Is it safe to use flour in which weevils can be seen?!


Is it safe to use flour in which weevils can be seen?

I have recently thrown away several bags of fresh flour because of the weevils. Should I have returned these to the supermarket or are they safe to use.

Answers: All flour has weevils. The larvae are in the wheat and survive milling. They are tiny and transparent so you can't see them. The adults are black. They are not harmful once the flour is cooked. (Just not very vegan)

If you found adult weevils in the flour within a week or so of buying it, take it back - it means the flour was milled more than 6 months ago. Are you kidding? Of course not! make sure they are not from your cupboards 1st...then return them... Unless you like weevil in your baked goods, you should return it and complain. As is, if they're already tossed, there's not much you can do. Just buy some new flour.

Mmmmmm. Weeeeeeeviiiiiiil...... Unless you're making weevil bread I'd take 'em back! Retch! Puke! Barf!!!!!! I think that if there's weevils in there that you can see, what's in there that you CAN'T see? I rest my case. I wouldn't use it, but I honestly don't know for sure. I just wanted to the your flour in a plastic container in the fridge and you'll never have to worry about this again. Take 'em back and get a replacement. I'd only use it if I had no choice and starving kids - and you bet'cha I'd sift it twice and bake it well done! Let me get this just right - you're asking if it's OK to eat bugs that are visible? Please return this to your point of purchase and think about shopping elsewhere. You should have returned them, so that the supermarket could alert the suppliers and they could rectify the problem. If someone else got sick, they could sue the company for big bucks. It's safe to eat, as long as you're a weevil No you better not use them. Those bugs carry disease and they defecate in the same stuff they eat(the flour). You should bring this to the attention of the manager at the store where you bought them though.

Good luck You should return it to the supermarket, but most market I know are very sanitary. Weevil refuse to eat at your house! why would you want to? I'm sure we eat many things that we are unaware of, but I wouldn't use flour that I could SEE stuff in!!! You only get weevils if the flour is out of date or stored in a warm cupboard. Have you ever checked your salt seller? I do constantly because I have found weevils in this too! Uh . .. no. Bugs in flour probably not dangerous but gawd knows I would not like to eat it. I keep my flour in a plastic bag tied with a tag and then in an airtight container! It stops the bugs from getting in but I don't keep flour for very long. i,ve never heard of a weevil before...are they the wriggly things you can sometimes find in flour? i saw some once and nearly threw up.... No way you should throw them out, unless you want added insect protein...

probably unbrominated or unradiated flour...was it organic? It depends on how long you have had this flour in your to if you should return it to the store, You should check through all of your dry goods to make sure the problem isn't actually in your cupboard. As far as if you should eat it...well , umm, let me think....NO!!! Right.

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