Is is unhealthy to eat spicy food?!

Question: Not unless you have an ulcer. In fact some of the spices are actively good for you.
For instance Turmeric is usefull in treating colds, coughs & tonssilitus.
Ginger is good for muscular pain.
Corriander is said to help improve eyesight.
Cloves are good for toothache, & is helpfull with vomiting.
Aniseed is used as a cure for colic & flatulance.

So, its good to eat spicy food.

Answers: Not unless you have an ulcer. In fact some of the spices are actively good for you.
For instance Turmeric is usefull in treating colds, coughs & tonssilitus.
Ginger is good for muscular pain.
Corriander is said to help improve eyesight.
Cloves are good for toothache, & is helpfull with vomiting.
Aniseed is used as a cure for colic & flatulance.

So, its good to eat spicy food.

It's good for you

No spices are actually good for the immune system :) xx

no. why on earth would it be?

If you body can't tolerate it well.

apparently its good for you. you just need to look at how healthy the Indians are to know that. their skin looks healthy and the shine in their hair doesn't come from products that's for sure.

I always thought it was actually really really healthy.?

No. Moderation in all things.

hot sauce helps you lose from louisiana..we eat ALOT of spicy food and we are still living wonderfully!

spices are very good for you , just stay clear of the spice girls

No the opposite. It is very healthy to eat spicy food as it clears the body of toxins and boots immune systems. It is very good at warding off colds and clearing sinuses.

I am of Indian descent and find it very good at making a sick person healthy again very quickly.

My husband always feels better when I make my hottest curry as it clears his sinuses and clears up his cold. Or if we feel one coming on it stops the cold from taking hold.

I like it a LOT! However, my friend Albert, ate some spicy food once -- AND THEY FOUND HIM DEAD THE NEXT DAY!!!!

No, its not unhealthy to eat spicy foods. Being of afro/carribean background, most of the food that i eat is spicy and myself and my husband have no health problems, in fact i think our immune systems are pretty good and we very rarely get problems with our digestion such as vomiting.

no its good for u

It is good for you.

Just an interesting tidbit I learned, if you look at the majority of spicy foods, Mexican, Indian etc they are all places that are very hot in the summers and are close to the equator. I learned that cultures made their foods spicy in these areas as a form of air conditioning, they would sweat while eating the food, and the sweat would evaporate cooling them off. If you look at cuisines going further and further from the equator, they get less and less spicy.

Totally off track but I thought it was cool.

No spicy food is great for you. Its great for your metabolism.

Moderation is the key, for anything really.


In fact, they ahve disovered that cultures that routinely eat hot and spicy foods (peppers, curries, etc). have a lesser rate of colon and stomach cancer than those cultures who eat mild foods.

you might get the occasional heartburn or it might get in your eye lol
but thats about it!!!


no, it is good for you, actually speeds up your metabolism which in the long run regulats your system and helps in weight loss


No! A really hot spicy meal will protect you from any unwelcome bacteria which may be present in the meat.
That's why it's best to eat the local food when in foreign parts.
When I lived in India, I sometimes had the urge to eat European food. I went to one of the best hotels in Mumbai, but I always got a dodgy stomach afterwards.

Just before leaving Australia, a group of us went to a restaurant. Two of us ordered their 'paté maison', and we both had stomach cramps afterwards. Not the shits, just cramps. On my way back to Europe about four weeks later, I stopped off in Bangkok, where I ate a raw chili salad. No more cramps.

Spcify food is good for ur body but I will not recommed to eat it daily. Am African so I know what am talking about. It is very healthy to eat spciy food in other to clear out ur system

No. Never heard of anyone getting sick or died after eating spicy food.

whilst some of the spices are good for u it can irritate yr stomach. people with ulcers and other bowel conditions shouldnt eat it, but if it doesnt affect u then no reason not to.

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