Dried chili peppers tasted a little moist, does this sound like it's been tampered with?!

Question: I just bought about 100g of dried chili peppers, finely chopped, at a bulk food store -- bulk barn, in Ottawa. The chili peppers taste a little moist and I'm wondering if this means the product has been tampered with. There's no unusual tastes or smells, but it does taste a little moist. The quality of this chili pepper is unusually good, and the olfactory really is abuzz after taking it.

What could it be? Should I discard? Should I visit the store and question them? Or is this all a matter of perception?



Answers: I just bought about 100g of dried chili peppers, finely chopped, at a bulk food store -- bulk barn, in Ottawa. The chili peppers taste a little moist and I'm wondering if this means the product has been tampered with. There's no unusual tastes or smells, but it does taste a little moist. The quality of this chili pepper is unusually good, and the olfactory really is abuzz after taking it.

What could it be? Should I discard? Should I visit the store and question them? Or is this all a matter of perception?



"Tasted" moist!? A strange statement. I am not sure I understand...? Do you mean they felt as though they were not bone dry? Felt a little moist in your mouth, on your tongue, in your hand? If they were in your mouth and all you could detect was "moisture", you are among a very small minority on this planet!

In the normal way of things, good quality chopped "dried" chillies are a good colour, supple, and, yes, slightly moist. I would judge you have a good quality product. The drier and greyer dried chilli becomes, the less flavoursome it is. It is time to buy new, when you use several spoonsful to get the same effect as a pinch used to do! LOL!

Do not worry, if the product is no wholesome it will be more than "moist". It will stink! There is absolutely no way you can mistake the difference between edible and inedible chilli.

Although having said that... Someone who eats chilli and can only say it is "moist", may need a second opinion. Give your neighbour a sample to smell, just to be on the safe side!

do you live in a humid climate? could be your answer,considering it was bulk.

no you should be fine it depends on the type of chili so dopnt worry and enjoy yourmeal.

probably the chili peppers got wet somehow, I would suggest you throw them away.

The "moist" in the flake could be the oil that the pepper naturally contains. They've dried it from all of the moisture but you cannot dry the oil out of it. Soooo, I say, if the product looks good then it mst be its natural oil that makes the pepper seem moist.

Were they "dripping"? Was there liquid in the bottom of the container?

Chili peppers are often still flexible when sold.

Is this a chinese product? Is it possible they put a little oil on the chilis to keep them glossy?

There is no writing on the packaging? Usually they are required by law to divulge any ingredients or additives. I would contact the bulk barn, and if the employees there can't answer your question, get the phone number for their corporate headquarters, so you can get an answer.

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