What is Vietnamese cuisine like?!

Question: There aren't a lot of diverse dining options in my area. A Thai place just opened shop and apart from the obligatory Mexican and Chinese establishments, that's about it for ethinc cusine around here. I am going to Virginia Beach this weekend and there is a Vietnamese restaurant near my hotel and I want to try it. Is it comparable to Chinese or Japanese? How would you describe it?

Answers: There aren't a lot of diverse dining options in my area. A Thai place just opened shop and apart from the obligatory Mexican and Chinese establishments, that's about it for ethinc cusine around here. I am going to Virginia Beach this weekend and there is a Vietnamese restaurant near my hotel and I want to try it. Is it comparable to Chinese or Japanese? How would you describe it?

most of it is americanized , it seems to have more vegies and less meat . more peppers / hot chili types of peppers in foods . i order medium spiciness for flavor ... but you will have it hot .. be careful of whole little peppers in i t. hot is way to hot . lol. really a matter of personal taste.

depends on your chinese .... to compare . most cantonese style of a chinese is mild food. schezwan / mandarin have hotter flavored dishes variety.

you should try it a couple times ... see if you like it . nothing ventured nothing gained

yeah, it's a bit similar to chinese cuisine. vietnamese restaurants usually offer lots of vegetables, spring rolls and seafood...stuff like that...it's really really good food!

It's a combination of French and Asian.

From my experience, there is a LOT of fish sauce, but in general, the food is quite bland. Nothing like Thai cuisine.

Vietnamese Cuisine:


Vietnamese cuisine is close to Cantonese cuisine. Which not very salted, not hot as Thai cuisine, considered sour at times and less fat than any other cuisine. You can easily considered a load of vegetable and greens dishes available in the menu. Especially for the soups. A Viets traditional meal consist steamed rice so don't forget to order a bowl of steam rice.
Bon appetit

Vietnamese cuisine is influanced a lot by a Chinese ,since Vietnam was under Chinese control for over 1000 years.It also has some French element as it is a former French colony.As for ethnic cuisine pretty much everything is edible from sea creatures to snakes to insects and of course rice and lots of veggies.

It's very similar to Cambodian cuisine, less spicy than Thai, and more like southern Chinese.

is known for its common use of fish sauce, soy sauce and hoisin sauce. Vietnamese recipes use many vegetables, herbs and spices, including lemon grass, lime, and kaffir lime leaves. Throughout all regions the emphasis is always on serving fresh vegetables and/or fresh herbs as side dishes along with dipping sauce. The Vietnamese also have a number of Buddhist vegetarian dishes. The most common meats used in Vietnamese cuisine are pork, beef, prawns, various kinds of tropical fish, and chicken. Duck and goat/lamb are used much less widely.

it's similar to chinese and has a mixed of french style...

Vietnamese cuisine is mostly bland and very healthy. The noodles, known as 'pho' are clear/white and tasteless. Usually the noodles are soup-based. Like herbal or chicken soup or duck soup. The most famous Vietnamese food would have to be the Beef pho. It's good. There's tender beef cubes in it, pho, bean sprouts, clear beef broth. Very healthy.
It's nothing like Japanese good, and a little like some Chinese foods. Actually I liken it to Thai food more than I liken it to Chinese food. I'm Chinese.

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