With our diverse heritage, why can't America make it legal to serve cat, dog and kangaroo?!

Question: Many countries cook animals that Americans think are gross, but it would only be a matter of time before the public becomes accustomed to those foods.

Cat and Dog are eaten in many asian countries, with no negative health effects, this would also help with our SPCA problem here in the US.

Austrailians eat Kangaroo meat, this would maybe give Americans more jump in their step, and more energy.

Answers: Many countries cook animals that Americans think are gross, but it would only be a matter of time before the public becomes accustomed to those foods.

Cat and Dog are eaten in many asian countries, with no negative health effects, this would also help with our SPCA problem here in the US.

Austrailians eat Kangaroo meat, this would maybe give Americans more jump in their step, and more energy.
I agree with Fetch 2000 by 1000% !! (and gave her a thumbs up for a teriffic answer)

Instead of adding more animals to the list of non veg eating items, how about trying to subtract from the list?

The American diet doent need any more meat, it should increase the amount of fruits, veggies and legumes in the diet!!
culture thats all
Because are not that desperate to have to eat pets.
It's illegal? I didn't know that. The Sioux used to eat dog and may still, so Americans ought to at least TRY it. Cats don't seem very meaty. Kangaroo is illegal? Hm. I'd try it (and the other two as well.) Oh, well. Most Americans can't think OF the box, much less outside of it.
Horse is eaten in France.
I heard that Korea made dog meat illegal, not that anyone actually enforces it.
Not to cause a big spat here, but I could never eat cat or dog,etc. The main problem I have is how they cook them. They arent even dead yet. I've seen it with my own eyes! I dont think anyone would want to be boiled alive! As the sharks from finding Nemo might say, "Cats are friends, not FOOD!" I'd be a vegetarian first! This is also why I dont eat lobster anymore. If I have any say, this will never be legal here!! If that makes me narrow minded, so be it.
I don't think cats and dogs should be used as food in America, because they are considered companions.

Also I don't think it is healty to eat any animal that eats other animals.

I also think Americans eat too much meat as it is. They don't need any more meat varieties to try.

They need to learn to eat a more balanced diet with more fruits and vegatables, and whole grains.

As far as what animals are eaten in other countries, it is because they do not have a supply of other meats or for religious purpose do not eat foods we eat in America.

There was a very poor family in a third world country, the mother gathered ants to put with her families rice. I don't see anyone running out wanting to eat ants.

Quotes from Gandhi:

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated.

I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man.
Speaking for myself, my heritage is not that diverse. I was brought up to look at dogs and cats, parakeets and guinea pigs as pets, not a source of protien. You said it yourself, other countries think we are gross for eating the animals that we do so basically it's an agree to disagree regional issue. By the way, the New York State Fair serves kangaroo so it can't be illegal in this country to serve it.
I could never eat one of my Cats or dogs.
because in America we have dogs and cats as domesticated pets, so the idea of eating an animal that provides affection and companionship to humans is not well accepted. in theory, humans can eat all kinds of animal meat without any side effects, so it is a social issue. some people argue that dogs and cats have higher intelligence than other animals we eat, but pigs for example are smarter than dogs and are closer to human DNA than cats or dogs. given that there is an abundance of (beef/pork/chicken/lamb) meat available in America, we haven't been pushed to eating cats and dogs yet.
There are close to 500 known edible mammals, yet America typically only farms and eats two or three. It makes NO sense!

The most nonsensical ban of all is the prohibition on horse meat, given that a horse can live a long & productive life, be slaughtered at an advanced age, and STILL be delicious; contrast that with cattle and sheep, who are generally killed young to be tastiest.

Here's a link to a supplier where you can get wild boar, ostrich, deer, buffalo, rabbit, and more...

bon appetit!
Because we have pets in the U.S. I'd be surprised if they ate pet animals in England also. It wouldn't be right to have the neighbor grilling up fido.
They are also eaten in spain but it's different culture besides we love cats and dogs as pets and it's how you're raised i wouldn't want to see any of my dogs being served for a meal. If you want to eat different animals that's fine but we all have to be different in some way. But we also eat deer i've had a lot of deer before but i've felt kind of bad it didn't matter how i was raised i just felt bad since i liked deer a lot, but you have to eat.
I have been to those countries you are referring to. I am pretty sure they eat cats and dogs because there are an abundance of them. They do not have huge cattle or chicken farms and most of the countries are extremely poor. Better to eat a cat than starve. Austrailians eat kangaroo meat because they are all over there. They only eat certain types of kangaroo because they are finding out that some of the species are facing extinction.

I don't know why you would want to eat a cat or a dog anyway. Americans already eat too much meat anyway. The average meal for a child is a hamburger and fries. Hello no wonder we are all fat and out of shape. We aren't even eating to be healthy.

Eat some some vegetalbes for a change and use spices. But have hope because I am sure that if we go into famine or a drought and all the livestock die people will eat whatever they can to survive. Look at history.
I've had kangaroo here, I think... That was illegal?
And alligator, various forms of wild game...

We don't eat so much kangaroo because they don't live here. Many of us do eat deer, but surprise surprise we do seem to have a lot of deer.

Cat and Dog. Weeeeell, depending on the neighborhood...
Do you want to eat cat and dog? I don't. I don't go for horse either.
The dogs served in other countries are often the ones that are ill or mangy... or so I've been told.
My japanese friends have tried to get me to eat horse... but my culture puts a bit of significance in horses- I just can't do it. I asked them if they'd like to eat cat (Nekko!), and they looked nonpulsed. To me, dogs and horses.... and cats too are sort-of by members of the 'folk' category, and do not get eaten.
Not gross. It's a cultural thing.
I was born in the american midwest, but I ate pig feet with breakfast yesterday (given to me by the same folks that shared their wonderful chicken feet recipe with me). It's not gross, it's good. I already consider pig = food (Appologies to the Muslims reading this.), and chicken (birds) = food.

True, very nearly anything can be food to people, but acceptance is going to be cultural (or even religious, which is a part of cultural).

PS: If you ever get the chance, try a springbok burger. Wow.

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