Is it only in France that you can buy Yogurt. Yogurt, not low-fat yogurt.?!

Question: In the US I have never found Yogurt. In France I ate it all the time. It's creamier and HIGHLY more delicious than any of the 'low-fat' stuff in the US. I've never been able to find it in the US. Is it available at all?

Answers: In the US I have never found Yogurt. In France I ate it all the time. It's creamier and HIGHLY more delicious than any of the 'low-fat' stuff in the US. I've never been able to find it in the US. Is it available at all?
You can get it here but it's marketed towards kids. Yo Baby and Horizon are two good brands and you're right, it's way better.
The Swiss and Bulgarians also make great real yogurt. You have to go to the specialist food stores/delis to get real yogurt, so Google your local delis and check out what they sell. The Eastern European foodstores would probably stock yogurt too.
haha, only in France ???

i think you need to travel more my friend. I`m from México, live in México... down here we got plenty of natural yogurt.. delicious... now.. if you go to almost any place in Europe... you`ll find it too.... Now. if you go to south america... you`ll find natural yogurt as well.

USA makes a lot of good things, good products.. but when it comes to NATURAL goods, i think they are poor producers.
Yes, it's available. I eat it on a regular basis.
If you want some "real" yoghurt, and can't buy any, then just make it!

(If you cannot find live culture yoghurt in your supermarket, you can buy a culture at any local "health food"-type store.)

bon appetit!
Try Whole Foods. They have all kinds of yogurt, including full fat and all natural.
The supermarkets here in New England carry whole milk Yogurt, made by Stonyfield dairy farm cooperative in Connecticut.
I never been to France and I don't like yogurt much but if I went to France I would try the yogurt just because you said it was good.
So that will probably be in the unforseeable future anyway.
Ethnic food shops.
Or make your own. The book Wild Fermentation is pretty good.
in italy too...
we are used to home making it!
Hi, here in argentina there is a variety of 25 different tipes of YOGHURTs (without counting non fat=) and you can find them with everything, even dulce de leche
About finding in the us i couldnt tell you, ive never been there

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