Are people aware of what Halal entails?!

Question: When you buy your kebab, curry or burger, please spare a thought for the plight of the animals.

Answers: When you buy your kebab, curry or burger, please spare a thought for the plight of the animals.

In response to people saying 'not every take-away sells halal meat', do you think the animals get treated a whole lot better than that in other take-aways? If you can find a place that sells ethically treated meat, please do share.

Morwood, the animal is not treated humanely.

Halal meat - bleeding the animal before death.

The UK law states that animals must be stunned before they are killed. But this is exempt from religious rituals.

Not every kebab or burger or curry is Halal so i will eat mine with impunity

Edit - in response to Moon i love meat and will never stop eating it you cant beat a bacon sandwich for brekkie


&thats why im a vegetarian.

something despicably cruel for the murdered animals who are eaten..why anyone would want to eat the decaying flesh of a murdered sentient creature is beyond me.

yes, I am aware.

do you really think all the kebab shops and curry houses use Halal meat. Not likely.

What plight? Are you vegetarian? As I understand the halal method which is similar to kosher, the animal must be killed instantly - which does not always happen with the way that slaughterhouses usually kill animals. Also there are prayers said beforehand.

The whole point is to respect the animal that is to die and be eaten and to to thank God for its life that will now support human life.

Unless you have a personal dislike of eating animals at all I would think that halal is the more humane and respectful way to do this.

Meat is a necessary commodity that I think about a lot.

I remember there was about to be an article on Panorama about ritual killing but it was pulled at the last minute. Just the trailer of the animal being loaded into the frame upset me. As the Islamic community grew in strength and Halal became more widespread, the horrors of Halal (and Kosher) came from the shaddows. I often drive through Tooting in South London where Halal butchers proudly announce that the meat is 'Guaranteed non-stunned'. Now I always look very carefully for the Halal sign on any ethnic restaurant and when I visit an islamic country I do not eat meat.

Halal method of slaughtering an animal is one of the most inhumane method. I have seen slaughterhouses in a muslim country. The animal dies with a lot of pain and suffering. I invite any muslim to visit one muslim and one modern slaughterhouse to make a decision.

you ever cut yer self with a knife it hurts work the rest out for your self

Halal includes meat that has been killed in a special way, it excludes pork and I expect goats milk is prefered.

I know what halal means, but if you blather on about the "plight" of the animals you obviuosly don't.

Halal means killing the animal in such a way that it suffers the least stress and pain. To ensure this the steps have been laid down in the sunnah. Prayers are being said to make everything right. As moorwood already wrote, the whole point is to respect the animal.

Nowadays EU law requires stunning before slaughtering. I've seen animals stunned before they were slaughtered and I've seen a slaughter that was halal. I personally preferred the halal slaughter, because the electric shock to stun was just grisly. You can tell me all day long that the electric shock or the bolt to the head to does not cause the animal pain before it dies, but how can you be sure? Have you tried it yourself or asked an animal? If there is any chance that stunning causes the animal even more pain than the cut in the throat, it should be killed without. YMMV.

On a personal note I strongly believe that nobody who eats any meat slaughtered the "conventional way" has the right to condemn the muslims or the jews for halal or kosher slaughter. We all try to cause the animal the least pain before eating it, we just go about it in different ways. But in the end, the animal dies for our purpose and convenience.

So cut the cr*p. I'll gladly listen to a Vegan or Vegetarian on why eating meat is bad, but I won't stand any lectures on how bad halal is compared to conventional slaughter. Those who hold these lectures usually have not ever been in a conventional slaughterhouse let alone killed a chicken or rabbit themselves, so they haven't got a f*cking clue what they are talking about. They would like to believe that conventional slaughter is nice, clean and painless as compared to the "bad" halal slaughter. So they protest halal slaughtering by muslims and can feel great about protecting animal rights while still enjoying their steak. Hypocrites!

halal meat is necessary for muslims, if u dont like it you dont have to eat it. they believe u have to slit the throat and drain the blood out as they are not allowed to eat it if there is blood in it. if u saw Long Way Down last night Ewan & Charlie saw a goat slaughtered and said they didnt think it suffered they were happy to eat halal goat. i lived in middle east for 12 years and got used to it. is it any more cruel than the conditions battery chickens are kept it. if u dont like it dont eat it.

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