Why is it...?!
How do they even get the seeds out of the watermelon with out cutting the watermelon open!
Answers: That there are seedless watermelons and not seedless apples?
How do they even get the seeds out of the watermelon with out cutting the watermelon open!
They are bred (hybrid means "crossed") with different varieties of melons that have very small soft seeds, then their offspring are crossed again, etc, until you have a melon with such small soft seeds that they are unnoticeable, like the seeds in bananas.
Plants don't always cross like humans. With some fruits, if you plant a seed from the fruit, the resulting baby will have only the genetic characteristics of the mother, not the father. Something like that may be why there aren't any seedless apples.
I wonder the same thing all the time
I dont really know. But i think and i'm pretty sure some watermelons grow without them.
they are lasered out