Do i report this to environmental health??!

Question: hi, just something i would like other peoples opinions on please?
We went out this weekend, to a italian restaurant and right by the door as you walk in, (on quite a busy road..) they have the desert trolley.. after having a really bad bout of food poisioning a few years ago the thing that crossed my mind was "yuk" (all fresh cream cakes etc) I think the desired effect was supposed to be 'mmm yum yum' as i was sitting eating my meal, it was really warm in there, and all i could think of was those flipping cakes going off by the second.. (and getting a healthy smattering off dirt and dust every time the door opened!!) my stomach turned everytime i saw someone order one... and i bet at the end of the night what wasn't eaten went back into the fridge..
I can't understand how people were ordering them.. it's put me off going there again which is a bit off a shame cos the meal was lovely.. and the deserts looked lovely but surely they should of been in some sort of cooler??

Answers: hi, just something i would like other peoples opinions on please?
We went out this weekend, to a italian restaurant and right by the door as you walk in, (on quite a busy road..) they have the desert trolley.. after having a really bad bout of food poisioning a few years ago the thing that crossed my mind was "yuk" (all fresh cream cakes etc) I think the desired effect was supposed to be 'mmm yum yum' as i was sitting eating my meal, it was really warm in there, and all i could think of was those flipping cakes going off by the second.. (and getting a healthy smattering off dirt and dust every time the door opened!!) my stomach turned everytime i saw someone order one... and i bet at the end of the night what wasn't eaten went back into the fridge..
I can't understand how people were ordering them.. it's put me off going there again which is a bit off a shame cos the meal was lovely.. and the deserts looked lovely but surely they should of been in some sort of cooler??

I would certainly report this to the environmental health dept because to me a trolley full of desserts near a doorway to the road sounds disgusting and is just as much a health hazard as dirty kitchens and vermin.Germs and bacteria breed at a tremendous rate in warm conditions .They should be made to put all their desserts in a refrigerated cabinet.Hopefully you will be preventing loads of people getting food poisoning.

Yes, there are regulations for the storage of food. I would raise the matter with Environmental Health.

Yes, because although it may sound sad, the desert trolley isn't allowed any more, unless I think it's stored in a refridgerated place, ask them, you could be saving others from a nasty 'touch of the old Jefferies'.

That is totally disgusting and against health codes. I would call the restaurant and speak to the manager or owner. If you don't get anywhere on the phone, let them know you are contacting the health dept.

It wouldn't be environmental health, it would be a food services department. Usually the city has regulations for how food is stored and served, and if it violates these terms can be shut down by an inspector.

If you feel the need to report it, first find the right agency by contacting city hall and then let them know what you think.

On the other hand, try to remember that when you eat out you have to expect all sorts of disgusting thigns to happen to your food.

A chef not washing their hands, anyone in the kitchen sweating on it. Having it dropped on the floor and put back onto your plate. If it can happen in a kitchen it sometimes does. For the most part it does no harm if you don't know about it, but if people are getting sick there is a problem.

That is why I cook and invite people over. You can control the degree of disgustingness.

You should have asked to speak to the manager and expressed your reservations about how they handle this trolley .
The fact that you enjoyed the meal and avoided the sweet trolley should be made known to the management and also the fact you may not return because of this issue .
The environmental health will have issued this restaurant with a certificate otherwise they would not be allowed to trade . This certificate is reviewed fairly regularly and if you do have real concerns then yes you should advise them , but perhaps after you have at least given the restaurant a chance to sort it out ?

Usually, the desserts on the dessert tray or trolley are supposed to be visual "samples" only and not for consumption (at least I hope so!).

Unless you can prove that someone actually ate a specific dessert off that specific trolley and became violently ill (then they should file the claim), there's nothing you can really do.

You can contact your local Food & Health dept and see their guidelines. They may send a health inspector. This happened to some friends of ours, they ordered take out and were violently ill afterwards. Do NOT call the restaurant to inquire, this will only serve as a warning & give them "a heads up" for a quick sanitization and discarding of all evidence.

I guess it depends on the restaurant but whenever I have ordered dessert, it's usually either hot (creme brulee, bread pudding....) or it should be cold or sufficiently chilled such as cheesecake, flan...). If the desserts is dairy and room temp. then there's a definite issue.

As you asked for opinions, here's one: I firmly believe that if you want to eat food that's you know is really prepared hygenically, the only way is to do it hygenically yourself at home. The number of times I have seen waiters touch their nose, mouth, other parts, etc., and then touch the plate - ughh! What goes on in the kitchen does not bear thinking. You're right about the cakes. Fortunately, our stomach acids are pretty strong, but occasionally even they do fail us.

Your paranoia is overwhelming and there is some vindication to prosecute..
There is so much sugar in those treats,, your fear is nonsense.
As for the law,, I did not see anyone post a web site...
I have no time to stress on this..
that is my opinion... No offense intended..

oh my god! i cant believe that to be honest id be exactly like you feeling sick when people ordered etc. i feel sick thinking about it! xx

If you had health problems because of food poisoning, maybe would be better to prepare yourself your food. Anyway, in order to protect other people against similar troubles as you had you could contact a representative from the public health department from your local administration.

i can understand u being so paranoid i dont think i would take such a drastic action at first i think i would personally asked to speak to the manager and told him i thought it was a bad idea that the desserts were left in such a warm environment and the see what his reaction would have been then gone back to the restaurant a few days later and if no improvement had been made then i would have reported it to environmental health

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