthy things, so it's supposed to be morally dirty to eat a pig. You have to state your religion when asking this. If you're Christian-- it's irrelevant since we're under a new covenant. If you're a Jew-- no-- you shouldn't eat pork.


Who is the jackass who thumbed my extremely relevant question? Please defend your action--unless you're a coward. That was way before science told us why pork was unclean. If not cooked properly it can cause parasitic infections. They had no means of knowing this other than experience so they wrote it off the list completely to avoid it. That was the Old Testament, it was a law for the Jews, in the New Testament, the eating rules were done away with for Christians whether they are Jewish or not. Don't sweat it, Paul's vision from God changed the face of cuisine as we knew it.

And superbeast823, as for parasites and other various yuckies, all meat can have them, but we were allowed to eat it, so why was just pork forbidden? I don't think that argument stands. its wasn't as much as a law as the definition of law is today
its more of a good idea of the times that ended up as rule to live by ..
over time this was mythed into law..
reason was that pigs carried Seminole when pig meat isnt cooked to a proper temperature then people got sick and in some cases died..
today that isnt an issue as in the old testament..
our pigs are treated and feed more health diet You must be reading the Old Testament.
Back then pork spoiled very fast, and could kill you. There were no preservatives and no refrigeration. People probably didn't even know that pork had to be cooked until no pink juices flowed out of it.
That's why the orthodox Jews don't eat pork even now. It's a tradition.
There are new Bibles with more up to date verses. I don't read them because they probably make even more translation errors. Basically, pigs eat scraps (wow, i know, big revelation.. haha), and scraps are leftovers or trash from a meal. God thinks of our bodies as a temple, and so if we eat pig (or other garbage eating animals) in into our bodies, then we are "trashing our temples".

And about that thigh thing- i don't remember why, we talked about it a long time ago in Bible Class...sorry..

by the way, they have bible translations online, so you can get a more modern translation.. Here is the New American Standard Bible, which is considered the most literal:

Pork is not really an issue here. It would be interesting to know which bible version you are using.

The *hypothesis* that pork was outlawed because of trichinosis (a deadly parasite) is unlikely, and most *certainly* has no supporting evidence whatsoever. Do not believe such statements (I am amazed at the assurance with which such are proclaimed). Not only pork, but *all* non-cud-chewing four-legged animals were forbidden. As counter-argument, rabbit was also forbidden, even though it's meat is not prone to disease and it eats only vegetation. Horse and camel are also forbidden. Also insects were forbidden (but not members of the grasshopper family). The idea that all of these animals were restricted because of some type of disease that they carried is wholly unfounded.


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