Do people in asia really eat dog.?!

Question: Why eat man's best friend?

Answers: Why eat man's best friend?

We see no difference between pig eating and dog eating. The degree of objection lies in the methods of rearing, transport and slaughter rather than in the choice of species.
The popularity of dog eating is currently increasing at a huge rate - it is evolving rapidly from its traditions as a cottage industry. Now it is no longer a case of a few peasant farmers breeding a ***** once a year and taking the grown puppies to the market for a little extra pocket money. Huge dog farms are being set up using modern scientific factory farming methods.

So what can we do to stop this?
We do NOT approve of calls for boycotts - they are not only ineffective but they actually cause resentment and ill will amongst people who have the potential to be on our side of the argument. Animals Asia Foundation has been concerned with this issue for a long time - their strategy so far has been to raise respect for dogs by promoting Dr Dog and Detective Dog programmes in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and Korea. They have also carried out investigations on dog slaughter in China, Korea and Vietnam. But they feel as we do that more must be done. It is difficult to know what the best route forward is but coordination of everyone's efforts is certainly important - anyone with any ideas, information, or wishing to help, please write to AAPN.

There are currently strong campaigns proceeding against the use of St Bernard dogs for food and against dog eating in Korea where the methods of killing are egregious. These campaigns are a good way to start to tackle the more general problem of dog eating. [And dog eating is a good way to start to tackle the more general problem of the eating of non-human animals].
Unfortunately, much of the anti-dog meat campaigning is tainted by racism - as, indeed, is the resistance to the anti-dog meat campaigning.

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Friends or Food?

Please follow these links for general information on dog eating and the St Bernards problem in particular:
St Bernards - the ideal food dog
SOS St Bernards Dogs
Dog meat business - this link is sometimes not available, a copy is here.
Chinese breeder touts dog meat as new delicacy
Dogs for Food Campaign
Hungarian St Bernard site
Animal People News - a search of their site for "dog eating" produces many interesting articles.
Sirius Global Animal Organisation (Sirius GAO), campaigning to end the export of domestic dogs to China for torture and slaughter for their meat and fur.

Hitherto, dog production for eating has in China been a cottage industry. Peasants would raise a few dogs and take them to the market when they were grown. But now entrepreneurs are applying factory farming principles to the process. Faster growing and more docile breeds are being introduced (eg St Bernards) and the whole business is being scaled up with modern distribution and marketing techniques.
In Yibin, Sichuan Province in November 2001 we visited a dog meat restaurant which had 2 dogs in a cage waiting to be killed and eaten. In another cage were three puppies. The restaurant owner informed us that there are 5 dog meat restaurants in Yibin supplied by two farms about 20Km outside Yibin. We asked to visit these but were repeatedly told that the roads were too dangerous. He said they used about 20 - 30 dogs each month. Dog meat is very expensive compared with pork which is as cheap as ordinary vegetables. Dog eating is not popular in this area amongst the older generation - dogs were traditionally kept as guards and pets but not food. However the younger generation is coming under the influence of other provinces - Guangdong, Hubei, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jilin) - and dog eating is now considered to be fashionable as a special occasion feast. It seems that dog eating gets less popular as you move North in this region. Xichang to the South of Yibin has a much more flourishing dog meat industry. Further North in Zigong we visited one of only two restaurants in the city that sell dog meat. They buy a dog from the market about once a week, kill it themselves and put it in their freezer. About 10 dogs a week are eaten in Zigong. The meat of watch dogs is not considered good. Meat dogs sell for Y100 to 250. (US$1 is approximately Y8).
This is not a myth. I know in Korea that they do eat dog and that they raise dogs specifically for eating them. They do not have the same attitude towards dogs as we do. I don't know that other eastern countries. As a not the Native Americans also used to eat dogs.
Im not really sure
Is dog man's best friend in every culture? No. The Sioux used to eat dog. So did Hawaiians. In the US we can afford to spend billions on pets but in most of the rest of the world that isn't the case. Dogs are just dogs. Why not eat them?
Yes, in Korea I visited market places where dog carcasses were on sale in butcher shops....and in China a dog is viewed as a protein source as well.

As to why...they do not consider a dog as man's best friend... and if your children were dying of hunger as almost 10% of China's population is, you'd kill and butcher any dog you saw if that was all there was to eat. Get hungry enough and everything is fair game.

Remember the Bible...when Jerusalem was under seige hunger was so great that mothers killed and ate their own children....

Nothing new under the sun....
Pigs are smarter than dogs, and we westerners eat pork all the time.

Only in the west are dogs given such high regard as our best friend.

Dogs are not eaten in the Middle East because they consider dogs as being dirty, like pigs.

Yes, in Chinese markets, dog is offered right next to chickens and pigs.
there are some places in the far east that do eat a mans best friend, but in those countries it considered a stable in their diet as much we do chicken, beef ,or pork in ours.
yes, it's a good meat..taste like I right fellow asians..I have not eaten a dog before but bitten by a rabied dog.
That is the rumor and in some Asian countries, supposedly it's true.

I am Asian, from India: we do NOT eat dogs, we dont even eat beef or pork. A good majority of the country is purely vegetarian. India is poor but many Indian beggars would prefer to go hungry rather than compromise their integrity by eating non veg food!

So not ALL Asians eat dog, esp Indians! Please do not insult us with your assumptions!
Hey >>!!
do people eat rabbits, veal, pork
I am sure there are many small animals that may be "PETS" but within special cultures are the normal...
Rather Judgmental FOR "you" to assign best friend....
THIS question boarders on a violation
We don't eat dogs. But probably some crazy people might want to eat dogs???

Anyway, I've never heard any of my Japanese friends, family members and relatives have had dogs and/or cats before, well, because it's not normal for us to eat man't best friends.
only the koreans....and some part of East india
Some do. They don't consider dogs pets but food much like cows or pigs or chicken. The "man's Best Friend" idea is an American concept

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