Is there any consensus on what the world's greates cuisines are? French and Itialian presumably.?!

Question: I have heard Turkish and Moroccan mentioned too.

Answers: I have heard Turkish and Moroccan mentioned too.

There are epicures who say only French, Japanese, and Thai cuisines are truly great, mature in depth and breadth, etc....

Naw, it's Greek and Italian.

de gustibus means that everyone likes something different and noone can say that what you like is not good...

i'll say: i'm italian and best cuisine is italian ( but i'm italian...)
i cannot understand why french cuisine is so god(i mean, it's fat ad full of smelly things..) ... if i have to choice (not considering italian) i would say mexican

I doubt there is a consensus since everyone's taste and experiences are different.

If you ask an Italian, they would tell you the French learned to cook from Italians.... etc.

Some people love the flavors used in the different Asian cuisines.

You'd probably find it easier to find a consensus on what is NOT the world's greatest cuisine. British food since they boil everything... lol.

Yeah, if you're Euro-centered. Actually, Japanese cuisine is the best. French is second.

French, Italian, Turkish, Morrocan, Greek.....all of them are Mediterranean....

Sorry to say but I don't think there is such a thing as "the best" cuisine in the world. I'm French and even though a lot of people think it is the best, I disagree and think that all ethnic cuisines are great, thai, chinese, italian, indian, greek etc... just a question of taste. It would be like saying "what is the best colour" in the world... there is no answer, there are all equally great and depends on your tastes I guess.

French, then everyone else, last of all American, burgers, bacon and eggs with maple syrup erchhh, oh dear Chas O little touchy are we about the French (frogs) did you say? perhaps if all the wops stayed in Italy most of the American people wouldn't look like the Michelin man

on a overall view,there are great flavors in all ethnic cuisines,however I'am willing to bet that if given a world wide concensus italian food would win hands down,mexican food would come at a solid second.french cuisine is for the chic who think belching cow brains and snails as a way to upgrade class.......please no frogs need reply. ribbit.

Hey there! If you weren't born before the 14th Century, there's a whole world out there. I mainly cook Indian (the whole of the Indian sub-Continent from Pakistan in the north to Sri Lanka in the south) or Chinese (from Mongolia in the north to Canton in the south and as far west as Szechuan). I also cook Italian (not just Bolognese sauce, but also salt im bocca etc.).
At Christmas I do tend to cook a turkey, but with variations for stuffing.
Turkish cuisine is great. Not too keen on Moroccan, although a lamb shank with cous-cous and cummin etc. is a real treat.

Back in the 80's Jeff Smith did a book on the three great cuisines......Roman (Italian), Greek, and Chinese. Most Europeans took their cue from the Roman, the Mediteranneans took it from the Greek and the Asian culture took it from the Chinese. America - well, we just took it from everyone!

Chinese, and French. I can classify any other cuisine as in between or having some mixture of influences.

Italian without any doubt!!

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