Why do some people eat weird animals, like rabbits and frogs? Ew.?!

Question: I recently discovered that some of my family friends enjoy eating rabbit stu every now and then. Why would anyone want to eat that? ICK!

Answers: I recently discovered that some of my family friends enjoy eating rabbit stu every now and then. Why would anyone want to eat that? ICK!

I am a former chef and have worked all over Canada and in Singapore, Japan and Jamaica, what we see as strange and weird or obnoxious they find as everyday food, rabbits have been eaten for centurys along with frogs, it was a survival issue, the rabbits and frog leg's today are strangely enough farmed like chickens and cattle.

I have eaten some weird theing in my career, in Canada and all over the world and all were staples to the local diet, like the whale blubber in Northern Canada, Frog skins in Thailand and goat in Jamaica (all the animal).

I have had insects in both Vietnam and Mexico, and kangaroo meat in Singapore, sometime it is just what is available for consuption, not a matter of just eating defencless creatures.

i find it odd that you don't want to eat it. I am told that Cows and Chickens prefer that humans eat frogs and rabbits. Of course, you never know if that frog you just ate was really a prince...

If it wasnt for rabbits your ancestors probably wouldnt have survived, they are a nutritious, plentiful and very tasty, especially when cooked with their liver and some red wine. Dont turn your nose up at something unless you have tried it.....................

Rabbit are not weird animals.
Rabbits are cute and cuddly. Nothing weird about them.
Frogs are borderline weird, but we all know what they look like and I guess we're used to the way they look.

They are quite commonly eaten and often described as tasting like chicken.

What's weird is a fully grown pig. Most people think of pigs as little Wilbur or Babe looking animals, but a fully grown sow is as big as a VW bug. That is weird to me!

I think it is cruel to eat Rabbit.
My mum made a cassorole with Rabbit. She did not tell me what meat it was until i had tried some. As you probably guess it was rabbit. Which i would never eat again!

I can top that... people in Alaska eat WHALE! And the whale bubbler at that. I think that's so mean. And people in Asia eat real dolphin, like Flipper, not mahi-mahi. And they eat shark; as in Shark-Fin-Soup. They actually catch the shark, cut off it's fins - all of them - then throw them back in the water. It's one of the saddest things I've ever seen... sharks need to swim to live, so when they're thrown back in the water, they just sink, and basically drown to death.

I don't understand it either. For me, if I eat meat, it's beef or chicken.

Good question - you get a star from me.

Everyone has different tastes, from Cows, chicken, pork, frogs, rabbit, squirrel, pheasant, quail, dove, deer, snails, octopus, fish, etc.

I for one like eggplant, but most people think it's disgusting from the name or how it looks and have never tried it. You may eat eggs, I think eggs are a gross weird food.

City Folk>>>!
Really just now??
You never gave a second thought to the times before the pioneers,, all the European countries Russia, China, India, all the natives, and tribes of Africa, South America, millions of places, with NO McD's or supermarkets..
People who have no large land ownership they raise chickens, rabbits, goats, sheep, maybe a pig.
ducks, turkeys because of space and their economy.
For their meat source.. and barter $$
and if they are close to the water for sure frogs. fish, crawdads and crabs ....ALL the Weird stuff.
It should become really weird,, when You realize that life in the city SUCKS.

'Cause they're yummy!!!

Cuz they're weird...

People eat what you called weird animal, because most of them grew up eating things like that, for some of them that was what they parents, could af ford. I grew up in Panama and back home people eat;; Iguana ( a big lizard) octupus , squid, a puffer-fish land- crab, lobster, turtle rabbit tripe(animal stomach& intestin), Mountain- cat sloth and monkey(they call this last one delicasy) i don't think so most of these food i didn't eat and our parents will get soo mad with us for not liking these weird animals i just got a wipping, along with brothers and sisters but we didn't care we just didn't eat all of those weirds animals. My husband was in the Military and was station in Viet- Nam, and they had to survive in the Jungle so they ate bats, sneal and lot's of insects, worms roaches etc, I think is Ew! to, but people and Civilization are different and they eat what is available to them and what they llike, i can accept that , and the way life is now a day we don't know what realy is going to happens who knows we might end -up eating one of these animals, one day to survive i hope not!? take care and if you don't like them just don;t eat them.

Depends on where you're from I think. Rabbits, frogs, turtle, deer, squirrel, crawfish..all that isn't uncommon at all where I'm from! I keep it with deer. I won't go any further than that.

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