Do you mind 1 ethnic group making the food of another ethnic group (in restaurants)?!

Question: Do you think its odd when one ethnic group cooks the food at a restaurant of a different ethnic group? An example would be that in New York, many Mexican workers make pizza in the pizza places and many Asian people make Tex-Mex.
Does this take away from the authenticity of the food? JUST A QUESTION, I personally dont care as long as it tastes good, but I have heard people make comments about it.

Answers: Do you think its odd when one ethnic group cooks the food at a restaurant of a different ethnic group? An example would be that in New York, many Mexican workers make pizza in the pizza places and many Asian people make Tex-Mex.
Does this take away from the authenticity of the food? JUST A QUESTION, I personally dont care as long as it tastes good, but I have heard people make comments about it.

I'm with you , as Long as it's Good Food , I dont care who makes it !

no, a good restaraunt has good food because of a good recipie

I've often wished I could authenticate an ethnic restaurant but I believe the best ethnic cuisines/restaurants are prepared/opperated by people of those ethnicities.

I don't care who makes it as long as it is good.

yum yum

Nah, as long as it is good, who cares? Most of the sushi places anymore are owned by Chinese people, including the one I go to every Friday night. Yum.

Food is food, and a recipe is a recipe -- the ethnicity of the person preparing it doesn't change that.

If the training is authentic then so is the food. It's not who makes it but how they do it. It isn't just doing the recipe, but how do they feel about their art. Many non-authentic chefs and cooks take pride in their work. If it's good, it's good!

Where we live there is this Chinese Food Restaurant "ChopStick"...The owner is married to a Black woman and there are Black delivery guys...Recently when my cousin came to visit, we all went there to eat...If you could have seen the look on his face when he seen all the Black people working in a Chinese restaurant!!!!...LOL

Usually, Mexicans work in almost all ethnic restaurants. They are hard working and NO, it's doesnt detract from the authenticity nor taste. They are trained well and I am sure even I couldnt tell the difference! As long as the food taste & quality are good, then it's fine by me.

Emeril Lagasse makes food from all over the world: I have seen him make Thai, Spanish, Brazilian.... even Indian! He's of Portuguese ancestry and considered one of the best chefs in the US.

Here in KS, just about every restaurant cook is no, I am used to it. They make the food according to the way the owner/manager wants it, so it isn't like they are putting chipotle salsa on my moo goo gai pan.

I did find it strange, though, when I found a chinese woman working as a hostess in an Indian restaurant.

I agree with you. As long as it taste good, I don't care.

I do find it amusing when you go into a restaurant. For example, a Chinese restaurant. I have a preconceived notion that the cooks are Chinese, but when I hear Spanish from the kitchen and when the door swings open to show Mexican cooks. It sort of burst the image I had in my mind.

as long as the people know how to cook

Don't care,....happen to think there are bigger issues in the world

Here in Southern California, we have Hispanics in the kitchen of Panda Express. Not much of a difference, some Chinese food are easy to make. If people want authentic food they'll have to go to an Authentic restaurant. Panda Express or Pick up Sticks aren't that authentic.

as long as the food's good, i don't really care who made it. however i used to work at an italian restaurant and the cooks were all indian and malaysian and they NEVER came out of the kitchen. so the customers just assumed the cooks were italian.

Yes! Unless you were raised with the original food in the original country you don't have clue about what it supposed to taste like, smell like and look like. When I go to italian restaurants I always leave disappointed unless the owner and the chefs are real italian, but most people don't care because to them that is italian food, they don't know any better, like when I go to for example to an indian restaurant, I don't know what real indian food tastes like. I have to add that somentimes even in Italian restaurants owned by Italians the food is horrible beacuse is made for the american taste

No, I really don't care at all.

No. If one ethnic group shouldn't make the food of another ethnic group in restaurants, why should they make the food of another ethnic group in their homes or eat the food of other ethnic groups?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The best Yorkshire pud ever cooked, in the opinion of the judges, was cooked by a Chinese chef competing against Yorkshire chefs in a competition in Yorkshire in 1978. All the world's best cuisines are fusions. They must have started off with somebody learning another cuisine and copying it. Britain's favourite drink is tea, which comes from India and China. Similarly Americans and coffee. Potatoes, chocolate, chilis, tomatoes and corn all come from Central and South America. Before the Pilgrim Fathers, peacock, not turkey, was eaten for Christmas dinner in Britain. Japan learned how to make tempura from the Portuguese. The Chinese who invented chop suey lived in San Fran. I've travelled a lot and like cooking, and I unashamedly use recipes I learned overseas. I give credit to those who taught me.


It does not matter as long as food is good and is conform to what can be expected.
Anyway mostly Mexicans accept to do this job and it is great because it is hard work and they are dedicated to what they do.

What I do not like is the confusion of meals in restaurants pretending for instance to serve Mexican food while it is actually Cal-Mex food or Tex-Mex food.

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