Assuming you eat Chinese food, DO you use chopsticks? Why or why not please?!

Question: Yes, when I eat Chinese food, I'll use chopsticks.

As u all know, Chinese food on the table are usually communal food, ie to be shared round the table unlike western food which are for individual consumption.
Traditionally, there would not be a practice to scoop the food onto your own bowl as the rice bowl is too small to put all the food in. It is also considered rude to reserve food in your bowl. So, u only pick the food one mouthful at a time. That's why Chinese food are usually cut into bite-size before cooking. Even if it is cooked in chunks or whole(as in Peking duck and suckling pig), they will be cut into bite-size before serving. Hence, the use of chopsticks.

As the saying goes, 'in Rome, do as the Romans do'.

Answers: Yes, when I eat Chinese food, I'll use chopsticks.

As u all know, Chinese food on the table are usually communal food, ie to be shared round the table unlike western food which are for individual consumption.
Traditionally, there would not be a practice to scoop the food onto your own bowl as the rice bowl is too small to put all the food in. It is also considered rude to reserve food in your bowl. So, u only pick the food one mouthful at a time. That's why Chinese food are usually cut into bite-size before cooking. Even if it is cooked in chunks or whole(as in Peking duck and suckling pig), they will be cut into bite-size before serving. Hence, the use of chopsticks.

As the saying goes, 'in Rome, do as the Romans do'.

No, forks have been invented.

Yes, Why? When in Rome do as the Romans do.

only if it's a good day for my hands and they aren't hurting...even then sometimes they cramp up just from the unfamiliarity of using them

sometimes when i can get them, but usually no.

Only when I'm not really hungry.

Yeah, I love to try and use chopsticks when I eat Chinese Food. I still haven't mastered it as well as some of my friends, but once you learn to use them, there's actually a lot you can do with them.

I have never managed to master them.

No cause forks are an advanced method of cutlery compared to chop sticks. Why do things in a backward we get around in cars these days or horse and carriage?

sure, if i feel like it.. but u can eat with forks if you don't know how to use chopsticks...

I occasionally use them. If I use them, it is usually on something that is mostly larger pieces.


no...why should you concentrate on holding ur utensil the right way when ur supposed to be eating? I'd just go with a fork.

Yes, it's fun, it's exotic, it makes you eat slower so you can savor the taste and texture of the food.

Eating becomes more sensual. It's not just an exercise in shoveling grub in the mouth!

have you tried to eat food with sticks!

No, I've tried but had no luck working the chopsticks properly...I'm manually deficient.

Of just seems wrong to not use chopsticks.

Yep - all the time whenever I eat any kind of Asian food.

My dad taught me how to use chopsticks when I was about 5 y.o. and I've enjoyed the fun of using them ever since!

if you're hungry use a fork if not use sticks also depends on the size of the food it takes a long time to eat rice with chop sticks

One good reason for using chopsticks when eating Chinese food is that you typically eat slower and thus recognize when you're full faster. A lot of Chinese food is full of fat esp. fried.

I used to work in a Chinese restaurant, and I use chop sticks. I don't know why; I just like them.

Yes, they are just as easy to use as a fork. I like using chopsticks, and I hate often having to ask for them at a lot of chinese food places. I often just use them at home for things for food other than chinese food, too. No one else in my family has mastered them, but I like them very much.

Yes and no. I've eaten with chopsticks since I was 8. At home, in restaurants, everywhere. When I go to a restaurant now, if they offer me chopsticks I use them. If they don't I don't. I'm 50-50 at home. Why? Well, I'm not Asian so the waitresses often don't offer them to me and I no longer fuss with it. At home, I'm just as likely to eat spaghetti with chopsticks and stir-fry with a fork. Whatever is close and handy.

I use them just because it's the tradition. To each his own.

I don't merely because I can't get the hang of using them :-(

Yup, I love eating with chopsticks.

The chopsticks are fun to use, especially if you eat anything but rice. Also, it helps me to slow down and enjoy my meal.

At the Chinese restaurant I try to use them, becuase I heard that the wood they use can grow back, but it wastes water to use silverware, it is hard to eat some of the food, such as rice, so I use a fork too.

no... I'm finger challenged.. I never know how to pick them up

If they provide them, then yes. Sometimes if I don't ask for chopsticks, they didn't give them to me. I like to use chopsticks.

Yes, mainly because they're easier to clean. Forks are annoying to clean since they're so pointy and tend to rip apart a sponge.

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