If the Chinese could invent fireworks and printing, why couldn't they invent the knife and fork?!


If the Chinese could invent fireworks and printing, why couldn't they invent the knife and fork?

Am I really supposed to eat my dinner with a couple of tree branches?

Answers: I love using chopsticks! And the fork is a relatively new invention. I traveled through China, and after a day or two could eat almost anything I needed to.

Appreciate the diversity in the world. Just because you belong to a culture that has a fork does not mean it is the best or only thing to use! Who knows? In another hundred years someone may pick up a fork and say "How did they eat with this?" If you get hungry enough, you'll figure out how. Do you realize you make yourself sound RACIST???? thats mean but actually really true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chopsticks are much more civilized. You aren't supposed to be stuffing your face with big gobs of food. Oh windom you are playing into the reaction land. I am trying to decide if you get a real answer......no I think not. Nor am I going to react to you. Have a nice day, I liked twin peaks too. lol
our fav restaurant doesn't set the table with a knife but you can either ask for one or go up to the buffet and get one yourself......I think most restaurants will accommodate if you ask Because chopsticks work better. Once you get the hang of it, you'll see. Come on, if a Chinese child can use them, so can you. They were obviously clever enough to figure out a mechanism which has you baffled. Way to prove your ignorance. Bravo, moron. Chopsticks encourage a person to stop and appreciate the food they are eating without over stuffing them selfs and being pigs. They also require patience and a mind for working out problems. If you stop and actually think about it they have remained unchanged for thousands of years. They are so simple they are brillant If Henry Ford could invent the Model T, why couldn't he invent chopsticks? I asked personally a woman in china why she doesn't use fork or spoon she said it is tradition and she knows the fork but she doesn't want to change the tradition, however they start eating with the sticks and they end with using hands, i guess they are more hungry than we can imagine Authentic Chinese food is made in such a way that you need only chopsticks to eat it. They made the spoon for soups and other liquid type meals. How can you pick on those poor little people? With their little, tiny hands? The forks were too heavy, and their knives were as big as swords! The idea of anything but chopsticks is ridiculous. Bamboo is a weed a grass
why change if it works just fine......
The snobbish others were eating with their hands while scratching their privets... It's easier to catch a fly with chopsticks than it is a fork.
And if you're too broke to buy food,you can fill up on those flies you caught!
"Wax On _ Wax Off !!!" This question reveals ones cultural depravity! Enjoy the art of eating in different ways. Try eating tuyo with a knife and fork...then try eating it with bare hands. Love it.!?
I eat my pasta with a fork but I will look for a pair of chopsticks for my pancit and california maki. Bon Appetite I guess not everybody needs knife and fork. I prefer using my hands....but not in public, of course.
:)) They always kick me out of Chinese resteraunts for making such a big mess. What do they expect, they give me egg drop soup and chopsticks- HOW RUDE!! why do you think they didn't invent them??? actually during the dynasty era, it is forbidden to bring knives and forks like utensils to dine with the superiors and the emperor/war lords, because it is not only dangerous, it is also uncivilized.
in Chinese culture, knives and forks belong to the battle field, not dining table. 1. They use(d) spoon-like ladles, etc, to handle and eat soups and sauces.

2. They use(d) knives too: Their type of cooking involves using knives to cut the food up before cooking. This serves 2 purposes...to conserve fuel by cooking small pieces of meat quickly, and also to honor the diner, by making sure they wouldn't have to inconveniently hack at their food while trying to eat it.

3. They were/are dextrous enough to eat with chopsticks, and don't need a 4-pronged piece of metal to stab their food.

I'm not chinese, but respect the culture and the food. Please, your people were eating with their bare hands that they just scratched their a$$es with when my people came up with chopsticks. If you have such a problem with it, don't watch fireworks and don't read. i love this question.....made me laugh so much

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