Is there a way to tell if a package of cigarettes at the store are expired or not?!
Answers: I work at a small local store at the cash register. The store sells cigarettes. some of them look as if they've been there for years. How can you tell the 'age' of them?
Sell them. If your CUSTOMER expires first, they're safe to sell.
aaahh. quit smoking. go get a package of nicorette gum.
Nope. Not until they're opened. I do inventory on them all the time, and there is always a fight between a buyer/seller of a business over whether or not the buyer will purchase the cigs with the 2 inches of dust and grime on them...and there's no way to know by a date on the pack if they're good. But they're not any good...I see customers bringing them back all the time. Eww.
Cigarettes don't expire. They can sit for years and still be okay. They just don't. Like water, it just doesn't expire.
Hope this helps!!!!
I don't smoke any more. But when I did, I smoked cigs as old as ten yrs old! And they weren't the best ever, and they burned up quick, but they didn't harm me.. well no more than any other cig ever did anyway.
don't smoke!