Do Chinese people eat cheeese?!

Question: Tonight my friends and I went out for deep dish pizza & we were saying how much we love pizza and wondering who doesn't like pizza. Then I was wondering do Chinese people eat cheese? I love Chinese food (American Style at restaurants and take out places) but I have never seen any dishes with cheese. Who doesn't eat cheese? The only food I can think that is Chinese with cheese is crab rangoon but this is probably an American only Chinese food. So does anyone know of any Chinese foods with cheese and if so what was it like?

Answers: Tonight my friends and I went out for deep dish pizza & we were saying how much we love pizza and wondering who doesn't like pizza. Then I was wondering do Chinese people eat cheese? I love Chinese food (American Style at restaurants and take out places) but I have never seen any dishes with cheese. Who doesn't eat cheese? The only food I can think that is Chinese with cheese is crab rangoon but this is probably an American only Chinese food. So does anyone know of any Chinese foods with cheese and if so what was it like?

Yes and no. Chinese communities in western, asian cities do enjoy the cheese served up in pizzas and other western ways but the dairy product is rare in Chinese restaurants.

Chinese in China do not eat cheese because imported cheese in supermarkets are expensive; they also do not have a dairy-based culture like the west; and I believe they generally do not like it. Have seen a couple of Italian pizza joints in China go bust - no business!

Never heard of Crab Rangoon (Yangon (also known as Rangoon) is the largest city of Burma) - even the name is a far cry from anything Chinese. Another made-for-America variety; clever Chinese!

yup they also eat cheese fondue!! its fondue with cheese and they sprinkle it wth spices, tthen dip it with bread!! mmm

i have been dating as chinese gentlemen for almost two years and honestly he loves cheese mainly cheddar, and his chinese relitives as well eat cheese, [lus in china they do eat mcdonals and pizza hut, but there they dont eat in very huge quantitys as do we americans

I'm a Singaporean and I couldn't live without cheese! Like it's not really found in Chinese cuisine (some shellfish and crab dishes have cheese for texture, flavour etc) but that doesn't mean we don't eat it(:

Dude... some do some don't u can't generalise a group of people like that i mean think about it they've got the biggest population in the WORLD i mean some have gotta like cheese.

excluding western restaurants in china, chinese people dont generally eat cheese. i'm chinese myself. all my relatives hate it.

yes, we eat cheese. do Italians put soy sauce in their red sauce?

I was married to a Korean and I dated a Chinese girl (should have married HER, but, oh well) and most Chinese (and South Koreans) have to obtain a taste for cheese. My Chinese girl friend could eat pizza, but didn't care for cheese otherwise. My wife liked some fondues and enjoyed when I made a cheese plate once in a while, but never cottoned to pizza. For the most part, cheese is a little disgusting to them. It's an acquired taste.
If you want to have some fun, offer them a root beer.

traditionally Chinese people who leave on high altitude uses goat and horse milk to make cheese, Mongolian had their version of Cheese too.

Modern day Chinese also eat a variety of cheese, maybe not blue cheese, its not to the liking of many Chinese.

well i'm chinese but i grew up in america and i personally love cheese, cheese itz, cheese cubes, cheese pizza, cheese fries, i love them all! but in china you don't see people eating cheese, i'm not sure why this is but even some of my chinese american friends don't like cheese either.

A Chinese coworker of mine is amazed at the quantities of dairy products consumed in America, especially by his kids. He says they put cheese on everything and guzzle milk by the gallon. According to him, dairy foods in general are less common in Asia. Not being racist, but from what I have seen, Asian people are more likely to be lactose intolerant.

I worked in a Chinese restaurant for a while. I don't recall any dishes with cheese or dairy products really. I've always wondered why this is.

In older times (less globalisation) Chinese people had cows, sheep and yaks, goats all which produce milk but dairy products don't seem to have crept into traditional cuisine. This is not a racist question or observation - merely an anthropological one.

P.S. I am from Australia and when I travelled to the US was completely gob smacked on how cheese got on to/was in EVERYTHING - automatically. I asked for a dish and asked them to hold the cheese and the waitress just stared at me!

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